MAGA Terrorist Attack on Capitol

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Re: MAGA Terrorist Attack on Capitol

Post by notes1 »

the country may be in flames, but it is due, at least in part, to haters like you.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:47 pm
I am not a fan of the man/Trump, but support much of what he has done during his four years. That said, this is what I don’t get. Trump uses words for effect. They should not be taken literally. Each person is responsible for their own actions. Just like a gun doesn’t pick itself up and fire, those that trashed the governnent buildings and caused harm are totally responsible on their own. The only thing I can attribute it to is low intellect and a weakness of character as well as something being wrong with their Conscience and sense of right and wrong. The same goes for the rioters that trashed the cities,burned,looted, and maimed. I don’t care what their cause is on both sides. These people are the dregs of society. Maybe like I posted months ago, half the country should be in prison and isolated from society. I am not making any excuses for any of Trump’s behavior, lack of common sense when it comes to the science of the virus, or the way he treats many people. However, when people are too stupid or gutless on either side to take such actions that cause harm and destruction, they deserve swift and harsh punishment for what they did. My Conservative views will not change nor will the other half of the Country change their liberal or progressive views. I am afraid to think of what is coming with this new administration. I also feel that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others will sense a profound weakness now in the US and who knows what those consequences will be.
It's a free country and you are entitled to your opinion olds but all of the discomfort, death, misinformation, and chaos we are all having to go through now is a direct result of the actions and rhetoric of trump and his sycophants. I am afraid for the country as well. I fear violence and insurrection from right wing extremists incited by trump. I fear a collapse in our economy because of trumps mismanagement of the coronavirus. Biden and the new administration gives me hope. I think Biden has done a remarkable job coping with the raging lunatic that is doing everything possible to disrupt a peaceful transition.

I will ask you the same question I asked notes. Do you believe that trump won the election by a landslide and that it was stolen from him? Additionally, having watched trump in action the past 60 days would you vote for him again? If so please explain your reasoning. And btw the profound weakness you are sensing from our enemies is because trump has further divided our country to the point where it is seeking to destroy itself. There is still hope for are country. But not unless those of you that support trump turn away from trumpism, conspiracy theories and misinformation and crawl out of the rabbit hole and support conservatism and bring back it's basic principles so it becomes the party of Ronald Reagan and John McCain again. They would both be appalled with what has happened to the republican party.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Don’t know if he won. Impossible to know the extent of the fraud. Tracks covered too well. No would not vote for him again, but its based on his denial of the science behind the virus. As to division of the country, I blame Obama for that and the allowing runaway crime in this country and policies involving illegal aliens and sanctuary cities Finally you don’t pick a person for a job based on race color or gender. The best qualified person should get the job or should get into the school. There should be no preferential treatment whatsoever to any of these categories. And no lowering of standards just so some of the people in these categories can get in that is total BS And how could I forget the division in this country goes way back to the beginnings of affirmative action and has been amplified over the years by the yes “fake news media

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Olds, glad to hear you would not vote for him again. As to extent of possible fraud, most of that narrative is being created by trump. Remember him pontificating even before the first vote was either cast or counted about how wrought with fraud the mail in vote is? Even though that is exactly how he votes himself. If there is not enough of an upswell from people like yourself olds, that are conservative and want the republicans to turn back to conservative policies, the republican party may very well go down the tubes and take this country with it.

What we are seeing from trump, amplified within the past year is not conservative. It is dangerous and divisive. And unfortunately it has led us to where we are today. To a place where everybody is turning on one another and radical white supremacist groups encouraged by love and specialness from trump are leading us down a path towards possible civil war.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Let’s hope not I really don’t think so but I guess we will see. The division in this country is deep and goes way back to before I was born. For some reason there are almost always two ways of thinking liberal and conservative. The split used to be 50-50 but now it is definitely tilted toward the left and that is mainly because of the lure of free stuff and buying votes with that as well as lack of accountability for personal actions. Anyway, we will never agree on everything abd hopefully we will agree on right and wrong. As to division in the country, this is the song we all sang in the schoolyard as five and six year olds ........ whistle while you work, Stevensons a jerk, Eisenhower s Got the power whistle while you work.

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Post by onemoretry »

seemoreroyals wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:23 pm
....They were a group who just needed an excuse to try to ignite civil unrest.
While I am very hesitant to enter this fray, I cannot help commenting that this is exactly how I felt about the rioters creating mayhem this past summer - they were simply malcontents just
looking for an excuse to act out, (and perhaps upgrade their electronics at a low price).

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Post by felix »

It is unfortunate that Trump has enabled rancor, division, and hate since the election. If more people would stop and simply think, much of this chaos could have been avoided.

For many months prior to the election, numerous reputable polls showed Trump in a negative approval position, negative to the point where his re-election seemed unlikely.

For several months prior to the election, numerous reputable polls showed Trump trailing Biden in actual popular vote, trailing to the point where his re-election seemed unlikely.

The national polls reporting both of the above negative figures for Trump spanned the spectrum in terms of their objectivity and accuracy ratings, but their collective average numbers presented for months before the election a very clear cut prediction of a Trump loss. The final actual numbers in the election dovetailed the average predictions of multiple polls in late October and early November.

Even before election day, Trump was already stirring up his base with his accusations that the election would be stolen. Obviously, he followed the polls and was aware of his likely impending defeat, and in his style he was already formulating a plan to create enough chaos and division after the election to confuse a broad sector of the public. How does one predict that a election is stolen before voting even starts? And why did Trump not issue the same complaints about a stolen election in 2016, when he won? And, question that many have asked: Why are the only states that are being accused of stealing the election states that Biden won? Why was there no alleged theft in states that Trump won?

Now, I did see some attempted election-related corruption, I will be the first to admit. In the state of Georgia the top election official was asked by the President of the United States to "discover" extra votes two months after the election, extra votes that would have swung the state to Trump instead of Biden. The president's request included a chilling threat that the Georgia official could be facing criminal liability. That is attempted election-related corruption, so I guess in a way Trump is correct.

Finally, it is a real tragedy that President Trump was unable to take the high road, claim his accomplishments (and there were some), concede, congratulate Biden, work toward an orderly transition, and convince his base to remain civil. By refusing to do any of that, he has destroyed his legacy and will go down in history as one of the most immoral and childish people ever to serve as President.

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Post by billryan »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:29 am
Don’t know if he won. Impossible to know the extent of the fraud. Tracks covered too well. No would not vote for him again, but its based on his denial of the science behind the virus. As to division of the country, I blame Obama for that and the allowing runaway crime in this country and policies involving illegal aliens and sanctuary cities Finally you don’t pick a person for a job based on race color or gender. The best qualified person should get the job or should get into the school. There should be no preferential treatment whatsoever to any of these categories. And no lowering of standards just so some of the people in these categories can get in that is total BS And how could I forget the division in this country goes way back to the beginnings of affirmative action and has been amplified over the years by the yes “fake news media
You don't know if he won? What utter bullshit. How many dozen audits, recounts and court decisions does it take to realize you have been lied to? At what point does a person repeating the lies become the liar?
Your guy lost. It's okay to be disappointed. It's not okay to deny reality.
trump just got off tv saying his speech at the rally was pitch perfect and he did nothing wrong.

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Post by notes1 »

'i resolve to be more tolerant, thoughtful, and understanding of those that i disagree with'.

SMR 01/01/21

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Post by notes1 »

-06/25/2018,tells an angry mob to confront and harass trump administration officials. confront/harass them in a restaurant, a dept store, a gas station, get out an create a crowd.
-0910/18, 'i threaten trump supporters, all the time'.
inciting a riot, encouraging harm to trump officials and supporters.

did all the dem/liberals/trump haters call her out on this forum ???


-'ample evidence of russian collusion, in plain site'. he has been making this claim for 4 years, without being called out by MSM.

any dem/trump hating member of this forum called him out for the hundreds of times he made that same accusation/lie?

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