the middle east

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Re: the middle east

Post by notes1 »

tech, you have done your homework and are well versed on the subject. a pew survey showed more than 90% of muslims in iraq and afghanistan, support sharia law. with that in mind, why would one expect their religious leaders to apologize for any form of violence.

i know i nave had enough when, off the top of my head, i can name a number of cities and provinces in iraq, but can only name a single city in a some usa states.

get our troops out of the area. we can monitor events of a distance and between our own and israel intelligence, if any of these countries get close to having a 'nuke', bomb the area.

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Post by New2vp »

notes1 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:56 pm
a pew survey showed more than 90% of muslims in iraq and afghanistan, support sharia law.
I'm surprised that anyone there would answer a survey as in opposition, let alone 10%; though I don't know the survey methods.

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Post by notes1 »

the actual numbers were 99% of afghanistan and 91% of iraq supported sharia law. what is a little more alarming is that in a 2015 survey, the majority of american muslims, felt they should have the option of choosing sharia law, over american laws.

our own country will never attain true assimilation, until immigrants to this country, understand that they must adapt to america and not the reverse. we should start by mandating that english is the official language of this country. what one does in the privacy of their own home, is up to them. but, no more resources spent on accommodating other languages, including spanish.

two more young men died in afghanistan, WHY? get the hell out.

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