happy days will soon be here...

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happy days will soon be here...

Post by notes1 »

it sure looks like Joe Biden will be next potus, and i can't wait. surely, within the next 6 months;

-chinese virus will be a thing of the past
-no one will get sick from the virus
-no one will die from the virus
-the economy will be growing at a nice pace
-employment will be back to record levels, just like before the pandemic
-the police will be defunded or down sized, we will no longer need them
-college will be free for everyone and all college debts will be forgiven
-there will be no more demonstrations and destruction on the streets. no need for it, everyone will have free housing, guaranteed paycheck, free food. america will really be great again!
-everyone will have free healthcare, including illegals, who will now be usa citizens. i can see the millions lining up to come in, from all over the world. no skills, no money, no problem.
-no more pollution, because we won't be using any carbon based fuels. just plug your car, airplane, boat into a electric socket, fueled by the wind and off you go. just have a long enough cord. and, if it doesn't work, just walk/bike everywhere.

the left gave trump less than 6 months to solve the pandemic, so i am sure joe will have everything fixed within 6 months.

it's gonna be great!

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Post by Eduardo »

Trump is the only one who has made such glowing forecasts about the virus. Not the Dems. You seem to be confused. Dems aren't the ones who gave him six months to solve a pandemic. He is the one who said it would be gone by Easter. Oops.

As for the economy, looking past the day to day market fluctuations, I would say we are in for a rough 4 years. As far as the stock market, I don't think a second Trump presidency could have kept the pace from the past 4 years, and the Dems will almost certainly do worse. Hopefully there is some growth at the bottom to make up for this. I wouldn't count on it.

Demonstrations and destruction on the streets? I think we can be almost certain these will be diminished in Biden's first year vs. Trump's last year. Beyond that... who can tell. We don't know what events will take place that seem to be triggering these, and Social Media isn't going away. I don't think many "Dem cities" have turned into "Rep Cities." I don't think many "Rep cities" have turned into "Dem cities." And I don't think Biden will be encouraging any violence.

As far as violence, I'm much more concerned about school shootings than the current demonstrations. We haven't heard much about those lately, which is good. I guess because most schools have been closed. Nobody really has an answer to that one. Most of the proposed gun regulations would have done little to nothing in preventing previous shootings. The answer most likely lies in cultural change, not taking away guns. That's a tough one.

Illegals becoming citizens? Let us all hope so. We could use the tax revenue. But I would only support this if you also drop the hammer on any future illegal immigration and increase prevention (wall or otherwise). The Dems have gone so off the rails with their inability to distinguish "immigrants" from "illegal immigrants" that they will have a hard time pivoting back towards prevention. This is one issue they are so soft on, it's pathetic.

Pollution? That's a longer term battle than Biden will be able to fight. But let's hope we invest in the future, which lies in alternative energy sources. That shouldn't come at the expense of current energy though, in my view. "Dirty" energy should phase out naturally as demand shifts, not punitively.

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Post by notes1 »

it would take too long to critique your entire post, so i'll just pick one line, 'use the tax revenue from illegals.' you had better learn a little about finance , taxes and money. out of ALL legal americans who file a federal tax return, 50% of those filers, pay 97% of all federal taxes.

you think that illegal aliens, with little or no skills, money or education, and many with lots of dependents, actually pay their way. what a joke. by the time one adds in the cost of welfare, free healthcare, education and a myriad of other federal social programs, illegals are largely a drain on society's pocketbook. they do not come close to paying enough taxes to cover the guarantees that a citizen gets. why the hell do you think they sneak in here, by the millions.

here is a question, maybe EDUARDO can answer, why can't mexico fix it's own problems, so their citizens would want to stay. and, don't blame it on americans buying the drugs they supply. fact, too many officials are on the take from the drug lords.

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Post by billryan »

It's so nice to wake up to another mindless racist rant by one note.
It reminds me of Victory. As far as we have come, it is good to be reminded how far we still have to go.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I agree Mexico is a mess and unable or unwilling to fix its problems. However, if there was no American market, there would be no drug lords, so I blame Americans too. One more thing. If there were no smokers, no market for cigarettes and hopefully less cancer and heart disease. Won’t see that in my lifetime though.

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Post by billryan »

A new poll out today says 80% of Americans believe that Joe Biden is the President-Elect and that the election was fair and honest. That figure includes 50% of the republican party.
That raises the question of should we celebrate that evidently half our republican brethren have a basic understanding of civics or should we be surprised half of them appear to be bark at the moon, bat-shite crazy?

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Post by wildman49 »

It's a rap and Biden wins. Just here in a county not far from me a guy that is a register voter in 4 different city/townships got 4 absentee ballots. Plus dead people getting mail in ballots what a shame. It really don't matter much who is in the white house when you look back 50 years.

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Post by billryan »

wildman49 wrote:
Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:21 pm
It's a rap and Biden wins. Just here in a county not far from me a guy that is a register voter in 4 different city/townships got 4 absentee ballots. Plus dead people getting mail in ballots what a shame. It really don't matter much who is in the white house when you look back 50 years.
There is really nothing wrong with someone getting multiple absentee ballots. The problem is when someone sends them back. I was out with a couple of wall workers last night and one guy was all upset that California sent him an application for an absentee ballot as he hasn't lived in California for over a year. Turns out that his wife and kids still live there, he owns property there, his car is registered there but being sent an application for a ballot proves the system is corrupt.

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Post by billryan »

Biden now projected to win Arizona in a squeaker. That is four states that rejected trump after voting for him last time, with a fifth likely to join the list. Happy Days indeed!

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Post by notes1 »

billryan wrote:
Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:01 pm
wildman49 wrote:
Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:21 pm
It's a rap and Biden wins. Just here in a county not far from me a guy that is a register voter in 4 different city/townships got 4 absentee ballots. Plus dead people getting mail in ballots what a shame. It really don't matter much who is in the white house when you look back 50 years.
There is really nothing wrong with someone getting multiple absentee ballots.
as long as they vote dem, it's all ok! anything to win, corrupt/biased media, lies/corruption from dem cities, votes from the dead/imprisioned, illegal aliens, bundle votes, pay for votes, as long as they win, anything goes.

there is no mandate, few actually voted FOR biden and the liberal agenda, dems lost seats in the house, reps look to keep the senate. biden has a pen and phone and not much else. let's see how his plans for the virus are going in mid february, see how his plans for the economy are doing after another shutdown.

and, just watch as the media makes up an excuse for every bit of bad news. pathetic! corrupt! hypocrites!

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