GNLC Deuces Sunday/Royals Monday

Did you hit any jackpots? Did you get a great comp? We all want to know!
Lucky Larry
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Re: GNLC Deuces Sunday/Royals Monday

Post by Lucky Larry »

So a couple of overview responses.
1) That winning card is the next hand on a high frequency. Based on observation...just because you think they're out to get you mean doesn't mean your paranoid. Of course it was the next hand!!! :x

2) My instant premonitions can happen at any time. My life-time reflection is that they occur when I'm most receptive-when my mind is uncluttered or often when I'm really tired. When I focus too much on winning I can't seem to get into a "zone". But, when I'm in the its fun!!

3) My repetitive dreams often have no meaning at the time. I became more aware of them in junior high and high school. In 1965 for 6-7 months I kept having almost nightmares of my family on a trip, in a strange black car, in a strange mountain location (yeah, I'd never been to the mountains - like a hill in flat Houston is a mountain) almost being killed in a car accident . In July of that summer, I came home from a Boy Scout Camp and my parents who never traveled announced we were leaving the next week for a trip to Florida, New York to visit relatives I've never met and then back to Fort Benning Ga, to see my brother off before heading to Vietnam. As we were driving the brand new black Ford station wagon (we got the week after I got home from camp) in the New York mountains we were almost broadsided. Since then I've had dozens of dreams that have become a deja vu moments.

4) My mom was highly receptive to premonitions and dreams. She often had strong feelings when something was going to happen especially to family members. I remember being 6-7 years old and my mom telling my dad something was bothering her because her uncle Royce (1 of 7) was on her mind. I won't forget since we only had a radio. The next day or two we heard of a huge tanker truck accident in Houston. The news kept reporting the attempts to get to the driver as the truck burned. Later we learned Uncle Royce had been burned alive in the tanker. I thought about that when I got older as I became more receptive. My mental/emotional connection with my youngest daughter is so strong its incredible. My older sister had similar abilities but my older brother wasn't receptive and refused to accept the ability due to his religious beliefs. My younger brother doesn't say much but I suspect he has the receptiveness as well. He was very close to mom as I was since we were both born many years apart and years after our older siblings.

5) I can't explain it, I think because of mom I just have learned to be more receptive than most people. My dad who was brilliant and had an incredible mind often discussed with me the power of our minds. When he died of a heart attack, we found he had written long instructions to my mom and paid all the bills. The night before he passed away, he told my uncle it would be last time they would be together, he told me not to come by to see him the next morning as I often did but to go straight to work. He passed away around the time I would have been with him. When we talked to his cardiologist, he told us he had told my dad when he first came to him he would give him two years to live. He died two years to the month he first went to the cardiologist. The mind is an incredible organ and I don't think any of truly know the powers we could possess.

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Post by Vman96 »

Jstark wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:28 pm
BobDancer wrote:
Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:48 pm
Lucky Larry wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:46 pm

1:12 I sit quietly as she playing and I watch my flush 7-A-10-9-Q and hold of A-10-Q hit a 25¢ Royal on JOB on hand #4. We both laugh as I send her a text with the picture.
did you really throw a dealt flush (worth 25 or 30 coins depending on pay schedule) away to hold AQT (worth about 6 coins)?

I hope you get your medication adjusted before you go play again!
Not saying LL is like this, but there are idiots out there throwing away QQQ to hold 3 to a royal on TDB! :wacko:
Am 90%+ sure I saw a guy toss AAA to play 3 to a Royal on Super Aces once. But he was playing fast.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

I too owe much of the success I have in VP to Bob Dancer. Most notably looking for the best paytables and comps, money management, and equally as important practice, practice, and more practice. Having said that I can't help but think that there is something else that contributes to successful casino gambling. Some people call it luck. Best definition for luck I can think of is where preparation meets opportunity. But sometimes luck goes beyond that. Recognizing recurring patterns and developing a mental tenacity for much of the disappointment that comes along the way in between the jackpots and profitable trips. Thanks again Bob. I think we all appreciate your contributions to VP more than you may realize.

Lucky Larry
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Post by Lucky Larry »

Gigi2 wrote:
Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:09 pm
Hi Larry - you are right. YOU called me hitting 8 times the Royal Flush!! Loved your intuition that night and learning you were the famous Lucky Larry and Sweet C sitting next to me just made my incredibly lucky night better. Going to Golden Nugget in LC Tuesday for first time in 5 months. My kids finally gave in and let me go!
I'm sorry we didn't get together Tuesday. When I told Sweet C about your post she told me she thought you were next to her late Tuesday right before we left to head home. Same machine you hit the two big RF when we were there. Hope you had some big hits. If you see us next time stop us and say hi!. Would have loved to touch base with you. You gotta love the double points for VP.


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Post by olds442jetaway »

And we use such a small pecentage of it too.

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