millennials and friends

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millennials and friends

Post by notes1 »

this is not a post picking on the younger generation. instead, i was just reading the second article i have seen this week about young folks and friends. two seperate surveys, one in england, the other in the usa had very similar results.

while they are social media savvy, they may be the loneliest generation in america. according to the article, 27% have no close friends, 25% have no acquaintances, and 22% have no buddies at all. a similar survey in england showed many this group feels they have no purpose in life. this is disturbing and sad.

now i see, there was another mass shooting in texas, of which i know nothing about, other than the cops have a 21 yr old in custody. the articles i mention and the shootings may have nothing in common, but i wonder.

if so many live their lives on an electronic device, if they have little human contact, what is the real impact on these folks. do other human being really matter to them or are they just like images they see on a computer screen game?

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Post by case »

I see younger kids coming home from school. They go inside and don't come out until the next morning. They have everything they need in their bedroom or basement. (at least that is how they feel). We used to get off school and the last place we wanted to be was in our home.

I see young married couples sitting in a restaurant and both have their phones out and head down. No one is talking. Sometimes their food gets cold as they are so involved with their devices they barely have time to eat.

The world is so different today in this century than it was for us. Is it better? I don't think so.

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Post by notes1 »

a new study out of england, confirms data from usa surveys.

of all age groups, millennial's are the least happy. they are less likely to be/get married than at any time since WW2. they also spend less time socializing. only 38% identify as being religious and suicide rates are climbing for young men.

a month ago, data was released showing 9 out of 10 young people, feel their lives have no meaning or purpose.

what seems disturbing about these numbers is that at a time when the world has never been wealthier, safer, people living longer, no global conflicts, less poverty...nearly all stats are better than at any time for previous generations.

the median amount of college debt is between $10-25k, which does not seem overwhelming, when one considers elevated incomes for college grads.

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Post by notes1 »

i am just wondering about the difference between growing up now and when 'us' old fogies' grew up. i remember being young, didn't understand anything about the 'cold war' and the threat of nuclear devastation, but do remember drills where we got under our school desks. i am sure my parents just told us it was a precaution and not to worry. we went on about our lives and let the parents do the worrying.

but, now, kids are being told from a young age that it is certain that climate change will devastate the planet. miami will be under water and alaska will be the new florida. they are being scared to death.

could this be the reason that many feel their lives have no purpose, nothing to look forward to, i don't know. boys being told they are too aggressive and they are privileged and should feel guilty, i don't know. the amount of time spent on electronic devices, with less interaction with other humans, could be.

or is it that today's young people just have too high of expectations of life. were they sold a bill of goods that if they just went to college, no matter the price or the specialty they took, everything would be great?

are young people being told/taught that this is the greatest time to be alive, in the history of the world? no worldwide conflicts, no worldwide health problems killing millions, folks living longer, more wealth, more opportunities, things are certainly not perfect, but not terrible. or, are there too many wusses, who are not tough enough to deal with the normal everyday difficulties that exist for everyone. answers?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Somebody is giving them too much at too young of an age. They don’t want to wait or work for anything. I blame both parents, grandparents, and other close relatives.

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