Man Vs Woman players?

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Man Vs Woman players?

Post by stevel96a1 »

as i was waiting for my favorite machines to open up i watched a man play side by a woman.  i watched as woman calmly hit the max play and collectively hit the hold buttons at a normal and certain pace as if she was certain of herself no rush.i watch the man hit that thing as if it were a slot machine or a race.what i saw in both balance the woman money either went up or maintained itselfwhile the mans bank slowly went downi don't know if anyone else witness these actions in terms of whos the better player someone who stays calm and plays at a steady pace or someone who plays as fast as they can.i think woman players play more precise and accurate than men but this is just my cherry picking results i never did a field study if others can weigh in that would help

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Post by case »

I have seen men AND women that play at blazing speed and rarely make a mistake. I have seen many people play really slow and yet make many mistakes.

My point is there are good and bad players with either sex. I would have to say you are right in that the faster you go the more likely you are to make an error but it does not matter whether you are male or female.

The longer you play VP you automatically start to play faster as you see the plays much sooner. I find it hard to play slow.

However sticky buttons and miss plays do hinder speed to some degree.

I remember when I was fairly new to VP and sat beside a guy who was playing two machines faster than I could play one. When he was done playing I asked him why he played so fast. He told me he was playing a positive EV machines and the more hands he player per hour the more money (on average) he would put in his pocket.

Lucky Larry
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Post by Lucky Larry »

I have seen men AND women that play at blazing speed and rarely make a mistake. I have seen many people play really slow and yet make many mistakes.

My point is there are good and bad players with either sex. I would have to say you are right in that the faster you go the more likely you are to make an error but it does not matter whether you are male or female.

The longer you play VP you automatically start to play faster as you see the plays much sooner. I find it hard to play slow.

However sticky buttons and miss plays do hinder speed to some degree.

I remember when I was fairly new to VP and sat beside a guy who was playing two machines faster than I could play one. When he was done playing I asked him why he played so fast. He told me he was playing a positive EV machines and the more hands he player per hour the more money (on average) he would put in his pocket.

case, you are right. First, most experienced players (men and women) can see hands with the same automaticity that we use when we drive home at the end of the day and can't remember the drive. The key is practice, practice, practice.

Second, having dealt with sticky or broken buttons many times my suggestion is to either move and/or hit your "Service" button. When the slot attendant comes request that the button be fixed. It is harmful to your overall play to continue to play on broken machines. No only do these buttons slow down your play but in my case they increase my frustration. Countless times I've hit the "Service" button to have a button fixed or a screen recalibrated if it interferes with my steady play.

A quick hint: If you have a "home casino" make it a point to get to know the casino techs. IMO they are as important as having a good host. When a tech gets to know you, they are more likely to provide good service. And, when I get good service I take time to fill out a casino comment card complimenting the tech by name/date of service. This compliment usually leads to them getting special recognition by their supervisors. One tech told me that my comment card led to him being selected "Tech of the Month" and he received a $100 bonus for the honor. After that time this tech made it a point every time he saw Sweet C and me, to stop by and ask how I was doing and reminded me that if I ever needed help to let him know. Now that he's moved up to shift supervisor he still comes by to check on me and has brought by new slot techs to introduce them to me.

Additionally, when the tech are working you can gather lots of information. This is how I learned about how machines were calibrated, and countless other pieces of other information.

At one casino. i was talking to a slot director about different chips. He said follow me. We moved to a group of VP Game Kings. He had me play one hand and then demonstrated that the same redraw hand appeared on the screen for all of the denominations for that game. He explained that when I found a machine like that it had an older chip that allowed you to move up denominations and still use the same chip when play was hot (my timing was good). I can't tell you how often I used that knowledge over the next couple of years before most older chips were replaced.

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Post by EDC1977 »

Very helpful to know the tech person LL. I don't believe this is a gender issue, only the level of ability. Like many others, I've seen both fast and slow and have seen big wins and heartbreaks. Some people ARE just that lucky. Right Eduardo?

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Post by FloridaPhil »

From my experience, women are much better video poker players and gamblers in general.  They are more precise, patient and calculative.   They are usually more disciplined than men, letting the game run instead of attempting to force it to pay off. Of course this assumes everything else is equal.   You can't throw all players in one bucket and make general statements to cover them them all.    All things being equal, women  win hands down.

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Post by FAA »

Let the game come to you. Especially if there is no physical opponent present.

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Post by SaraTG »

The longer you play VP you automatically start to play faster as you see the plays much sooner. I find it hard to play slow.
  Having played video poker pretty much since the day it was invented and also having played 100 billion or however many hands it has been I know the fraction of a second the last card becomes visible what I am going for.  I do however prefer to set the machine so the cards are dealt out slowly. I have seen some who prefer the cards dealt at the high speed. I like when they come out slow because when you draw it gives you that second or two to think "Be there!" when you are going for something

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=SaraTG]I do however prefer to set the machine so the cards are dealt out slowly.[/quote]I think this is excellent advice.  I used to play as fast as possible.   It's like I couldn't get enough VP "drug" in my veins.  Watch someone who plays like this and you will see what I'm talking about.    Late last year I changed how I play VP.  One of the first things I did was learn to play with the card deal on the slowest setting.  I take my time now and force myself to slow down.  I make less errors and it shows in my results. 

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Post by FAA »

Your better half plays slow as a snail. Transference?
I like the slowest setting. It adds suspense and drama. Bonus entertainment. Plus I can plan my attack on the deal. I hate both faster settings.

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Post by BobDancer »

He explained that when I found a machine like that it had an older chip that allowed you to move up denominations and still use the same chip when play was hot (my timing was good). I can't tell you how often I used that knowledge over the next couple of years before most older chips were replaced.

The fact that you did well was fortunate --- and not because the machine was hot. The fact that the machine paid off again after paying off previously at a lower stake was a coincidence. Had you kept following this procedure you would have also noticed that your timing was frequently bad. It's nice you had a positive streak, but be very wary of drawing the conclusion that this was a clever way to play. It wasn't. It's quite possible that the tech was quite savvy and realized that even though he was giving spurious advice, every so often someone who followed it would be successful. And since grateful players have been known to tip . . . ergo, it's a smart move for him to show you this.

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