Most Americans are ignorant regarding ethnicity

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Re: Most Americans are ignorant regarding ethnicity

Post by DaBurglar »

It will get worse. If the people have guns, they can replace a government. Yeah things are bad as far as individual rights are concerned, but it could be worse.

What are you talking about?!?!?! Seriously.....

Look at the rest of the world where you have had armed rebellions and uprisings, etc.   Simply having guns doesn't do or guarantee a flipping thing!!! Look at Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, egypt....Everybody had weapons galore. Look at Africa and the many independent nations there and their histories....Again, all sides typically have loads of weapons....All that guarantees is a lot of people will die. What ultimately calms and saves a situation is when people finally agree to stop the madness and somehow resolve to do things in a different nonviolent manner.

Do you know why the original 13 colonies ultimately won their independence from great Britain? It sure as hell was not because every farmer had a musket! Oh sure, when the rebellion first began the colonials had a trusty musket, but they would have been wiped out where it not for a combination of British arrogance and continuous underestimation of the colonials, and most decisive of all, the French (and Spanish) ultimately intervened and forced the British to give up.

But don't forget too....The colonists did not originally rebel because they wanted a new government, they rebelled because of MONEY (one could almost say greed, because the taxes the colonists didn't want to pay were in retrospect quite fair and moderate, and the whole claim of being taxed without representation was a bogus claim....They WERE represented, in the form of the colonial government s the colonies each had, which were part of their charters and which they all agreed to! they just didn't like the results.

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Post by DaBurglar »

As you mention, these white racist goobers that feel so emboldened these days in the USA would do well to read a history book or two, since the Sikhs hold many places of honor in the history of the British empire, which itself is one of history's more prolific examples of racist policies in action....

As senator Joe McCarthy implored,"know your enema..."

Four days after the Twin Towers fell this happened in Mesa Arizona: Murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi - Wikipedia ... ingh_Sodhi

He was murdered, not by a white racist goober, but by a Mexican.


Wow.....The way you wrote your post you are actually attempting to make it look like a Mexican national murdered that poor innocent man.

The reality though is this......The shooter was named
Frank Silva roque and was an american citizen, who worked for Boeing aircraft no less! He had some Hispanic heritage but He was American and He was also a racist goober, one who despite a serious criminal record had plenty of easy unfettered access to firearms!!! And that Sikh wasnt his only victim that day, he went hunting other "Arab looking" people and shot at a Lebanese individual and possibly one or two other people. I recall all this because I was living there in L.A. when it happened.

Really makes Ted's yuk yuk moment all the more poignant huh? Far be it from him to allow simple reality spoil a chance to display his ignorance yet again....Undocumented vs illegal. Oh you really are a true Patriot aren't you TED?

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar I was too busy to take time and research on Wikipedia before posting and I figured you would just do this anyway so I held off so that you would get the credit.

We are so lucky to have you with us.

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Post by billkuyk »

While I can appreciate your outrage, your argument is a little too emotional.

The shooter is not atypical white american male since e according the harvard gun study released in 9/16 and printed for all to see by the Boston Globe shows that 32% of males own guns and 25% of whites own guns. Those numbers suggest that a typical white male does not carry a gun imho. Your statement "like many white americans who want to make america great again" ....are clueless and racist....that is not a fact, just your seemingly biased opinion. Then you call him a Sh*t male and a poster boy for anti firearm activists...personally I think that the shooter from Sandy Hook ,Charleston or Orlando are better poster boys. The name calling continues when you say this shooter is an idiot and a moron and then you lump "millions and millions of Americans" as people who think and believe exactly like the shooter...come on now....that really is a biased OPINION. In other posts replies you continue with " white racist goobers" name calling. your argument's point is not a bad one, just a little to biased for my taste. Although I must admit I am glad you are not king of America since your sentence for shooting someone in the arm is life in prison. Finally, you can be rightfully outraged without name calling and opinions stated as facts.

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Post by DaBurglar »

While I can appreciate your outrage, your argument is a little too emotional.

The shooter is not atypical white american male since e according the harvard gun study released in 9/16 and printed for all to see by the Boston Globe shows that 32% of males own guns and 25% of whites own guns. Those numbers suggest that a typical white male does not carry a gun imho. Your statement "like many white americans who want to make america great again" ....are clueless and racist....that is not a fact, just your seemingly biased opinion. Then you call him a Sh*t male and a poster boy for anti firearm activists...personally I think that the shooter from Sandy Hook ,Charleston or Orlando are better poster boys. The name calling continues when you say this shooter is an idiot and a moron and then you lump "millions and millions of Americans" as people who think and believe exactly like the shooter...come on now....that really is a biased OPINION. In other posts replies you continue with " white racist goobers" name calling. your argument's point is not a bad one, just a little to biased for my taste. Although I must admit I am glad you are not king of America since your sentence for shooting someone in the arm is life in prison. Finally, you can be rightfully outraged without name calling and opinions stated as facts.

I never claimed my posts were anything other than my own opinion.....And anyone who shoots another person in anything but clear self defense is an idiot and a moron, even more so if it's done for racial reasons.

You totally betray your faux intellectual outrage with my posts with your own tone and choice of words. Since this is only your second post despite having registered in 2009,   obviously I struck a nerve.... That's nice to know.    Unless.....This screename is in fact just another identity for an existing user.

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Post by DaBurglar »

   DaBurglar I was too busy to take time and research on Wikipedia before posting and I figured you would just do this anyway so I held off so that you would get the credit.

We are so lucky to have you with us.

Thank you for the acknowledgement.

You really have a hang up with Wikipedia, but regardless, as I stated, I lived in LA back duringng the time period in question so this whole series of events is permanently etched in my brain.

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Post by Carcounter »

Come on guys. There are evil people of all races, ethnic backgrounds etc. Why only pick on a white guy? As a white kid growing up in the projects in Queens New York inthe 50's and 60's you have no idea how we were jumped, mugged and yes even killed. I never held it against an entire race of people, just the ones that did the damage.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Come on guys. There are evil people of all races, ethnic backgrounds etc. Why only pick on a white guy? As a white kid growing up in the projects in Queens New York inthe 50's and 60's you have no idea how we were jumped, mugged and yes even killed. I never held it against an entire race of people, just the ones that did the damage.

I have no problem with what you just said, I agree that idiots and a-holes exist in all races, sizes, colors, Creeds, genders etc.

The only... Only way to take, or deal with people is.....One at a time.

But in my experience....And in my gut, far too many people in both political spectrums, the left and the right, harbor and manifest racist views and ideals. And just because one side does it does not make it right for your side.

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