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Re: does anyone subscribe to.....

Post by edog743 »

Da you forgot to mention that Mr. Jackson was a pedophile.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Da you forgot to mention that Mr. Jackson was a pedophile.
  I thought that remained "alleged", and that he settled it out of court to the tune of X million dollars????    was it ever proven?    Dont get me wrong, if someone asked my opinion I believed he was indeed guilty.... either way, he remains a tragic figure, since, if he was indeed a pedophile, no doubt his volatile childhood/upbringing at the hands of his wacko father and in the midst of the showbiz industry contributed to it......that does not excuse it or even explain it, but it does help those of us who want to understand and get past such things to do so......Ironically, if he was guilty of such behavior and had been properly prosecuted and found guilty, he might still be alive today because he would have been forced to deal with his massive substance issues (no way he could have continued down the path he went if he had been found guilty back in the late 1990s....)

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Post by Tedlark »

  DaBurglar thank you for the insight into Elvis and Rita Moreno, you are much wiser than your years. Red West went on to a nice career of his own in hollywood and I'm just baffled as to how he didn't get a best supporting Oscar for his breakout performance in the movie:"Roadhouse." Or an emmy for his work in "Baa Baa Blacksheep."

  As I again review the offerings from DaBurglar's cut and paste I am wondering if this book would be geared more toward the locals than out of town visitors? The reason I ask is because I always get my lodging comped in Las Vegas so I wouldn't benefit from the lodging coupons. Also there is absolutely no way I could take advantage of all of the buffet coupons, even if I went to Las Vegas multiple times over the year. I can only ice skate so much before that gets boring (no offense to those who like to ice skate) and as for the shows; well I pretty much stick to the marquee acts. Forget the booze coupons, I don't drink but who pays for drinks anyway? If you're playing then they are free except for the tip but you would tip a bartender or server when you used a coupon too, right?
  So I am thinking that I may pass on picking one of these bad boys up because I don't think I would use enough coupons to lighten it up while having to lug it around everywhere.   

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