the vaccine is here...

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the vaccine is here...

Post by notes1 »

the prayers and hopes of millions, maybe billions of folks around the world have hopefully been answered. people are now being vaccinated, with a medication(s) that has a reported effective rate of 95%. more than a million have died and millions more infected. rarely, has any vaccine ever been developed in a quick time frame. even with not enough doses available right now, the impact of distributing the vaccine to health care workers and the most vulnerable.... the elderly, should have an almost immediate impact. the most vulnerable have not changed since the beginning.

i've noticed that the articles that the media are now publishing have changed recently. not so many stories being written about the potential negative side effects, the number of folks who will not take the vaccine or whether the vaccine should be trusted, as it was developed under the trump administration. it wouldn't have anything to do with biden being elected,would it?

i've also noticed that prior to the election, many notable dems/liberals/trump haters, made public statements questioning whether to trust or take a vaccine developed by trump administration. now, after the election, some of these same folks are demanding more doses. it wouldn't have anything to do with a biden victory and future deaths and infections, reflecting upon biden?

can one imagine if a dem admistration had developed a vaccine in just one year. heck,they would be receiving a NOBEL prize.

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Post by billryan »

The vaccine isn't here yet. It is going to be months before the general population gets it in large numbers and it will be at least a month before anyone gets the immunity that the two doses provide.
Twenty plus states have not finalized plans to distribute and none of them have the money needed to do the distribution.
Cochise County has zero facilities capable of storing the vaccine so rather than spend money on such a facility, the state says wait for the other vaccine that is easier to store.
Meanwhile, deaths across the country have tripled in the last month, and the trump administration is throwing large, mostly maskless, Holiday parties like it is 1999.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Notes, can we all just agree that the development of multiple vaccines is a good thing and just leave politics out of it? Does it really matter who gets credit for it? WTH does the Nobel prize have to do with anything? Let's just get things back to normal for the sanity of all of us.

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Post by Chicagoan »

The vaccine has nothing to do with Donald Trump or Joe Biden. It has everything to do with ending this terrible pandemic. It's very sad that even now, weeks after Biden was elected, that the Trumpsters still see monsters hiding in every shadow. Biden was not just elected, but elected by a sizable margin in both popular vote and Electoral College vote. This was a margin that dovetailed quite closely to what the polls have been showing since January 2020. It is also a margin that cannot be unexpected when you consider what Trump's approval rating has been for the past few years. So why are Donald Trump and his followers so surprised at the election results?

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Post by billryan »

Reports out today that states have been told they will get only 60% of the vaccines they were promised for next week, while Phiszer is saying they have millions of doses in their warehouses that they have not been given any instructions on where to send.

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Post by Tedlark »

Pfizer.gif (8.57 KiB) Viewed 2784 times

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Post by Jstark »

Just note that their facilities in Michigan are in the meth capital of the United States.

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Post by notes1 »

i have not argued the election was crooked, but nothing would surprise me about dems/liberals and trump haters. what does interest me is that not a single poster from the left has ever acknowledged that the majority of the media, for 4 years, was on an obvious campaign against trump and conservatives. 90-95% of coverage of trump was deemed negative. prior to election, coverage of biden's mental condition and his son's short comings was almost non existent. no in depth reporting on biden family members making money off joe's 50 years of public service(that is a joke). nothing written about joe's lack of accomplishments. the MSM refused to even ask biden anything about these subjects. yet,any questionable action or comment from/about trump was accepted as fact. stories of russian collusion, even after the mueller investigation, was still being touted by dems and their media minions.

say what you like, but the pandemic started in china, they lied about it, made money off of it and the vaccine was put in place in record time, by the trump administration.

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Post by billryan »

Rap on, bruther, rap on!

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I will just say this. If Trump had just not gone against the science with the virus, he would have won the election hands down. Especially in the weeks just before the election. All he had to say was yes, our covid science and conditions have changed and this is what we are going to do to to attack it , but he didn’t. Just stayed in denial till the end even after he got it.
