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Post by billryan »

It's the same old song......

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Post by notes1 »

regarding your comments;
-since the election, i have not watched a single minute of news...nothing.
-i have visited online news at fox, nyt, breitbart
-problems in DC and other parts of the world have always existed. of course, but as obama said, his goal(and other liberals)was to 'fundamentally change america...'. some of us do not quite agree with the changes they endorse. should one just accept changes, we do not agree with?
-should conservatives just let liberals have their way, gain power and direct the future of the country.
-i am retired, paid SS taxes for more than 50 years, and have a comfortable financial picture. we are in the middle of chinese virus and i take precautions, which include greatly limiting my travel out of house.
-i only bring up cuomo's faults not only because are they plentiful and obvious, but they accurately depict the hypocrisy of the left. if you have not noticed dems/liberals stick together like flies on sh!t and never fault one of their own. and, the media covers for them.

maybe you should pay a little more attention to the hatred, frequency of posts, time spent criticizing trump and conservatives, coming from a number of others on this site. the vitriol is disturbing.

i appreciate your 'concern', but i am doing just fine. i will never let the left and their media minions get away with lies, misrepresentations, made up accusations without comment.

do you believe the media has treated both sides equally? are you in favor of some ex male(?) transgender using the same shower facilities as your wife/daughter/mother/niece? do you believe in open borders and free taxpayer funded healthcare for EVERY person who manages to make it into this country? do you favor free college, free housing, guaranteed income for everyone? please answer each question.

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Post by notes1 »

billryan wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:42 pm
It's the same old song......
a response one would expect from a person incapable of debating the issues.

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Post by billryan »

A proper response to you involves scrapping my shoes and being more careful where I step.
You've outright lied about me involving things you are utterly clueless about, insult me constantly, and even belittle the towns I live in.
Almost every thread you start shows how sad, pathetic, and miserable you are. You come across as a very scared and damaged individual, so why would I want to debate you about whatever burr is up your ass at any moment.
Life is a gift. Embrace it and lose your blind hatred and we might someday have something to discuss.
Or continue to be a victim of your own fears.

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Post by notes1 »

dems/liberals/trump haters voice more hatred than any other group. and, not just against trump, but those who support the policies he endorsed. you lied, i called you on it, and will not admit it. it was clear to everyone who can read. maybe, that does not include you.

as far a criticizing the town you live in, all i did was point out FACTS listed on city data. FACTS! i couldn't care less where you live. and,b/t/w, aren't you moving again soon? how many places in just a couple of years?

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Post by billryan »

I'm closing on two houses this week. One I intend to live in for the next year while renovating the 1/2 acre of land and flip it. The other is a fully rented out triplex with a very nice ROI. My plan to move to Texas didn't play out as the person I'd planned to partner with couldn't come up with the funds he said he would.
You've repeatedly said I have failed in multiple businesses without offering any proof. You accused me of cheating on taxes, again without any proof, and you even suggested I was involved in money laundering and accused me of being involved in cigarette smuggling. Like an ignorant child, you lash out at things you don't understand yet somehow fear.

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Post by notes1 »

produce the comment where i suggested/accused you of money laundering and cig smuggling. never happened, another lie.

you stated YOU treated your employees at a bar/rest as independent contractors. that would imply you did not pay your employer share of Social Security taxes and required benefits for employees. if so, at the very least, you saved yourself a bunch of money, at the expense of your employees.

for someone who likes to quote scripture, not a very christian way to treat employees.

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Post by billryan »

Another lesson I learned early in life- Before you argue with someone, be sure the person is mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives. Obviously, that makes any attempt to have a discussion with you moot. I'll leave you to your world, dark and nasty as it is.
In the world of vibrant colors, you choose to live in black and white.
You have my pity.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

I just heard thus today on 880 AM news....the categories on who gets the vaccine next are being revised again. For instance, this will make the smokers who can no longer smoke in the casino happy. If you live in New Jersey, and are a healthy 64 year old non smoker, a 25 year old smoker will get the vaccine before you. How’s that? My guess is OTABILL’s ears must be ringing about now. I had to pop an extra blood pressure pill myself. I don’t know which other states will follow suit. I suspect many will.
My 97 year young dad with multiple serious health issues is still has to wait more than a week more to get his first vaccine shot. And he is in assisted living with round the clock care. I am 72 and probably looking at six months out. Welcome to Connecticut.

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Post by seemoreroyals »

Thank you for bringing the subject back to vaccines. I have two brother in laws that now have had their first shots. One is 71 the other 67. They both had to make a lot of calls. And listen to a bunch of recordings that they were not able to make any more additional appointments at this time. With persistence they both finally got theirs just this week. We also have a family member in a nursing home that still has not received their first vaccine. I would have thought all the nursing homes would be done by now.

Unfortunately this virus is real similar to the flu but is much more deadly. I seriously doubt we will totally eradicate it. My wife and I are in our early 60's. Best case scenario for us some time April or May before we can get ours.

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