Get a load of this fine American girl

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Get a load of this fine American girl

Post by DaBurglar »

The problem I truly have with today's so-called Republican "Conservative" party and that section of the electorate that identifies itself as such, can be summed up quite neatly with the example of this young lady and her entire attitude and things she says it or not, today's Republican/Conservative crowd (i.e. the so-called "right") includes, encompasses, even embraces this woman and all who think, act, and speak like her. You cannot deny this, since the leader of this faction, the current sitting president, embodies and embraces and encourages this philosophy (if you can call it that). ... 51648.html

I am NOT saying that every and all Republicans are like this...of course they are not! I submit most Conservatives (true conservatives, of which I myself used to belong back in the thoughtful, intelligent, honorable days of Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley) are disgusted and appalled by this "gurrrl". But sadly, there are ENOUGH people like her currently within the ranks, and they are tolerated and quietly supported in order to give the party as a whole more clout/strength/power etc. This is ONE OF the sources and cause for much of the negative, animosity-laden discourse that persists between the so-called Republican and Democratic constituencies.

I'm fed up with the LEFT (or that part of the Democrats that refuse any and all reasonableness and morality!): The democrats (or those whom I have associated with existing more or less in the CENTER of issues and society) Tolerate within their ranks the militant PRO-CHOICE and LGBT advocates (those who think the single MOST important issue is either ABORTION availability or "Gay rights"); who have taken the "ME TOO" movement so far left that now all someone needs to do is merely ACCUSE someone else of impropriety and the accused is literally tried/convicted/doomed with the opening statement, and they never really get their life back once the accusation(s) are disproved or shown to be unfounded (which of course potentially helps and ENABLES real & true perpetrators and predators of impropriety to get away with things, or at a minimum lessen their perceived guilt and punishment!!) And yes, RACISM is a multi-lane highway, where ANY group or ethnicity is capable of practicing and committing vile racist practices and acts against others. Just as there is clearly many "white" racists in society today, there are also black, hispanic, Asian and other racists as well....NONE are acceptable, all are ridiculous and intolerable.

There is one, and ONLY one race on the planet known as Earth.....the HUMAN Race. How did it come to pass that the girl in this attached video, and all like her, either failed to learn this, or think it's okay to CHOOSE not to believe this and instead treat other races as inferior??? How do you fix this, or at the least, minimize the harm and damage people like her cause?

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar, based on your entire first paragraph: you did in fact say that each and every Republican is like this.

If, instead, you said that the problem you have with SOME of today's so called Republicans.....

The way you wrote the first paragraph was an indictment of the entire Republican party by you.

I seem to recall that you have said that you do not identify with being either Republican or Democrat. I also recall you stating that you did not vote in the last Presidential election. You are very opinionated for someone who sits (as you put it recently) on the sidelines and doesn't get involved in the electoral process. Even if you had cast a vote for Donald Duck would have been a step up from not even voting.

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Post by billryan »

The Triple Crown alone is three races.
If God wanted everyone to be of one race, She would have made you all Irish.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Tedlark wrote:
Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:46 am
DaBurglar, based on your entire first paragraph: you did in fact say that each and every Republican is like this.

If, instead, you said that the problem you have with SOME of today's so called Republicans.....

The way you wrote the first paragraph was an indictment of the entire Republican party by you.

I seem to recall that you have said that you do not identify with being either Republican or Democrat. I also recall you stating that you did not vote in the last Presidential election. You are very opinionated for someone who sits (as you put it recently) on the sidelines and doesn't get involved in the electoral process. Even if you had cast a vote for Donald Duck would have been a step up from not even voting.
Words that say essentially NOTHING, except that (reading between, around, within, over and through the well as the actual lines themselves) "I cannot stand daburglar and wish he would stop posting here"

Of course, Nothing at all to say about the bubbleheaded brat in the video though, which prompted my latest post in the first place....

Opinionated? Yeah, so? It's allowed, regardless of who, what or WHETHER a person votes....

Why don't you send me a list of acceptable topics to post about, that won't compel (because it is a COMPULSION in your case) you to Auto-reply something....ANYTHING that criticizes, condemns or complains about what I am I can completely ignore it (the list).

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Post by DaBurglar »

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar I think I nailed it pretty good n my first post in this thread and you throw mud back BECAUSE I hit it squarely on the head. I was not critical, condemning, or complaining about your post as I was merely pointing out the irony.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Tedlark wrote:
Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:07 pm
DaBurglar I think I nailed it pretty good n my first post in this thread and you throw mud back BECAUSE I hit it squarely on the head. I was not critical, condemning, or complaining about your post as I was merely pointing out the irony.

Of course you "think" that...I have no illusions when I skillfully and totally debunk, refute and expose your ridiculous hyper-critical jabs that I am going to change ANYTHING at all in your mind. I'm just not going to allow you to dictate when/how/In what manner threads that I START for the purpose of generating conversation get derailed. The entire forum KNOWS how you feel and what you think of're just a jerk, pure and simple with this compulsive need to crap on everything I post.

I guarantee you the vast majority of people who read "your first post in THIS thread" will indeed see the criticism and condemnation you filled it with....there's no on-topic debating or discussion in any of your replies to any of my posts. You're just there to spew invective.....Invective which you, delusional as always, think no one else perceives and which you, after the fact (of me exposing it) attempt to masquerade as legitimate replies.

FYI - There are LOTS of people who do not vote, for a vast multitude of reasons, but one of which everyone knows and understands: The complete lack of truly deserving and good candidates, the last election being the most stark yet in terms of awfulness on both sides.....and choosing not to choose is just as legitimate a choice as anything, no more no less, and does not in anyway lessen or minimize that person's right to express opinions. That's your inherent need to try to tell people what to do rearing it's disturbing head.....

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