Extremely Lucky. I should quit for the year now!

The lighter side... playing for entertainment, less concerned about "the math."
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Re: Extremely Lucky. I should quit for the year now!

Post by FAA »

Congratulations. Welcome to 2021; Ned Lamont is obtaining CT cut. How long was the session? Trying to gauge my VP patience threshold. It’s clearly too low.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Yes, Weicker started it and Lamont is stuffing his stocking as we speak with 84 one dollar bills. First stop on the way home was the Salvation Army Bell Ringer. Tomorrow its here. If they aren’t open, I will catch them on Monday.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

You won’t be happy FAA…..8 hours and the Royal came near hour 7. About 600 hands per hour. Gave Lamont 84 bucks, gave back 100 in hour 8. However, I had hit quad deuces earlier and was actually up a bit for the session when the Royal hit. The casino was extremely quiet and crowds were sparse I believe due to Covid and it being a couple of days before Christmas. 11pm to 7 Am was my playing time. Had my pick of machines so naturally I went to the few that continue to hit over the years. Wildman will know what I mean. Even though I’ve had 3 shots, I had my mask on the entire time. There are breakthrough cases in droves everywhere. After the Royal hit, I treated myself which I shouldn’t to a free Krispy Kreme glazed donut that is free with vaccination pic on my phone and bought a coffee at 6 AM as Starbucks isn’t open yet. I must say and its JMO Krispy coffee is horrible. Took care of my slot attendant and the Krispy Cream lady who works so hard overnight and is about my age. Hit the hay bout 7:30 AM. Mohegan Sun continues to do its best to keep everything immaculate cleaning and sanitizing. Such a pleasure without machines covered in trash and filthy cigarette butts and ashes. I have no complaints right now about the venue. Hope it stays that way. No free Friday or Saturday night rooms, but currently being pretty generous with weekday rooms and a little free play almost 24/7.

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Post by FAA »

I figured. Seven hours is clearly a deal breaker. If absolutely hell bent on play, I could shoehorn five on a trip. No wonder you were still playing. Being ahead creates a positive state of mind, despite the sheer exhaustion. At that juncture, it’s just a hand pay vs break even race by quitting time. Obviously, we are inclined to our past triumphs with machines. Caesars feels like an ashtray on weekends, especially the quarter progressive bank. The money which those simpletons save on VP is just covering their other vice.

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Post by OTABILL »

WTG Olds

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Funny, always being a night owl, I rarely get tired playing or of playing until 9-10 hours. I do take stretch and BS breaks with the waitresses here and there though. I usually don’t start to fade until between 4 and 5 AM

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Hoping to end the year on a plus note. Though I plan to be nowhere near the casino on New year’s eve, I plan a final 2021 trip later tonite and head home around noon. I had some luck on my last trip and that seeded my trip with the Mrs on Monday night. We played overnight to attempt to avoid the Covid crowds. My bankroll was seeded with my recent 1200 Royal less the 7 percent that was stolen by the Ct Governor. Played my usual Martingale clone and it worked well. I didn’t take pics as my phone was so low on battery at the time, but I hit quad Deuces with 14 quarters in. I dangerouslyswitched to dollar play hoping for a year end huge Royal. It would have needed to be at least 20 K to be even for 2021. UGH! I was ahead that much in February. I was very lucky to hit quad deuces with an 11 dollar single line bet. The result was a 2200 hand pay less again the 7 percent the Ct governor stole. My seed money for tonite and I do plan to be careful is up to 1,700 plus. It will be a bit less after my trip to help the adorable rescued friends at my local Animal Shelter. Always a sad yet rewarding trip.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

PS…..I have over 400 use or lose Mohegan Sun what they call Choice credits. They can only be used on certain food items and Venues at the casino. I am going to see if I can find a good local charity or shelter to coordinate with. 400 bucks buys a lot of pizzas even at the casino. Hee hee. If I could beam the gang here tonight, we would be having a big pizza party and maybe a brew or three as long as I could beam you back home without driving. Everyone stay safe and well and have a safe and healthy New Year. Olds…..

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Post by TripleTriple »

A 20K salvation hand would have been a lot to ask for. I think a 32K dealt royal would have gotten me close to even but before Xmas it was not meant to be and I am forced to abandon NYE comp.
Best I can hope for is an early large W2-G in 2022 that I can sail off into the sunset with. But things such that I cannot plan a trip before May.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

The final trip of 2021 was a bust. Mostly my own fault. Trying to recoup much of the year’s losses in one too aggressive trip. No Royal, no quad deuces, lots of space between good hands. When you have that and are playing dollars…..well you know the rest of the story.

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