Superbowl preview

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Re: Superbowl preview

Post by Carcounter »

DB, How did I get caught up in this? I always gave the Patriots their due. I'm not upset at all. The fact that Kraft, Brady and Belichick are friends with Trump is making liberals implode is fun to see. That was why I referenced Derrick Jackson's Boston Globe piece.It was sad seeing Arthur Blank's crushed look down the field though.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DB, How did I get caught up in this? I always gave the Patriots their due. I'm not upset at all. The fact that Kraft, Brady and Belichick are friends with Trump is making liberals implode is fun to see. That was why I referenced Derrick Jackson's Boston Globe piece.It was sad seeing Arthur Blank's crushed look down the field though.

I agree, I felt bad too for poor old Arthur....Until I remembered that he is a typical filthy rich NFL plantation owner, who made the dumb mistake of going down on the field and gloating way way too soon, thus making a spectacle of himself.

Carcounter, all is good...

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Post by Tedlark »

Um, plantation owner? Wow.....

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Post by Casino Knight »

Relax Ted. Although I looked it up, in these modern times there is probably a new definition that we're not aware.

Old School: (Image result for plantation owner definition
Planter (plantation owner) An individual who owned a plantation was known as a planter. Historians of the antebellum South have generally defined "planter" most precisely as a person owning property (real estate) and 20 or more slaves.)

Atlanta being apart of the antebellum South, maybe what was said doesn't need a new definition. We'll have to wait and see.

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Post by Tedlark »


DB, How did I get caught up in this? I always gave the Patriots their due. I'm not upset at all. The fact that Kraft, Brady and Belichick are friends with Trump is making liberals implode is fun to see. That was why I referenced Derrick Jackson's Boston Globe piece.It was sad seeing Arthur Blank's crushed look down the field though.

I agree, I felt bad too for poor old Arthur....Until I remembered that he is a typical filthy rich NFL plantation owner, who made the dumb mistake of going down on the field and gloating way way too soon, thus making a spectacle of himself.

Carcounter, all is good...[/QUOTE]

I wanted to copy it so it couldn't be erased or edited. Just for my information I looked up Mr. Arthur Blank and beside being of Jewish Ancestry he started his professional life as an accountant. After holding several other positions he later went on to found Home Depot. Arthur Blank is also signatory with a group called: "The Giving Pledge" and this means he has guaranteed to give at least 50% of his wealth to charity. Not bad for a guy called a PLANTATION OWNER by DaBurglar. Maybe Mr. Blank will be making a contribution in DaBurglar's name to the SPLC???

Just HOW much longer are we to tolerate DaBurglar and his racist talk?

Last week he called me a Nazi (but it was a BIG MISUNDERSTANDING) and this week he calls a highly respected gentleman of Jewish ancestry a plantation owner. I'm sure this will be chalked up to another MISUNDERSTANDING? Lest we forget; he also called Huck Seed, a respected professional poker player, shady.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Hahaha. Now it's finally out, your vitriol and hatered on display for all to see....Look at the way you just let your emotions take hold and unleash your true feelings...

Obviously I struck a few nerves for Ted to stoop as low as he just did, with this deceptive, bogus twisting of the latest post of mine he has chosen to stalk.

Picture me giving you a big digit(al) salute Ted....

I especially liked how you stated "I'm gonna copy his post so he can't delete it....". Do you realize how unhinged that makes you look?

If nothing else, in your pathetic relentless pursuit to try and get the better of me to the ridiculous extent that you have, everyone now knows on this forum that obviously you have nothing better to do, especially when you also add in the absurd time you devote to also playing VP here.

Why do you do this to yourself? What do you possibly gain?

One final question:. How on earth do you expect people to believe you actually have some "six figure salary job" when you essentially live here and post at all hours of the day?   

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Post by DaBurglar »

It's funny how people scream about political correctness, and yet the same people jump all over others for something they "think" that person meant in something that person said....But only because they don't like that person.

Any reasonable person here who either can read my posts correctly, and who is also not trying to concoct elaborate responses trying to get the better of me, knows that I am not a racist. And certainly anyone here who actually knows me personally knows that I am not a racist!

When I made my sarcastic, satirical remark about being an NFL plantation owner, I was referring to the fact that NFL owners are notorious for being by far the most powerful, authoritarian, and greedy of all major sport owners. The NFL players association has the worst collective bargaining agreement of all major sports, by far....And when you add in the punishment and the brevity of their careers as well as the risks, then it becomes clear that NFL owners by comparison "seem" like slave drivers.

News flash also about billionaire businessmen....They all give to charity or some philanthropic cause....Some indeed do it out of genuine compassion, but all certainly do it for both tax reasons as well as the goodwill it generates.

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Post by Tedlark »

News flash:

   More spin control.....

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Post by DaBurglar »

News flash:

   More spin control.....

Pffft .... That's all you have?

The only thing spinning are your eyes, one clockwise, the other counter..

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