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Post by DaBurglar »

oK  did ANY OF YOU HAPPEN TO CATCH  "President" Trumps Kentucky RALLY this evening?!?!!?     Seriously, can someone explain to me what in the H-E-L-L is going on with this buffoon?Why
doesnt he actually start DOING some of these things that he promised
instead of performing a  "Re-start/Rally" each month.....either he is
totally clueless and unable to do any of that which he promised and this
is a distraction/delaying tactic (something he is known for in his
business practices and history), or he has no intention of doing what he
promised and is just setting the stage and engendering confusion so
that when the time is right, he will bail out on all of it......Or maybe he really is just a narcissistic buffoon who is unable to do anything other than rant.....PLEASE read this, its what I have been saying for the past year but in much greater detail and with obviously more authority: ... _the_trick

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Post by Tedlark »

"Or maybe he really is just a narcissistic buffoon who is unable to do anything other than rant....."

Sounds to me like he borrowed a page from your playbook.....

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Lets hope they find substantive proof of collaboration with Russia to influence the election.

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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:11 pm

Post by DaBurglar »

Lets hope they find substantive proof of collaboration with Russia to influence the election.

As one recent former director of both the NSA and CIA stated, there is way way too much coincidence, and far too much "smoke" regarding Trump and Russia and Putin for there not to be at least something really bad in the mix....

It's just really pathetic....All the while the real problems and issues remain festering and unresolved.

What is worse, as several people have stated and which I myself have been stating since the election, when a real true blue bonafide crisis hits, what is Trump going to do? He is incapable of anything except chaotic crisis mode.... Obama for his faults at least was a rational, intelligent well meaning decision maker....Trump is not.

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