Record cold and snow in November

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Re: Record cold and snow in November

Post by onemoretry »

Also for the record, it's 4 degrees Fahrenheit at my place this morning, and there is about 4 inches of snow on the ground from our Monday-Tuesday snowfall.

If you say it loud enough, and often enough, people will come to believe it. That statement was attributed to our federal environment minister. I don't really know if she actually said it, but it sure does seem plausible.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

at the risk of repeating myself, the earth has been warming and cooling for 3 billion years without any help or hurt from mankind ! GOD HAS EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Carcounter »

It's Bloomberg's fault with his private Jet flying all over the place.

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Post by FAA »

India and China each open a new Coal-fired power every week and are laughing at us!!
I miss coal. The pollution argument has failed to sway me.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I used to load my great grandfather’s coal stove when I was a boy. It was used to cook and heat the house. There was nothing else. There is nothing like the warmth of a coal stove. There were downsides however. Both of my uncles ended up with black lung. They worked years in the mines of southwestern Virginia and Kentucky. It was fun riding in the back of the coal truck sitting in the midst of a load of coal. My mom however didn’t think so when she had to do the laundry. My job was to turn the crank on the wringer washer rollers to get the water out of the clothes. Such was the life in Appalachia. Spent most of my summers and a couple of winters there. .Nobody had money, but we grew or shot our food. Now if only I stuck to that mostly vegetable diet.

advantage playe
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Post by advantage playe »

sounds like a happy childhood !!! I know where of I speak !

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Was great to head out to the woods and not come home until dinner time. No cell phone, video games, or other BS needed to amuse ourselves. Growing upbin the 50’s was awesome. Except for a small bag of marbles, we made all of our toys. There were tons of veterans just returning home from ww2 and Korea. Pretty much all we did was play war, cowboys and Indians and live in the woods. When back in Ct, we pretty much lived at the beach. My little bag of marbles grew though. I had an awesome red and cream colored shooter marble Gambled with other neighborhood kids and won a lot of marbles. Traded some of the won marbles for other cool stuff the other kids had. Nothing was worth anything, but to us it was like gold.

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