something to think about?

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something to think about?

Post by stevel96a1 »

so say you went to play video poker, let it be deuces wild or Job 9/6suppose you had a clone of yourself and played a machine right before you did and that clone lost his bankrollnow would you  sit at same machine/table thinking you had increased your odds or your bankroll after bareing witness what just happened?something to ponder abouti know all you math guys every event is no impact what happened to the pastbut if you have to re-think my question something must be behind it...

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Post by BobDancer »

It doesn't matter.The machine has no memory.Whether the guy before you lost $10,000 or won $10,000 has no bearing whatsoever on what your results will be.The best predictor is the EV of the game --- multiplied by your accuracy percentage --- plus the slot club benefits and mailers. It would be very rare if your result actually ended up to be this predicted number, but it's the best prediction there is.There is a group of players who believe that if a machine has been paying off like mad it will keep doing so so you better sit down right away. Another group of players believes that if a machine has been paying off it's good to stay away until the machine "catches up."When a machine has been raking in the dough, some players believe that is a good time to sit down because the machine is "due." Others believe you should steer away from such machines.None of these four groups of people (sometimes one person may be in two different groups) has any concept of what the winning process is all about.

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Post by Eduardo »

Whoa. That appears to be incredibly shortsighted, given the question... the important thing we are thinking about here is that we have a clone of ourself. Sure, he lost a little bit of money at the start, but who can blame him. He's new to this clone thing. Now let's figure out how to leverage this clone to make some real money! For starters, our clone can go out and get a job, with his revenue going straight to our bankroll so we can enjoy more VP. Other than feeding him and a mat in the closet, do clones have other expenses that we need to consider in order to determine the percent return on his cloned activities?

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Post by BobDancer »

Whoa. That appears to be incredibly shortsighted, given the question... 

Well, Eduardo, one of us appears to have misunderstood the question --- but to me my answer addressed his question and yours didn't. I guess we need to ask the original poster to clarify what his question was

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Post by WVRadar »

I see this behavior in casinos all the time.

It never ceases to amaze me that gamblers can be so superstitious about "hot" or "cold" machines.

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Post by stevel96a1 »

Now the question goes deeper

After seeing my clone lose 4k creditd i plop down prodeec to play until i lose or win maybe 1/5 of 4k? I find hard to accept a honest vp machine can eat 2 bankrolls every time assume i have some else to feed it then it should spit spmething back out

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Post by Eduardo »

How can you say that? Define "honest?"How can you say a machine is honest if it is not capable of "eating 2 bankrolls in a row?"If it is not capable of that, it would clearly not be random. If there is a 50% chance of a machine "eating your bankroll" then it should be very obvious that it could happen twice in a row. And the odds are probably better than 50%, that is a simplification.What you are hoping for is a dishonest machine that actually guarantees a positive return if it had a negative one before (over a seemingly arbitrary amount of time). But that's simply not how randomness works.

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Post by stevel96a1 »

So now going in with 4k credits waiting and watching someone lose all their credits who played exactly like you and played same time and machine makes no difference? My wife lost her starting roll one night long battle needless to say she went home loser but her next trip she won mini jackpot within 6min of play. How can your next turn be the same regardlesss of when you played? I know in my heart of she played on that night she would have continued to lose and lose big

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Post by billryan »

So now going in with 4k credits waiting and watching someone lose all their credits who played exactly like you and played same time and machine makes no difference? My wife lost her starting roll one night long battle needless to say she went home loser but her next trip she won mini jackpot within 6min of play. How can your next turn be the same regardlesss of when you played? I know in my heart of she played on that night she would have continued to lose and lose big

A coin flip is 50-50. It comes up ten heads in a row.
Do you bet tails as it is due, or bet heads because there obviously is something wrong with the coin?
Will the coin try harder to land on tails, knowing it hasn't been doing what its supposed to?

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Post by stevel96a1 »

Number of bankrolls are worthless and a negative game will alwayas produce negative results ok fine

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