does want gold to win daily contests

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Re: does want gold to win daily contests

Post by Webman »

or they fear the wrath of if they voice their opinionsCare to clarify, because I have no idea what you are talking about with this "wrath." If it's any sort of censorship of opinions, it might be worth noting that the only reason anyone has ever been banned from this site is due to inappropriate conduct towards other members, on account of the fact that it takes away from the friendly community we would like to encourage. I also don't think anyone has been banned since you joined here, so I'm not clear on what you're getting at.We're always careful to listen to opinions and concerns of members and I think we have a pretty good record of addressing those things. Any sort of "wrath" is the last sort of atmosphere we want people to be feeling around here.I think people tend to get a little worked up on message boards and misinterpret the tone of messages a lot of the time.

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Post by edog743 »

OK first things first has to have a mission statement every company has one. As far as the wrath of I think I cannot be the only one that has asked these Questions or wondered about it. So like I said in my previous post I believe some people are fearful of mentioning anything that would upset the apple cart. whether that is perception or reality I do not know. But it seems to me I believe they are afraid of any ramifications if they do so.

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Post by Webman »

Considering how often people have expressed concerns and received nothing but an explanation addressing their concern, I don't know what that fear is based on.I'll do my best to allay those fears over time by providing reasonable responses to any concerns.I think the skepticism comes not from anything that has actually happened on this site, but a general distrust.All I try to do in my responses is determine whether or not a concern is founded on a reasonable level of facts. If things were actually out of line with what should be expected, I would be concerned as well. Other than that, the best I an do is describe what happens and why what we're seeing is actually not unusual at all.Concerns usually start with the high scores in contests, since when you play a few sessions, those scores can seem disproportionate. So we show what hand people got to reach that score. Analysis of the games shows not only that those hands can happen, but should happen. And the frequency they happen on the site matches the expected frequency on average. We address this one all the time, and I know we will continue to revisit it forever as new people find their way into the contests and get that same feeling,without first taking a good look at what should actually be expected. Some people would think that 4th place score you got the other day could never happen, until it happens to them.

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Post by edog743 »

Yes the score yesterday was Quite a surprise was in the top spot for awhile. But in the end it was just another daily contest that did not get me an entry in the tournament of champions. After all is that not what we play in the daily contest for?

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Post by bubbagene »

Edge,I would guess the mission statement would be to have fun,have a nice wed site and make a few bucks to,what would be wrong with that?
  My guess about basic winning more than gold could be simple law of averages. I dont know have many bascis players there are versus Gold members,it might be 3 or 4 basic to 1 gold memeber. All Iam saying is there is alot of varibles that need to be considered.
  I in know way think its rigged or anything,not saying you were suggesting that but it could be misread that way. Anyhow peace and enjoy playing,I to get frustated at times with VP but at least Iam not lossing real money lol.

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Post by edog743 »

Bubbagene,I am not frustrated nor am I suggesting the contests are rigged. you ask a number of valid Questions I would love to have the answers to. All I am saying is I cannot believe I am the only one out over 200,000 people  to wonder about these things.

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Post by mjterry »

alot might not know where this forum place is - they just get on the home page and scroll down to the games, i dont know, but this is my guess.

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Post by Webman »

Edog, approximately 25% of the daily contest sessions are played by Gold members. What other questions would you like answered?In the meantime, here is a statistics question:Given the number above, along with the fact that the previous 8 daily contests have been won by a non-gold member, what are the odds that the NEXT daily contest will be won by a non-gold member?A: 75%B: 0.0750846863C: The odds of a basic winning 9 times in a rowD: I don't know but rare enough that I would begin to suspect something is fishy

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Post by edog743 »

I am not saying something is fishy. I am just asking if I am the only person out there in land that this has occured to. I guess I am so I will leave it alone and let it die. with such long odds of gold members winning I guess I should be happy I placed in the top five yesterday and keep my mouth shut.

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Post by Webman »

You of course are not the only one it has occurred to. But I'd like to help you understand it. So, which is your answer to the question above? Here are a couple more as well.Question One:Given that 25% of daily contest sessions are played by Gold members, along with the fact that the previous 8 daily
contests have been won by a non-gold member, what are the odds that the
NEXT daily contest will be won by a non-gold member?A: 75%B: 0.0750846863C: The odds of a basic winning 9 times in a rowD: I don't knowAnd Question Two:Which is more likely, a gold member winning twice in a row, or a non-gold winning NINE times in a row?Question Three:If you are a gold member, and Joe Blow is a basic member, knowing that gold members play 25% of the sessions, are you more or less likely to win than Jow Blow?Understanding the answers to these questions is critical to making a good analysis of any results.

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