Final Words

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Final Words

Post by FloridaPhil »

I have been a member of this forum since July 2008.  I have played video poker long enough to remember the good times.   In recent years, video poker has changed.  It started soon after the monetary crisis and continues to this day.   Casinos have continued to downgrade their games and the odds, but the change has been deeper than that.    Something has changed in the programming and operation of these games that has lead me to believe they are no longer fair and random.   For this reason, I can no longer continue to support video poker as anything other than a lottery.The gaming industry is very adept and has practically unlimited resources.  They understand human nature and are profiting from addicting players to their games.   Through paid consultants and high profile individuals, they perpetuate the false truth that players can beat these games.  At one time this was true.  Those times are gone forever.   If you look at the profits of the casinos you will find a steady increase since 2008.  Today, even bankrupt casinos have returned to profit.  Is there any correlation between the return of profits and the negative returns we have seen in our games?  I believe there is.I will make a prediction to everyone on this forum before going my own way.  I guarantee if you play these games big, you will lose big.  You will be allowed to win once in a while as the machines are programmed to keep you hooked.   Unless you never return to the casino, you will give it back at least three times over.   The only way to play these games is to play them ultra cheap.  Some members of this forum will call me a "crazy old man" for saying these things.  Just so you know, this crazy old man is a pretty wealthy and successful guy and I didn't get that way from being scammed.  Just remember when it happens to you that I told you so.I have made some good friends on this forum.  Most  were smarter than me and left video poker years ago.  Fortunately I have the resources to shrug off my loses, but I will not allow myself to be taken advantage of any longer.  I will continue to play VP as small as possible.  That is the only way you will ever keep the casinos out of your pockets.   For those who will say I didn't play skillfully, I want you to know that at one time I played near positive games perfectly at large denominations.  I did exactly what the expert told me to do and I lost multiple tens of thousands of dollars a year in the process.  It wasn't until I switched to playing ultra cheap that I was able to play anywhere near a profit.Comps have also been downgraded.   Sure, you can get free rooms so you can play rigged games and pay through the nose.   If you want to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars you may gain Diamond Status allowing you to possibly lose millions.  What a deal!I realized all of this shortly after joining this forum.  I tried to warn other members, but the casinos and people who were benefiting from hooked players tried to silence me.   They failed once.  It now looks like they have succeeded.  I have no regrets from any of my posts on this forum.  I can't say I will miss the forum as it has turned into a marketing tool for gaming interests and a permanent home for a few pitiful dreamers.I will continue to play video poker for free on line.  When I visit a casino, I will play as cheap as humanly possible.   At the end of the year, I'll bet I will have lost less money than all the experts put together.   It is possible the owners of this website may delete this post.   I love and think they are providing a great service.  Where else can you enjoy playing video poker without losing money?  No where!!You may now continue to discuss how math is going to make you rich.  The witch is dead.  I wish you all well with whatever path you may take in life.Good Luck!

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Post by onemoretry »

Casinos have continued to downgrade their games and the odds, but the change has been deeper than that.    Something has changed in the programming and operation of these games that has lead me to believe they are no longer fair and random.   For this reason, I can no longer continue to support video poker as anything other than a lottery.
And yet, time and time again, he (or she) has stated that they believe the games are fair. What suddenly changed?

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Post by markinca »

This is really almost too hilarious to actually believe.

The poster boy for rec play and intentionally going against the mathematically sound strategy has been seeing poorer than usual results, and instead of citing that as the cause, instead points to some shadow conspiracy of casino owners/personnel changing the internal workings of the machine.


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Post by pokerforme »

Shouldn't this be moved to the recreational forum? See you around Phil

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Post by olds442jetaway »

stay in touch Phil. We can have lots of other neat stuff to chit chat about other than vp. Be well....Olds.....maybe the 4 of us get together at some point.

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Post by FAA »

I guarantee if you play these games big, you will lose big.  You will be
allowed to win once in a while as the machines are programmed to keep
you hooked.   Unless you never return to the casino, you will give it
back at least three times over.   The only way to play these games is to
play them ultra cheap.

I will continue to play video poker for free on line.  When I visit a
casino, I will play as cheap as humanly possible.   At the end of the
year, I'll bet I will have lost less money than all the experts put
together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bet big, lose big. Simple concept! The only thing keeping me from pursuing playing as cheap as humanly possible is my new found all too human greed. Hopefully I can starve out the disease by bringing 20% of my recent bankroll on future trips, like the old days. Then actually enjoy the city at my disposal. Thank you for all of your sane insights and knowledge. My own interest in posting has dropped 95%. I wish you all the best.

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Post by Carcounter »

Good luck Phil. Colorado sounds like a good spot for VP. I was born and raised in Queens NY and can tell you I love the American west more than any place I've ever been.

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Post by billryan »

What part of Queens?
As a kid I spent time in Queens Village, attended Holy Cross High School(Flushing)and later lived and worked in Jackson Heights.
I love Vegas/ Henderson but miss the Heights.

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Post by Quarterchips »

NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo don't do it Phil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Billryan---no other comments on this????????????????

The rivalry is legendary...#KeepTheRivalry!!!

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Post by ravenbynight111 »

Bravo,It is so refreshing to here someone who has seen the light. Good luck

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