A very important recreational conversation!

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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A very important recreational conversation!

Post by Eduardo »

Joe: If you play $1 vp with a bad pay table, you are going to lose a lot of money over time. The amount can actually be calculated by-Bill: But if I play quarters, I might lose money more slowly?Joe: Right. If you bet less, you will lose at a slower rate.Bill (with a sinister grin): YES! I have discovered the secret to losing slowly at video poker! I must tell the world!Joe: Well, it's actually kind of ob-Bil: Did you know that if you bet less, you will lose less?Joe: Yes. Bil: But did you know that if you play single coin instead of 5 coins, you will also lose less quickly.Joe: Correct.Bill: I must tell the world this secret!Joe: What Secret? Bill:
Nobody wants you to know this because they are all mathy, but if you
don't bet as much or don't play as much, you won't lose as much!Joe: Right, that's-Bill: I figured out how to win on a losing pay table!Joe: No, no... That's not how it works. You might have had a few-Bill: I play for FUN! Why do you have a problem with me having fun?Joe: I don't. You just can't-Bill: I don't care if I lose! It's how much I lose that I want to change.Joe: Well, like we talked about, you could bet less or play more slowl-Bill: I figured out my bad session! The game is RIGGED. It flips the same card over!Joe: What? You can verify this? This is serious. You need to-Bill: No time! Did you know that betting less will make you lose less?Joe: No, wait- we need to-Bill: You could bet dimes, nickels, PENNIES. And you wouldn't lose as much!Joe: Well yes-Bill: I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our conversation, so I'm going to say it again LOUDER. If you play on losing machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over time you won't lose as much either!Joe: Bill: You are offended by the truth!Joe: It's not the truth that's offending me.Bill: I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun!Joe: Have fun then, but...Bill: I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun!I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun! I'm not sure if you heard that, and someone could overhear our
conversation, so I'm going to say it again. If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! I play to have fun!Joe: Bill: You hate fun! You hate me! You only love math!  I play to have fun! If you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either!Sammy: Bill is right. I want to be like Bill. Joe is retarded with his facts. Also Martingales win always.Bill: YES. They like math but now I have math that shows me that if you play on losing
machines, you can actually NOT BET AS MUCH and the result is that over
time you won't lose as much either! And have fun!Joe:

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I think that pretty much sums it up.   We'll see if anyone actually bets smaller.  I doubt it.  

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Post by Chicagoan »

I am trying to figure out the point of this entire post. Are you saying if you bet less you won't lose as much?

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Does anyone ever read these posts except Eduardo?  When you play overall negative video poker games the fact is the faster you play, the more money you bet and the longer you play, the more money you lose.  This wouldn't have to be said, except many players choose to ignore it.    Do you think you will ever see a sign like this hanging in a casino?

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Post by markinca »

Phil always complains about how the best games in his casino are like 97% or whatever.

But he doesn't realize that he could just get his smartphone out and play any of the free games at videopoker.com for 100% payback. And 0 variance to boot. Actually, the videopoker.com games are probably infinity%, since there's the possibility you could win the occasional contest.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

You bet I do.  I play for free on this website every day.  I never see any of the regular forum posters playing against me.    This website is the best video poker deal on the planet.   Talk about intelligent play!!     Here's a question for you.  If there was no money involved, would you still play video poker in a casino?  I agree it wouldn't be as much fun, but I would.  Winning money is not the most important thing to me in video poker.  If it was, I would have quit long ago.  I go to the casino for the same reason I went fishing in my younger days.  It's the anticipation and excitement that I look forward to, not cash in my pocket.  If you want cash in your pocket, their are lots of better things to do than gamble it away.

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Post by Tedlark »

I'm NEVER on any daily leader boards.....sigh.

Oh wait, I think I'm up to 429 daily high scores. Never mind.

Eduardo that's the longest NON-POLITICAL RANT post I've seen in a while.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

[quote=TedLark]Eduardo that's the longest NON-POLITICAL RANT post I've seen in a while.[/quote]Me too.  That was quite an essay.   I'm glad he's not into politics.  The battery on his laptop would give out... 

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Post by jetermacaw »

Great Stuff Eduardo 😂😂😂😂😂

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Post by New2vp »

Eduardo, Did Bill mention with all his years of his experience that he is able to play just as skillfully as a 6-month old?

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