AC Restaurants Update

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Re: AC Restaurants Update

Post by tech58 »

Never mind br DrKen. He twists and spin the pandemic, and spreads unfounded gloom and doom, for purely political reasons. And he never lets science or rationality get in his way.

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Post by billryan »

DrKen wrote:
Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:10 pm
As I stated prior, you are going to catch Covid at some point. With ever increasing cases we see lower numbers in the hospital and lowering death rates. Unfortunately for those in poor health or at the end stage of life Covid tends to be far more life threatening. We won’t stop Covid but we will survive it. All species go through this periodically now it’s our turn
May I ask if you are a medical doctor and if you are, what you specialize in? If you are saying the human race will survive it, absolutely. Lower hospital rates? Lower than when? Deaths are down from July but are much higher than in April for almost every state.
Catching covid19 is not inevitable.

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Post by tech58 »

Comeon Webman the jerk injects his bias into a good discussion of the virus and you are either sleeping or compliant WHICH IS IT!!!!
Read the posts. What went on before he crawled out from his rock.?
You have reprimanded others for injecting politics where inappropriate on this very thread!
Let's see your true colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by DrKen »

I am a chiropractor with 39 years in practice. I have had to take 2 7 day quarantines due to fevers. Covid presents in many ways, thus I have spent many hours researching it. I have been open except for those 2 weeks. I have and continue screening patients when they can”t see a their md’s and get the needed info so they can get the care needed. If you would like to put up your expertise in healthcare against mine, let’s have at it.

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Post by billryan »

What is your basis for saying getting covid is inevitable. Since you posted that, I asked two friends, one is an infectious disease researcher and the other is a retired biochemist. Both say it is not inevitable. Why do you think it is?

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Post by DrKen »

The virus will have to run thru the entire population, it will not disappear. Then we will develop a lasting immune response as a population to covid and it’s descendants. It’s been that way for every species. There is no reason to doubt this. It’s worked for almost every virus except for hiv. If it didn’t our species would not exist.

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Post by billryan »

Dr Ken,
I participate in another forum where we have been discussing corona since early March. It's over 1000 pags with some 200 participants. Would you like to join us and discuss this. I'm sure they'd love to hear your views on the inevitability factor. Do you think it's inevitable everyone worldwide gets this?
Any thoughts on why the USofA has 4% of the worlds population but 20% of the deaths? Why Canada had zero deaths yesterday while the USofA had around 1400?

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Post by DrKen »

No I wouldn’t. Let’s wait a couple of years and see exactly what the final results are. Then we can evaluate who is right and who is wrong. We could spend hours in circular argument. I have put my feelings in writing, based on science and history in many species and epidemics, only time will tell who is right.

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Post by billryan »

Fair enough.

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Post by DrKen »

For those who wonder if there is such a thing as herd immunity, let’s talk about a case where herd immunity was lost and a epidemic then occurred. This was polio and led to the first vaccine b6 Jonas Salk. Polio existed probably nearly forever, drawings from 1400 bc show people with leg deformities similar to polio. But it was not a large problem until the late 1900’s when it became common in developed countries with improved hygiene and sanitation. In 1905 it was discovered to be communicable. Finally, the vaccine was developed and it is nearly eradicated. Scientists believe that the improved hygiene caused the epidemic because that reduced the exposure we had to the virus when we were infants when our mothers breast milk gave us antibodies and helped our immune system fight it off and we got constant boosters thru exposure. Thus since the vast majority were “vaccinated” at a early age it was just a occasional case. Increased hygiene led to lack of exposure to the virus, then lack of immunity and the polio epidemic. Thanks to Dr. Salk and his vaccine the epidemic was ended. This is an excellent example of how herd immunity works. You can easily check my facts on this on Wiki

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