my journey thread 500k hit party/contest

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my journey thread 500k hit party/contest

Post by DAAnMAAn »

I suppose this is primarily geared to the webman, but really to whom it may concern;
   I've been racking my brain for ideas on doing something special as my thread that I have started back in Sep of 2015 is closing in on half a million hits! Easily the top stop on the forums and another thank you for watching my ups and downs and sideways.
   Anyway, my alternative idea to having a brick and mortar meet and greet type vp party in Vegas which likely would have a low turn-out is to do some sort of special tournament or contest on video poker dot com. Either open to the public or connoisseurs of the thread via password or such.
   I guess a few questions I would have is:
1. Will or can video poker dot com be a sponsor for the event?
2.Can or must it be a open, private, or semi-private contest? Can it be for cash and/or prizes and/or memberships?
3. Is there a time-table on the set up and advertisement of the event?
4. What sort of formats is available or recommended for an event like this?
Anyway, thank you for a reply. The thread "my journey on video poker" is at 450k hits so we still have some time. But it will hit 500k willing sooner or later!

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Post by Webman »

Please email for sponsorship requests and to discuss this further.

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