Casino Reopening and a RF Run

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Re: Casino Reopening and a RF Run

Post by seemoreroyals »

Lucky Larry - From an earlier post in this thread, I had no idea how many responsibilities you still had as an administrator with HISD. Sounds like you will have your hands full in the coming months. There are no easy answers to adjust and take action against the damage that has been done due to COVID 19. No matter what you do there are probably close to half the people who will disagree with you as deeply divided as we are as a people at this time.

In regards to CET, both my wife's 7 star status and my diamond card status has been extended until the end of January 2022. Typically we often play on the same card to take advantage of tier credit bonuses. If we can catch just a little bit of a break, in other words if people would exercise just a little bit of common sense in dealing with this virus, things will improve enough later this year so that we can venture back out to the casinos again. We both are already more than two thirds of the way to where we need to be to maintain our card status levels due to play in the first two months of the year. If we don't make it it is really no big deal as CET has extended everyone's card status levels for an additional year anyway.

How are things in Houston? In watching this virus unfold, it appeared earlier this year that the mayor of Houston was doing a pretty good job of taken action to help Houston keep the effects of covid to a minimum. It appears now Houston has reached a point where the hospitals are filling up, more people are dying, and it's just a matter of time before things go from bad to worse there.

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Post by OTABILL »

seemoreroyals wrote:
Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:03 am
OTABILL - So sorry to hear about your wife's passing. Looking back, life goes by way too fast and it makes absolutely no sense why your best friend and life partner was taken away from you way too soon. Stay strong and hold on to all the great memories. She will be with you always.
Thanks See for your kind words. Much appreciated.

Lucky Larry
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Post by Lucky Larry »

We see the same thing at GNLC. The pool is a nightmare, especially since the casino is the hot spot for many of the young wealthy Houstonians/Texans. Huge crowds, very little social distancing around the swim up bars, hot pools, the lazy river, and almost none at the cabanas which have huge parties going on. Security doesn't even try to make a presence of public health requirements. The GNLC also has a huge beach area on the lake side. We counted over 40 boats/jet skis/kayaks pulled up on the beach our last trip. There were beach parties going on and a constant flow to and from Bill's Burgers & Bar which is locate on the beach to serve the casino beach and boat traffic. Sweet C and I just look down on them from the room balcony and shake our heads. IMO: we basically wasted 2 months of lockdown because we didn't get opening up right!

I'm curious what your wife's school and the school districts up there are planning for the fall since the northeast seems to be headed in the right direction.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Hi LL. Well, she has been retired a year or so now, but as they say, a good teacher never really retires. She gets together regularly at a distance of course with current and retired teachers to discuss everything under the sun, but the conversation always drifts back to learning. I will check up on the latest school plans and report back. I think it is still a work in progress

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I’m back LL. The short answer is it is still a quote fluid work in progress. And so much depends on how the current explosion of cases may work its way back to Ct. I reviewed the webinar they just had. Everything is still on the table from full sessions with masks and mask breaks to hybrid ststems. The parents are going to have huge daycare problems as well as safety concerns no matter what. IMO, total remote learning only goes so far. The entire school experience is what molds a child into say what I still am today. There is no question about that. I can still name every teacher I ever had first and last names and what each one gave me that I took with me to have the rest of my life. But, I fully understand all of the safety issues. Everything is just such a huge mess with no one size fits all answer. Sorry about the poor grammar and sentence structure and lack of paragraphs. Figured I could get away with it on a post. Heeeee

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Just one cut short quick example of learning and memories I will always cherish. Back about 1965, my HS school Bio teacher had connections at Yale. Not that it matters, but I was in all of the accelerated classes so he was able to arrange for me to go and research the Yale Archives whenever I wished for projects. The thrill of holding and reading hand written manuscripts from the 12 th century or original documents from our most famous inventors is hard to explain and an incredible experience. On top of it, back then I was left alone to study there without any supervision. I think if I remember I had to wear thin cotton gloves so the acid in your fingers would not harm the documents. Of course in the world we have today, that opportunity does not exist. Stay safe stay well and what is the old saying? Good luck out there!

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