Racism is aliv and well.....

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Racism is aliv and well.....

Post by DaBurglar »

https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-man-a ... 8.htmlThis "white american nationalist", come to find out, is a 28 year old total loser, months behind in his rent and is described by neighbors and people who know him as "a real piece of work"....So what does he do?   he acts BRAVELY, and in a self sacrificing move he singles out a 66 year old sickly homeless African american man and ambushes him by stabbing the man repeatedly.Before conservative leaning people start blaming this on the obvious mental illness (as well as EVIL) residing in this "man's" head, I caution you to remember that a favorite gripe against liberals is when they blame certain terrorist acts as just examples of mental illness........The general spirit of racism that exists in this country, and the world, is partly to blame for this crime because it simply makes it more likely and easier to happen.

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Post by Tedlark »

And who is more responsible for the death of the death penalty, conservatives or liberals? Let this scum ride the lightning and be done with him.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Ok.     Clearly this "scuM" deserves the most severe penalty possibly.....UNLESS, of course, he really truly is somehow legitimately mentally ill.     The only way to determine that, sadly is via time and examination.   The answer to your question about the death of the death penalty is NEITHER conservatives nor liberals......the issue is far far far more complex.First off, the death penalty is not "dead"......27 states currently still have it and four have a moratorium on it (meaning its still valid but they are not killing anyone pending intensive review of existing death row inmates cases, to make certain that NO innocent or wrongly convicted person is killed by the state.)second, the people MOST responsible for opposing the death penalty are the RELIGIOUS community and also certain non political advocacy groups that resist labels like liberal and conservative.    The fact is many so called Liberals support the death penalty (Bill Clinton was VERY pro death penalty), and some conservatives oppose it.....There is no evidence the death penalty deters crime at all.....and there is no getting around the fact that, given the Finality of the act (when you execute a person, its over), it behooves the government to make 100000% certain the person was not wrongfully convicted.     If even ONE SINGLE innocent person was wrongfully executed, it would be better to let every other vicious criminal simply spend their life in jail.....There are also some people who think death is actually the easy way out and that the worst criminals do not deserve a nice peaceful execution by lethal injection when they committed vicious heinous violent crimes.    Some people feel it would be better to make them suffer and to work hard labor the rest of their lives, that way at least society gets something out of their miserable lives.

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Post by billryan »

What I don't get is why he felt he had to come to NYC to do this, when he is from Baltimore, a city with a higher percentage of blacks living in it.
I guess that's just what the voices said to do.
Imagine the coverage if this gut was Muslim.

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Post by DaBurglar »

What I don't get is why he felt he had to come to NYC to do this, when he is from Baltimore, a city with a higher percentage of blacks living in it.
I guess that's just what the voices said to do.
Imagine the coverage if this gut was Muslim.This is why its abundantly clear to me that we are living in what the Bible calls the end times.   Nothing makes sense anymore, and the "Spirit"  or mood among people is palpable....You can feel it and sense it, there is this invisible yet omni-present spirit in the world of just plain old HOSTILITY and hatred......people just refuse to even be the most basic level of reasonable and courteous and agreeable.    EVERYONE nowadays is unreasonable, and not just slightly so but to a degree that you actually fear for your safety.You know of what I speak right?  People are just totally unhinged these days, and I think it has a lot to do with a guy by the name of Louis Cyphre

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Post by jetermacaw »

Work place violence in London yesterday.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Work place violence in London yesterday.Indeed......and it was quite a "workplace"!    The friggin seat of London's parliament no less!The latest out of London is that the attacker was a British Born male who recently has claimed allegiance to the Islamic State.    They are saying he never actually went to the middle east (indeed, the actual location of the Islamic state has been changing daily, as it is more a roving band of thugs than an actual state) but apparently was co-opted simply by reading crap on the internet, and then allowing himself to be "worked up" and influenced by this garbage philosophy and world view to the point where he believes he is making something of himself by killing in the name of ISIS.    Notice it is no longer in God (allah)'s name that these morons act, it is in the name or on behalf of ISIS.   Total man made hypocrisy and futility.....As awful as this man's actions are, and as unfortunate as it is for his victims, it is actually indicative of how ISIS power has greatly diminished.....all they can do now is put their hope in the hands of select individual nutjobs who buyin to their garbage and perform these acts.    If you really want to try and defeat ISIS, if it is at all possible to defeat an ATTITUDE or BELIEF, then shut down their internet and websites instead of bombing empty plots in the desert.....seriously, surely the governments of USA, Russia, Europe and even Israel have the power to snuff out the cyber influence of this group, since this is what is doing the remaining portion of damage on their behalf????

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Post by Tedlark »

I have a question regarding the title of this topic. Can someone please explain to me what aliv is and why racism is aliv? Should we, as a society, worry that racism is aliv?

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Post by DaBurglar »

I have a question regarding the title of this topic. Can someone please explain to me what aliv is and why racism is aliv? Should we, as a society, worry that racism is aliv?You should be worried if you really cannot figure out what it means.....a close second in your worries department would by why you'd feel the NEED to go to such lengths and effort to point out an obvious omission of a letter by the thread's originator.     In fact it would not be a stretch to say the thread's originator committed this extremely minor error in large part due to being harassed and harried and intentionally annoyed by.....YOU.Ted, is it really worth it in that extremely small mind of yours to continue to do this to me????      You don't see the rest of the forum rising in unison with you to chase me out of town, do you?    And even if some people share your personal feelings about me, they are not willing to air it in public, like you, because, UNLIKE YOU they are not stubborn narcissistic insecure dolts.You won't confer privately.....you won't even confront me in public to air your alleged and imaginary grievances.....but you WILL incessantly and perpetually harass and hijack and kill every single thread/post I make on this forum.    Hmmm....fits the clinical definition of something none too pleasant.

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Post by Tedlark »

At least I know how to proofread.


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