does want gold to win daily contests

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Re: does want gold to win daily contests

Post by edog743 »

Question#1 I do not know    Question#2  given the disparity betwixt gold and non  I would say the non-gold    Question#3 I am less likely to win by a large margin.

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Post by edog743 »

Now, Webman I have a Question for you. You agreed I am not  the only person on this site to wonder about this. Do you think I am the only one with enough intestinal fortitude to ask or do you think the others just do not care?

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Post by Webman »

Now, Webman I have a Question for you. You agreed I am
not  the only person on this site to wonder about this. Do you think I
am the only one with enough intestinal fortitude to ask or do you think
the others just do not care?

I think you are not the first person to make such inquiries, and I'm always happy to address them when they do come up. 

questions are important to understand, and I definitely recommend
taking the time to understand why the following answers are correct.
Incorrect understanding of these statistical questions is what leads to a
great many of the misinterpretations of both the contests as well as
casino play.

Question#1 I do not know    Question#2  given the
disparity betwixt gold and non  I would say the non-gold    Question#3 I
am less likely to win by a large margin.

The answers to the above questions are:
1) A. 75%
The odds for the next contest are the same as any. Previous results do
not impact future results in any way. Just as when you flip a coin, the
odds of the next flip are 50%, whether the previous one was tails, or
the previous 20 were all heads.

2) 9 non-golds winning in a row is more likely than 2 golds winning in a row, by a small margin.
The odds of two golds winning in a row (assuming all other factors such
as strategy are statistically similar) is 25% squared. 0.25*0.25 =
.0625 (This will happen about 6.25% of the time, over time.) The odds of
two non-golds winning 9 times in a row is .75 ^ 9, or
.75*.75*.75*.75*.75*.75*.75*.75*.75 = 0.0750846863 (this will happen about 7.5%
of the time, over time)

3)  Incorrect. Your odds are exactly the
same as Joe Blow, assuming you both play the same number of sessions and
use a comparable strategy. If there were 999,999 basic members and only
1 gold member, there would be a much much higher chance of a basic
member winning. But every basic member would have only as good a chance
as that one gold member (1 in a million). This is why being a gold
member has no impact at all on whether or not you will win, even though
you will see basic members more often in the top 10 and winning. This
does not happen because the odds are better for individual basic
members. It happens because there are more of them with the same odds as

Hopefully this is helpful, and I'm happy to answer any questions.

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Post by edog743 »

Webman, you answered my statement not my Question. If you would like to answer not in an open forum I understand. you can always send me a personal message to answer it . Also you could choose not respond at all.

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Post by Webman »

I thought i did answer your question. The answer is, other people have already asked similar questions in the past. 

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Post by edog743 »

My bad

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Post by edog743 »

Here it is

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