What I'd (You) Would Like to See Discussed on The Recreational Forum

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: What I'd (You) Would Like to See Discussed on The Recreational Forum

Post by OTABILL »

billryan wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:03 pm
Did my post really offend you? My gawd ,man. Get over yourself. Lifes too short to be perpetually preturbed.
I didn't find your post personally offensive. What I did not like is that it completely ignored the theme of my post. There was nothing constructive or relevant. I'll let others judge for themselves. I do agree with you that life is too short and unpredictable. Enough said.

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Post by OTABILL »

Tedlark wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:49 pm
OTABILL wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:42 am
Haven’t had much time to reply to and comment on the responses to my initial post. First,

Ted, I am confused you thought FP was slamming me. While I found FPs comment somewhat flippant, BR’s comment was much more offensive. At least FP discussed the impact of the health of his wife on her VP play. One question for you, awhile back in a comment on another post you said something to the effect that you did not find VP entertaining. I would like your view on why you consider it a recreational activity if it is not enjoyable.
OTA I took FP's 02/04 post as slamming you because his first post was on topic, as was most of the others. His 02/04 post went totally off course from anything related to video poker and I took that as him trying to hijack the thread away from your original intent.

As for the comment you may be attributing to me I don't recall it but my first guess would be that I said something along the lines that when I walk into a casino I do not think of video poker as entertainment but rather a money making opportunity. Players who go to be entertained most likely take more chances than I do when playing, I'd rather focus on winning and walking out a few dollars ahead.

I don't have anything against players who play for the entertainment value but that's not how I play. To each their own.

For the record though: I am a dog person through and through, having had a 160 pound Saint Bernard for just over 13 years. I do not wish ill will on cats but they aren't my thing.
Ted thanks for the clarification regarding your comment regarding entertainment. Agree with you -- to each his own regarding their perspective on Recreational VP. That's how it should be. No one should be judgmental on the choices others make. I like dogs too. Had them too. Both species have their good points. Hope your St Bernard beats the odds and stays healthy for a long time.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

Our new puppy is a jewel. He sleeps in his crate all night long (thank God) and does his thing on a puppy pad. So far he hasn't chewed up the furniture, but he's trying. This is our fourth dog and probably our last.

Most of the casinos we go to allow small dogs. I see people with them in the casino. The alternative would be to leave him at home or in day care. I don't think the casino is a good place for a dog. They might take up smoking and drinking... :lol:

I believe our attitude toward casinos is different than a lot of people on this forum. That would explain why people don't understand some of my posts. We honestly don't care about long term results. To us, video poker is nothing more than bingo on a screen. We like the ability to interact with the game and make decisions that affect the outcome. If it wasn't for that, we would play slots.

Losing a few thousand dollars a year doing what we like to do is a small cost to pay. Considering all the fun we get out of the casino, it's a bargain. We know people who have had serious problems with gambling. They aren't the norm. There will always be people who overindulge in anything pleasurable. Prohibition didn't work and neither would banning casino gambling.

I don't see anything wrong with discussing non math VP strategies on this forum as long as someone doesn't make outrageous claims. Frankly, I enjoy hearing about them. Nothing works all the time. Everything works until it doesn't.

Those that are serious about making a profit from VP have the Strategy Forum to themselves and that's the way it should be. If you disagree with anything on any forum, state your case without insulting other members. Insults do not convince anyone. All they do is create enemies.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Ted.....Here is another one of my babies. He was a majestic loveable animal. Just don’t try and hurt anyone in the family when he is around. He used to sprawl out and we would cover him with about 4 decks of cards one at a time. He wouldn’t move. Then someone would say get your toy and he would spring up filling the room with playing cards like confetti. He passed in 1986. I still miss him every day as does my wife.

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Post by Tedlark »

Very nice olds, he did truly look majestic. In the winter I would take "Bernie" out for a walk in the neighborhood and I'd put a collar of sleigh bells around her neck. She loved to romp in the snow, she was very protective, intuitive, playful, mischievous, and loving, all rolled up in one very large and furry package. She was put to sleep at age 13 so I got an extra 3 years with her.

I gotta say: give me a large breed any day.

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Post by Eduardo »

Some people can't handle a large breed. They may have balance issues and instead of walking the dog the dog might walk them and cause serious injury. I think it's irresponsible to encourage people to buy larger breeds when a small breed may be better suited to their lifestyle. Can we please get a forum for recreational pooch lovers so the dog show crowd doesn't push everyone around with their purebred expertise?

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Post by FAA »

A & E.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I hear you Eduardo. But see how easy it is for people to have a soft spot for animals. Not so much so for people. 😁 Within the last few months, I have seen a big increase in dogs at casinos. Supposedly, they are therapy dogs or whatever the latest politically correct term is. I definitely think the casino floor is no place for an animal. There are exceptions I guess, but the noise, congestion, and smoke can’tbe good for the animal either. Recently, I saw a lady in the lounge feeding her toy poodle from the table. Not cool. The staff was afraid to say anything to her. That food isn’t even good for us too never mind the animal.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I believe people brings their dogs into the casino to keep from leaving them in the room. They should board them or leave them at home. A casino is no place for a dog. Their ears are very sensitive. It must be deafening with all that craziness going on. We had a client who went to the trouble of having a doctor declare her need for a "comfort dog" so she could fly and not have to pay for her dog. I don't know if she is still getting away with that. I think the airlines got wise to that trick.

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Post by Tedlark »

Eduardo wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:28 pm
Some people can't handle a large breed. They may have balance issues and instead of walking the dog the dog might walk them and cause serious injury. I think it's irresponsible to encourage people to buy larger breeds when a small breed may be better suited to their lifestyle. Can we please get a forum for recreational pooch lovers so the dog show crowd doesn't push everyone around with their purebred expertise?
Eduardo when you walk your Chi-who-a-who-a (tip of the cap to Les Nesman) are you walking strategically or recreationally?

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