New machines unplayable.

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New machines unplayable.

Post by wildman49 »

I know we have all talked about this a bit on and off. I just wanted to give you some point of view where the guy on here Tech58 and I play in Mid Michigan. Indian casino and pretty nice place over all.

As I reported in other posts, the casino near about July time frame took out all the older up right machines for new state of the art machines. 6 banks of machines. Just after that they reprogrammed all the bar tops and some older slant top machines.

I got a chance to chat with Tech Friday. Between him and I we know 10 VP players that play here. Tech tells me he knows a husband and wife that stopped coming to the casino due to how bad VP has gotten.
He said even Keno people have seen this change for the worst as Keno is on these 6 banks of machines removed. He tells me he also can tell somethings for sure different. More dead hands, less good hands.

My buddy has stopped playing the new IGT machines and will only play the 8 Bally machines we have left.

I got to know a very good VP player over the past 2 years. He comes up from Detroit 2 to 3 days a week for over night stays. He tells me every month he would hit a Royal on the old machines like clock work. He played the new machines and took him 4 months to hit one. He also said one day he was playing BP, played 3000 hands with no 4 of a kinds on the reprogrammed machines. I know many of you will say that can happen, and I agree it can, we have never seen this off play before till the new machines where put in.

For me it's not about Royals as much as you can't get play out of the machines now. Tech tells me he would play for hours on the machines and rack up points, I agree with that it was no problem. Lose but not get wiped out over and over. Now these machines wipe you out in no time flat. Stevel96a1 has posted about this very thing where he plays.

This is the only way I can explain the true difference from old to new. On old Machine deals would be a winning pair off the deal and two pair off the deal out of 10 hands. Now you get the same winning hands but they are harder to hit. The new machines deal you a pair not a winning pair, and you might get two pair holding a pair. The winner off the deal are much less and you have to draw good for a winner. The old machines would pop up winners out of 10 hands pretty constant. Not any more on new machines.

These new machines and reprogrammed machines go 12 to 15 hands no winners many times an hour. After 6 -7 hands you think its got to give you a winner, nope it goes on and on. Four of a kinds are very slow in coming.

The only thing keeping me playing is them rolling pots I been lucky to hit. Play has been so bad for wife and I that we are looking at lowering our bets and play on one card for 2020. No one can keep getting wiped out trip after trip. Last week I put 200 bucks in and played 10 quarters a hand, gone on these new machines in 10 minutes on 9/6 JOB. At one point in the last 4 months I was dropping $600 an hour on 5 bucks a bet 9/6 JOB. The machines have been going empty. Friday at 3pm I walk in the non smoking room these new machines a bank of 12, 11 seats empty.

I can only report whats happening to me and what others are saying about the new machines. If you have old machines at your casino, play the hell out of them before they put in new ones.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I have posted before about this too. Tremendus long dud streaks or like you said go 6 or 7 hands over abd over without a winner. If I rembrr and it has been a while since I checked, on job a winner in the long run should come along every 4 hands or so. I have a way around it, but it is not ideal. They all seem to have very short windows where wins are concentrated together. Less than 5 minutes, then right back to the dud cycles. If you do get a quad, watch out. They are likely to lose 20 or 30 hands right after the quad appears. My only way at survival is to play small for hours and hours and try and catch that 5 minute window. It has been working ok on joker Kings and deuces, but not on job. I have gone quadless on job so many times lately, I just cant play it much anymore.

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Post by onemoretry »

So, you are alleging that they are not random? Not just at Soaring Eagle, but everywhere?

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

maybe they changed to lottery terminal .on vlt the dud streaks are way more frequent, this is just a shot in the dark on my part though !

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Post by wildman49 »

Not that this makes a whole lot of difference but all these players play JOB like myself. Not sure what other players that play different games are seeing. I did forget there is a local player lives near the casino, was playing 6 days a week. Told me he cut back to 3 day a week due to to many beatings.

When these new machines got put in my buddy asked why the change. He was told they could not get parts for the old machines. I never once saw a machine down, not even bad buttons on them old machines. I played the hell out of them for 3 1/2 years. They could have retired one bank for parts if that was the case. Am sure that was not the reason.

The new RNG is a hard nut to crack.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I was told the same thing. Pretty much a BS answer. They almost never break down and when they do, it is just to reprogram or reset the touch screen part that can get out of wack sometimes. A slot tech can fix that in 5 minutes. Luckily, Ct casinos still have some in service. The buttons on the new ones are flimsey and don’t last at all. They have put the new ones in at all of the bars. Paytables look good until you play them. I have had dud streaks of more than 30 hands on them with job. I won’t touch them anymore.

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Post by wildman49 »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:36 am
I was told the same thing. Pretty much a BS answer. They almost never break down and when they do, it is just to reprogram or reset the touch screen part that can get out of wack sometimes. A slot tech can fix that in 5 minutes. Luckily, Ct casinos still have some in service. The buttons on the new ones are flimsey and don’t last at all. They have put the new ones in at all of the bars. Paytables look good until you play them. I have had dud streaks of more than 30 hands on them with job. I won’t touch them anymore.
I know what you mean there OLDs. They build a very nice sports bar in the back of the casino over a year ago. 60 bar top machines. Good pay tables. These machine will wipe you out very fast. I don't play them like you, this new RNG they are using is a bankroll buster.

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Post by tech58 »


Somewhere someone knows why this widespread observation has surfaced. Something has changed.
Many have observed that VP has been dissed in many ways in recent years. Tighter pay tables,reduced points and comps,fewer machines, all a part of casinos wanting us to line up and bend over beside their beloved slot players.

Is it too far fetched to believe that a technological factor is possible.

Appealing again to our very knowledgeable experts with sources well beyond most.Something has happened,and it could possibly be a very important for the future of a game we all love(sometimes).

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Post by tech58 »

onemoretry wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:07 am
So, you are alleging that they are not random? Not just at Soaring Eagle, but everywhere?
NO. We are not saying that! We do not know that at all!
We are simply searching for answers for a widely observed change in "the flow of the game".

If we simply ignore this or deride this idea as "conspiracy theory" we risk playing into the casinos hand.

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Post by Waiting4RF »

In JOB, I think you get a winning hand dealt on average every 5 hands. And a winning hand includes a dealt high pair (a push). Correct this if it is wrong.

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