2016 PostMortem

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2016 PostMortem

Post by DaBurglar »

I was very clear a while back about where I stood with this election year:    I could not, nor would not  vote for ether candidate......I emphatically stated there was NO GOOD choice, nor was there even a clear cut "Less Evil" choice;  but I ultimately did say that if......IF someone just had to vote, if someone is FORCED to choose one of the two major candidates, then I identified Hillary as the less evil of the evil choices.....Now here we are, and I have since also stated a couple times that now more than ever we need people to look and pray to God Almighty to usher along his Kingdom under Christ, because, folks, the mess that is about to be made of the USA, not to mention the WORLD, will require divine intervention to fix.    By the time Inaguration roles around January 20, 2017 will  ANYONE at all remember all the ridiculously stupid, ignorant, inexcusable things Donald Trump said while "running" his campaign?    Will anyone remember that the republican party that ran and elected this guy did so without so much as a outline of a basic plan of government or policy, other than undo and repeal the few things the previous president managed to do in his 8 years in office?    When things turn hopelessly catastrophic, will anyone  remember or care who it was, and why, Donald Trump was selected and elected in the first place?    Why on earth did this man WANT to be president in the first place?    Was he ever specifically asked this question and if so, what exactly was his answer?        Will anyone remember that almost  EVERY respectable and prominent republican public figure (ex presidents, ex congressmen & senators and diplomats, ex candidates) either openly disavowed and criticized Trump prior to the election or refused to endorse him.....in other words, the people in the party who KNOW what they are doing and who KNOW what the job requires and entails and who KNOW this guy is not at all equipped or capable of doing even a MEDIOCRE preformance.   DISASTER......become very familiar with this term......Repeal Obamacare.......and then what?    Seriously, what then?Give him a Chance>?   Ok sure.....even the democrats including Obama himself are all saying the right thing(s), that we need to give Trump a chance and support him because if he succeeds we all succeed.....but succeed at what?  Succeed with WHAT???    Seriously.......WHAATTT?       And by the way, this only shows that the Democrats, sadly, are more reasonable than the Republicans in that at least they are showing a willingness to let this guy have a chance to prove himself.    This man, Trump, openly and blatantly called the election RIGGED 10 days before it happened and essentially said he might not honor or accept the results if they went against him.....well no one is remembering that either, but it does not bode well for this country once he assumes office.    And the attitude and sentiment being shown Trump by both his own party and the opposition, that we need to give him a chance, is totally.......TOTALLY different than what Obama received before, during and immediately after his inauguration in 2008:    In 2008, After Obama defeated McCain by a far FAR wider margin of victory than Trump beat Hillary, Republican closet racists like Mitch McConnel were openly stating that "our job now for the next four years is to ensure that Obama is a one term president"....this was long before the man (Obama) took office and had outlined or proposed one single solid piece of action, proposal or legislation.Hypocrisy, stupidity...ignorance.     The Current republican "party" in a nutshell....Contrast that with the ARROGANCE, IMMORALITY and Lack of Values  that comprises the Democratic Party.       Take your pick.......I choose Jesus Christ and his Kingdom, thank you.  Write in in the next time you vote..... The Democrats, and their immorality party platform, with their "Abortion is a Constitutional RIGHT", and their party being hijacked by the LGBT militants who somehow have made the issue of where (and behind which door) people can and cannot take a pee or poop the all consuming litmus test of the fitness of a candidate,  are turning the USA into Sodom, Gommorrah, Babylon, Egypt and Rome all rolled into one!  And One last thing, and there is no way around this, all you conservative republicans out there (whether you wanted Trump or not.....you got him now....or more appropriately, he has YOU now....):     The Republicans now control the White House, Senate and the House.....and since they were allowed to shirk and not fulfill their constitutional job in approving Obama's final pick for Justice, they now can control the Supreme court as well, all while being the MINORITY party........So here it is, as plain as day and as real as it gets:     You are NOW in control.....ALL OF IT.   You own it, its yours.      Henceforth, whatever happens, good or bad, right or wrong, Calamity or Jubilee, Chaos  or  Bliss......it is YOURS.  Its on you.Nows your chance, no BS, no excuses from this moment forward.     We'll get to see once and for all just whether their way of doing things works.....Tax cuts for the richRepeal and replace Obamacare......Massive government deregulation.....'REBUILD"  our military....

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I feel your pain!

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