Ads: OK. Flash Player Ads: NOT OK

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Ads: OK. Flash Player Ads: NOT OK

Post by JoeE »

Nothing sucks the performance out of a computer like running multiple Adobe Flash players, and nothing makes me want to avoid an advertiser like an Adobe Flash player ad that's slowing down the game I'm trying to play.If I'm interested in a product, I'll gladly click on the ad, ESPECIALLY if it's a simple static graphic.  I REFUSE to click any CPU-eating Flash player ad because whatever they're advertising, I can buy from a company who's less arrogant and more caring about its customers.We all understand the need for advertiser support but I don't see the need to PUNISH non-premium members by overloading their computers with as many as four concurrently running Flash players.  Some of us can't afford premium membership.Please talk to your advertisers.  Encourage them to use simple static graphics. Announce it as a sitewide upgrade. will get a lot more click-through revenue and the advertisers will get more business and create goodwill for themselves and

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Post by Webman »

Ad revenue actually isn't very high, but it allows us to keep our free
membership. We've tried to keep an ad-free Silver membership affordable,
at less than 7 cents a day for the annual plan.There are a lot of low-load flash ads out there that do not affect performance on most computers. However, I feel your pain, as certain high intensity flash ads have been known to cause problems when they appear. When you come across these, email us at comments @ and we will do our best to remove them from the rotation. Ads cycle in and out quite frequently and we have multiple ad networks, so locating the ads can be tricky at times. To make this easier, send the ad position (top or right), the name of the advertiser, and a description of the ad itself.As for contacting the advertisers themselves, it is unfortunately not too effective since it is usually agencies handling that side of things. I agree that annoying ads make me less likely to buy, but I assume they continue to run them simply because they generate more revenue in the end. Some things I'll never understand.

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Post by Webman »

We've gone a step further and this will hopefully help out a lot.Below the right-side ad, there is now a link: "REFRESH ADS"If an ad is slowing down play, just click that link to cycle the ads out and get new ones. Of course, we'd still like to hear about repeat offenders that cause issues with gameplay, but this should help.

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Post by rascal »

For the cost of one casino trip every 5 or 6 years you can upgrade to one of the non-ad levels. Most of those players who are on one of the non-ad levels cannot relate at all to the complaints about the ads. As Webbie wrote, upgrading costs lss than 7c per day and I am certain I can find something in your budget every day that can be tossed out to save 7c. Frankly, membership in this site is one of the true bargains in entertainment. I really do not understand why everyone does not upgrade to at least the silver membership. Several of the premium members have told me that this site satisfies their VP cravings and that they have greatly reduced their casino visits.

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Post by Tedlark »

  Now if I could only find a website where you can eat virtual Oreo's? I'd be totally set...

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