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Post by notes1 »

apparently congrats are in order for the criminals of NYC. there can be no other explanation for the more than 25% drop in arrests and criminal summons, can there? this has seemingly happened almost over night.

maybe, there is another explanation. could it be the wacky, liberal, progressive policing policies of the dem de blasio administration, you bet. what self respecting cop, who puts on the uniform, risks his/her life, would not welcome being hit with buckets of water, bottles and other objects. what cop, with progressive policies that don't protect their back, might just not bother putting themselves in any situation that could be seen unfavorably. no proactive policing.

more videos have been released showing that to make a minor arrest, the cops need an army of officers, because of interference from the public. they need cops to make the arrest and more cops to protect the arresting officers.

who could not see this coming, BR. coming to a city near you, if you allow it.

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Post by Tedlark »

https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb ... ar-AAIcpfW

Just another example of the way police are mistreated. This genius didn't realize until it was way too late that there was a camera and microphone capturing his every word.

If he is under scholarship at the University of Tennessee it should be pulled and he should also be removed from the team.

If you do watch some of the video then you'll understand why I think the university wrote "his statement" for him.

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Post by notes1 »

a group of people (liberals) decide that they get to decide which laws need to be enforced. they elect like minded pols. together, they decide it isn't criminals who are doing wrong, but instead, it is the very folks we hire to enforce our laws.

you could see it coming. allowing buckets of water to be tossed at cops and now... targeted assassination attempts on cops.

way to go liberals, de blasio and those who defended the actions of these hoodlums.

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Post by jetermacaw »

notes1 wrote:
Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:36 pm
a group of people (liberals) decide that they get to decide which laws need to be enforced. they elect like minded pols. together, they decide it isn't criminals who are doing wrong, but instead, it is the very folks we hire to enforce our laws.

you could see it coming. allowing buckets of water to be tossed at cops and now... targeted assassination attempts on cops.

way to go liberals, de blasio and those who defended the actions of these hoodlums.
And crickets from the LSM :x

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