Leave or Greed

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Leave or Greed

Post by FAA »

Agree with that, too. I'll never get the $62 RF; always at least two coin quarters. I undercut on dollar 95% of the time, so that may eventually burn me. It's exciting to watch the BR run up on a full house plus without those pesky two digits after the decimal. Clean, elegant minimalism. Both financially and aesthetically pleasing.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

If we all could train our minds to not work on us, we might all be able to leave ahead most of the time. For example the highest CD rate I ever got was 18.25 percent. That was back in the not so good ol Jimmy Carter days. Was good for us. We had no debt, lived simply, and saved, saved, saved. Now, if I could force myself to set a goal of a return of say ten percent of bankroll per session and quit, I would have been ahead for last year instead of way behind the 8 ball again.

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Post by FAA »

Easy enough calculus. But seduced by greed, we find ourselves careening on yet another woebegone misadventure. Will we break even? If not, will we go on tilt? How about being grateful for the 10-100% gain and leaving the premises? There are endless food choices available within walking distance for under $20 for me. Best investment. Consider it gambling insurance.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

To me the fun of video poker is waging war with the casino on a daily or trip basis.   They always win long term, but I can have my victories along the way.  If I take $500 into the casino and walk out with it, I feel like I won $500.   I rarely break even or make money sitting in front of a video poker machine flat betting.    When I win, it's almost always on a pot shot, crazy slot jackpot or some great hand out of the blue.   On occasion one of those hands allows me to play off my profits for weeks or even months.I used to blame myself for what happened when I lost.    I left too soon.  I should have stayed.   Should I cash out now or later?   There is never a right or wrong answer.   It's been that way for over 10 years and I don't see it changing anytime soon.  If I play golf or go charter fishing, do I expect they are going to give me the golf course or the boat for doing well?   I don't think so.     

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Post by FAA »

Flat betting is a flat out loser absent a premium hand, which is most of the time as they're premium! Besides, it's not fun. Where's the max bet adrenaline rush if every bet is max? In its place is the gloomy resignation of losing max coins. Vegas Dan and company can break even or win with a $300 DW BR. For the rest of us, cost cutting should prevail.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=FAA]Flat betting is a flat out loser absent a premium hand, which is most of the time as they're premium! Besides, it's not fun.[/quote]My thoughts exactly.If someone wrote a book about my life with VP, it would go something like this.  Played a lot of VP over the years.  Had great fun.  Stayed in some wonderful resorts.  Traveled all over this beautiful country with my best friend seeing the sights.   Every time we walked into a new casino, it was an adventure.  Had some great days.  Had some lousy days.  Didn't make much money playing VP.  Did lose much either.  Died happy...No one would read a book like that.   People want to read how I beat the casinos, made millions of dollars living a great lifestyle playing VP.   They also want to hear my strategy so they can do the same thing for themselves.  My VP experience is the former not the later.   Do I consider myself a failure as a VP player?  Not one bit. 

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Post by onemoretry »

Agree with that, too. I'll never get the $62 RF; always at least two coin quarters I thought that you had previously indicated you were going to restrict yourself to either single coin or full coin, and forego the two three and four coin plays?

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Post by Tedlark »

So much for the best laid plans, tossed that out with the bath water and not playing dollar denomination too I guess?

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Post by FAA »

Guilty as charged. That $62 would be too embarrassing to report here. I somehow hit four quads today. Three, five, three and three coin hits. A 70% yield is all I could expect. Machines were sufficiently loose in two casinos. It's like the Indy 500 though. So much capital was spent to acquire them. I needed a craps hit to eke out a $5 net day. I ran to dollar machine to make up my quarter loss at the end, and even that worked. Unscathed in the shade. But I was sweating bullets.

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Post by OTABILL »

  If I play golf or go charter fishing, do I expect they are going to give me the golf course or the boat for doing well?   I don't think so.    Â 

Agree regarding golf. However, a good day charter fishing could provide several nice meals. Has happened to me.   

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