MARKETS,Anybody even yet?

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Re: MARKETS,Anybody even yet?

Post by Guest485035 »

pokerpokerpoker wrote:
Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:00 am
Although I don't track it too closely, I noticed today that my 401k was at the highest $ I'd ever seen it. I never touched it during the pandemic.

But now with all the uncertainty of the: pandemic, riots, and the upcoming election; I can't imagine why the market is roaring. Twice today I had moved all my 401K stocks into cash, but chickened out before hitting the "do it" key. Time is on my side (44 YO), but Damn, locking it in/up seems lime the smart move.
Might have something to do with the trillions the government has been handing out since the shutdown.

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Post by tech58 »

Astute observation G. Liberal give-away strategy that only works when it works.
Results TBD.

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Post by tech58 »

Got to be somebody back to even (starting point mid-Jan.).
Am still down 1.2% myself. With trump back ahead in the polls "FOLLOW THE MONEY"

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Post by tech58 »

Down .8%, come on guys, can't win my own contest. That would be as bad as a democrat fixed election>

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I’m right about where you are Tech. Monday morning quarterbacking a bit, shoulda, coulda, woulda, bought like crazy every 2,000 points or so the Dow went down. If I remember, went down to 18,000 or so at one point. If I was 30 or 40 years younger, I would have and did just that many years ago. Time is not on our side now however.

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Post by tech58 »

olds442jetaway wrote:
Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:28 pm
I’m right about where you are Tech. Monday morning quarterbacking a bit, shoulda, coulda, woulda, bought like crazy every 2,000 points or so the Dow went down. If I remember, went down to 18,000 or so at one point. If I was 30 or 40 years younger, I would have and did just that many years ago. Time is not on our side now however.
Fully invested in Jan. and not smart enough to bail out.
Therefor no dry powder during drop from 29,000 to 18,000. :cry:

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Post by FAA »

Excellent timing for thread. Guesstimate my high January 1, as I lost during the month. But about -1.1% since mid January bar. Now bullish and will rebalance with gusto. I suffered Spring Slaughter with Tech and saw no hope in either 2020 or 2021. Time to claw back with a vengeance. Staying alive! Carpe diem!

Antebellum Reb
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Post by Antebellum Reb »

I touched on some of the general points in a post about casino market survival in the Games section, but here we are talking about the entire economy and market in general. The US economy is essentially now in a DEPRESSION and will remain so, getting worse until a vaccine is developed. some of you correctly pointed out that the FED as well as the Treasury department have up to this point been the only real support for the overall economy and keeping the stock market from disappearing. That will not be enough anymore, and in fact if the FED now were to try and do anymore extreme actions or interventions after doing all that has been done already, it will alert the world that things are really severe and hopeless.

Realistically, what do you all see happening that will NOT result in a sustained depression starting in OCtober? The complete chaos of the pandemic response, the incompetence, callousness and stupidity of all members of congress on both sides in their inability to see that survival is at stake has resulted in inadequate responses and the current lack of a 5th rescue package (they are not stimulus packages, they are rescue / life support measures.) The US is now something like 26Trillion in debt so to split hairs over giving people more unemployment benefits to the tune of 600 bucks a week is dumb dumb dumb. Pelosi and McConnel just inflicted the Depression much worse and faster than it would otherwise have happened.

Back in March, if the USA had actually had a thinker in charge surrounded by other thinkers who could express the truth without fear of reprisal, they would have done what South Korea and Germany and others did.....focus on getting a really good covid19 test mass produced and test results processed in less than 48hours so you could meningfully and accurately quarantine and track; and then they should have just bit the bullet and SHUT the whole country down for 30-45 days with only the truly essential businesses open in very restricted ways, from mid march to the end of April to snuff the virus out like a fire. They instead half assed it all the way around, couldn't or wouldn't face reality, and soon the virus became this ridiculous political football that just made it all far worse than it needed to be.

Now, in the midst of this pandemic, americans have gotten used to living at home, with bare bones budgets etc. Now, people of all levels and backgrounds have been able to see just what exactly they really truly "need" or don't need. Spending habits and tastes are now irreparable changed, and for the downside.....even after the pandemic subsides and a vaccine is here, people will be content just staying home and will not spend like they used to, especially with the economy tanking and in depression anyway, its a vicious cycle that feeds on itself. Certain industries, like retail are now TOTALLY gone, more will follow and the new jobs and industries created will not compensate. The restaurant industry will never recover to pre-pandemic levels, not even close. The chickens are roosting .....the US economic travesty, where greed, fiscal incompetence and corruption resulted in the most lopsided, unhealthy concentration of wealth in the hands of a few ever seen in history will now prevent a meaningful recovery. You watch, there is just way way too much money sitting, just sitting in the accounts and hands of a few obscenely wealthy people or groups that just want to keep it for themselves to look at and receive the warped attention and adulation such wealth brings.
Last edited by Antebellum Reb on Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Up 2 percent since Jan1, 2020. Never thought I would see that in this environment and don’t know if it will last. Time will tell I guess. Not too much in stocks shift it out years ago due to age. Mostly bonds or bond funds

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Up 2 percent since Jan1, 2020. Never thought I would see that in this environment and don’t know if it will last. Time will tell I guess. Not too much in stocks shift it out years ago due to age. Mostly bonds or bond funds now or cash positions.

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