a few site suggestions

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a few site suggestions

Post by 1-4-all »

There are a few items that I would like to suggest if possibleThe chat area would be easier to read and keep up with if you did not have to keep looking over to the left-- if it were on the right it is easier to read and follow while playing a game.Also there would be more chat and interaction if each game had a separate chat room,example if playing 50 QQ game and you  see someone going up and down the top ten list you can chat back and forth with others in that room only and not be chating with someone  playing a different game.One more suggestion would be post other players total hands played to let others know how they stand..... I have not noticed any mention nor do I see any member area for any prizes or winnings from that total hands playedthanks for time and consideration on the above suggestions1-4-all

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Post by Webman »

Thanks for the suggestions. For the chat rooms, we thought the same thing initially. We actually had separate rooms for each game not too long ago before deciding to make it one room (two actually... one for contests, one for the rest). The truth is, there is only a certain percentage of people interested in typing in the chat, and when you spread them out across 60+ games, you end up with more comments like "Hello? Is anyone there?" than any actual discussion.   Chat participation has gone up dramatically since making it a single room. We know the chat isn't for everyone, and that's perfectly fine, but we do want it to be as useful as possible for those who participate. We may switch things up again with more "rooms" in the future, particularly if the membership continues to grow and it becomes too hard to follow. Right now the pace seems pretty good and only gets out of hand occasionally. If others think we should split it up into individual game rooms, we'd love to hear that in case we are misreading public opinion. The initial though was just like yours... a way to talk to the people going up and down the charts in your same game. But we realized that that isn't lost now... if you see someone's name moving in the charts now, go ahead and call them out. If they don't respond, then you probably wouldn't have gotten a response in a separate room either (although they may be a little more likely to notice in that situation).

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