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Post by DaBurglar »

One of the people of the 20th century I respect and admire (simply because of the responsibilities he carried and performed so well without being egotistical and self-absorbed) was General of the Army, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower. I'm not going to discuss his presidency because it skirts the realm of a political post, which I now avoid....but rather his time as Supreme Allied Commander during WWII in Europe against the Nazis. In the closing days of WWII, when American, British and Russian troops were overrunning Germany, they discovered the sick, evil, horrible depravity the Nazis perpetrated in the scores of death camps, as the SS pursued Hitler's policy of genocide against the Jews and other designated groups deemed subhuman. When Eisenhower saw and witnessed these "camps", and began to grasp just how utterly evil the Nazis, The SS and Hitler truly were, one of the first things Ike did was order dozens of Army photographers, every newspaper reporter around, and Allied military photographers into the camps to document everything they could find.

Ike's reason for this? He said, (in essence) "someday, somewhere, years from now, someone is going to try to either minimize or flatout deny that such horror, such evil ever took place. We need to make sure no one can be deceived into believing such denials"

Here is proof that Ike was and remains right, as well as wise and decent beyond any current standard for "leaders" in the world today:

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/man-def ... 24574.html

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