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Post by notes1 »

did the award winning gov of NYS, cuomo, not get the message that there was a vaccine coming? did someone forget to tell him? didn't he first say, along with other leading dems, that they would not trust a vaccine, developed under trump administration, and then changed his mind and demanded an increase allocation. of course, he did this, after the election.

but, with all that political garbage going on, he apparently didn't do any planning on how to distribute the damn vaccine. and, before the liberals go crazy, let's remember, it was dem/liberal governors, that told trump to stay out of state business and they would take care of themselves.

unused vaccines have been tossed in the garbage.-NYT

good job!

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Post by Eduardo »

Do you spend your entire day angry at Democrats or is there some form of light in your life that takes your mind off these things from time to time?

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Post by seemoreroyals »

I was wondering the same thing.

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Post by notes1 »

seemoreroyals wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:27 am
I was wondering the same thing.
no one has more hatred than you, even with your new years resolution.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

notes1 wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:29 am
seemoreroyals wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:27 am
I was wondering the same thing.
no one has more hatred than you, even with your new years resolution.
Rather than deflect and attack me why don't you answer Eduardo's question?

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Post by notes1 »

eduardo, do you remember when you stated that you could not vote for biden? do you recall me repeatedly asking you, WHY? you never answered.

now, you want me to answer your question, is that fair?

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Post by Eduardo »

I never said why I wouldn't vote for Biden? Sorry about that. I thought I was pretty clear on that at some point. For starters, I strongly disagree with the Democratic party agenda these days. I don't think I could vote for any Democrat at all for President, unless they were clearly a true Moderate only running as a Dem for expediency. That's definitely not Biden given his career, though he was more moderate than most of the Dem alternatives. Secondly, I think Biden is a bit of a moron and way past his prime. A terrible candidate. I don't think he will make it 4 years.

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Post by notes1 »

thanks, now you deserve an answer to your question. it will be long winded.

maybe i was naive, but i used to believe that folks normally did the right thing, believed in obeying the law (or changing it), believed in being self reliant and responsible for their own actions and future. there was a time when accepting hand outs from the government, was considered below one's dignity. there was a time, when folks accepted that some might have more than others. it was up to the individual to change their own circumstances, if they wanted more. i believed that one worked from a young age, to better themselves. taxes were meant to pay for government, including a 'safety' cushion for those in need. but, not as a form of wealth redistribution.

i also believed that the media were there to report the news, without opinion. they were not to take sides, to favor any group. i also believed that politicians were to fight for equality and fairness. i believed elected officials were responsible for guaranteeing the pursuit of happiness, not the guarantee of happiness. buying votes should be a crime. i could not imagine how anyone would propose forcing their sexuality upon others, where young/old females would be forced to share locker rooms with some guy, who now considered himself a woman. men getting pregnant, how stupid.

well, things changed, or maybe i stopped being so naive. when, i can't say. i saw young men, come back from being forced into war and spit upon and called baby killers. i have seen a political party that fought for free speech (successfully) and now fight for speech, as long as it is acceptable to them. i see the media intentionally trying to influence elections, even if it means lying. i saw folks over spend, under save, use too much credit and then manage to blame others, including financial institutions for their own mistakes. i see young people demanding more and more free stuff. these are adult size children, who have never accomplished anything and paid zero taxes, to contribute to the country's welfare. it was ok for these 'children' to commit crimes, one after another, with the blessing of a single party.

i watched the media treat the previous president with kid gloves. he was going to be a success, revered, they were going to guarantee it. a guy who had never accomplished anything. the media was equally determined to make the current potus a failure, no matter his accomplishments. they worked four years to achieve their goal.

as has been stated many times by myself and other conservatives, TRUMP was/is a flawed person. he has a giant ego, loves the spotlight, was never a true conservative (especially when it came to debt...failure), and other weaknesses. but, it was his policies that we endorsed and he delivered as promised. all the while, facing criticism that would break most other men. the media, the dems/liberal/trump haters were non stop in their investigations, false accusations and made up stories.

eduardo, i could go on, but have bored you enough. i tried to answer honestly. do i hate dems/liberals...NO. but i despise many of their policies. and, that is the difference. conservative feel liberals are just mistaken in their beliefs, liberals actually HATE conservatives. they have said it often enough.

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Post by Eduardo »

I appreciate those thoughts, but they actually don't answer the question at all. ;)

My personal view regarding the question is that these things are important, but they are far from the most important thing in my life and I should spend my time and energy accordingly. I intentionally don't watch the news much, because it can be consuming. There will always be problems in Washington DC, and the news will do all it can to retain your viewership day and night. I can't remember the last time I watched or read the news for an hour and felt better at the end of it.

I can usually feel okay about wasting 15 minutes of my day keeping up on things. More than that, I've given away something I can never get back, to accomplish nothing except higher blood pressure and fewer friends.

Obsessing about Cuomo, no matter what he has done, gains me nothing.

I only say this because it seems to me that current events are rankling you more than might be healthy, and I want better for you. Maybe I'm wrong and if so, wonderful. I hope you won't be offended by the suggestion. But I think intentionally taking some time away from the news would do you some good. You might miss some headlines, but you'll find that the world went on without you and isn't any different than it would have been if you had your face in the news 24/7. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get caught up on what you missed, and yet you won't have poured so much of your time into it. I say this not out of judgment, but based on personal experience having done so myself several times after realizing that consuming too much news was getting the better of me.

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Post by FAA »

Still hatred aplenty on the forum. Only the calendar changes.

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