Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Post by DaBurglar »

Hey olds?   I think you may have just performed the single most hillarious thread segue ever!How do we go from talking about AC closing four casinos, to Detroit's doldrums, to tedlark being a snot, to the Dukes Of Hazard and the General Lee??!?Now everyone can see why I like this forum so much and refuse to be driven off by malcontents!Now I have visions of Daisy Duke dancing in my ......er, never mind.You do realize though olds, that Boss Hogg was just a character while Boss Tweed was an actual historical mayor of NYC known for his corruption during the later part of the 19th century?    Ah who cares.....tell us more about this 440R/T car of yours....what year was it and what did you pay for it?

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Hey olds?   I think you may have just performed the single most hillarious thread segue ever!How do we go from talking about AC closing four casinos, to Detroit's doldrums, to tedlark being a snot, to the Dukes Of Hazard and the General Lee??!?Now everyone can see why I like this forum so much and refuse to be driven off by malcontents!Now I have visions of Daisy Duke dancing in my ......er, never mind.You do realize though olds, that Boss Hogg was just a character while Boss Tweed was an actual historical mayor of NYC known for his corruption during the later part of the 19th century?    Ah who cares.....tell us more about this 440R/T car of yours....what year was it and what did you pay for it?

Other than Daisy, Boss Hogg was my favorite character in the show. What a crook. The car was a 68 Charger R/T that my friend bought new for 4400- while we were up at UCONN together. Right after graduation, he went over to Nam to serve our country and luckily survived. His dad used the car once in a while just to commute to work while he was gone and the local driving got it really carboned up inside. Anyway, I bought it from him in 1974 for 750 bucks because after he came home, he just lost interest in it. I fixed it up and drove and raced a little for that summer then sold it to another guy for the same 750- (gas crisis days). If I had it now in mint condition it could pay for a good part of vp losses over many years, but that is the rest of the story. Now how the heck can I work in any vp topics here.....Oh!! I know. Took it down to A/C before casino days once that summer and it overheated in traffic on the Garden State. The Mrs. was not a happy camper. A really nice person stopped to help. He had a can of radiator flush that fixed it right up and there was a clear creek right there for water. Now don't ask me how there could be a nice clear creek in Jersey cause I don't know, but it saved my car and trip that day. Wow! that day was hot and the car didn't have air. Would have robbed the performance.

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Post by BillyJoe »

Good post billyjoe< i remember reading about the water situation Detroit, but had not thought about it again until now.Let me throw this out as well.....two words:  Kwame Kilpatrick This guy, and his cohorts, were the final KNIFE in the heart to the city.....he may have been the single most corrupt, nefarious and detrimental MAYOR of any major American City in our entire history!!!    And that is saying a lot when one looks at our History!  He makes Boss Tweed look saintly.....

As long as we are on the subject (not sure why we got there, though), let's not forget our buddy, Ray Nagin, of New Orleans.

I grew up in Chicago during the Richard J Daley era. In my mind, their are two kinds of "corrupt" mayors - those that benefit the city, in spite of a little corruption, and those that just want to line their own pockets.

Mayor Daley ran Chicago HIS way, but the streets were always cleared of snow, and the trash was always collected.

Ray Nagin took a crippled, reeling City of New Orleans after Katrina, and bilked it for all it was worth.   

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Post by BillyJoe »

And since there may still be some sentiment for using Detroit as a model for AC recovery, this tidbit. I guess this is progress for Detroit..
Detroit's bankruptcy plan approached a new stage Monday after city pension holders endorsed a debt-cutting plan that would dent, but not decimate, their future benefits.

General retirees, who comprise the bulk of those affected, would get a 4.5% pension cut and lose cost-of-living increases. Retired police officers and firefighters would surrender part of their annual cost-of-living increases.

Contingent on the vote was an agreement by the state and private funders to make $816 million available to shore up pensions. That amount represents the present value of the city's world-class collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, which the city said would be placed in a separate trust

http://online.wsj.com/articles/detroit- ... 1406014029

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Post by chattycattty »

Since this is a serious, meaningful thread, I noticed that Caesar's Atlantic City just got burgled. Could it be? He hasn't posted in the last couple of days. Maybe DaBurglar is getting back some on the money that the rigged machines has taken from him over the years.

In all seriousness I hope they catch the people that did this and I am glad no one was hurt.

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Post by Tedlark »

I also read that article today Billy Joe. It would appear that the Detroit municipal pensioneers are concerned that this was the best of the worst options they had. Not to gloat but I mentioned that there was some newer information.

As for whoever DaBurgled Caesars I too hope they are caught and that nobody was hurt. I can't wait to see how someone spins this???

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Post by BillyJoe »

As for whoever DaBurgled Caesars I too hope they are caught and that nobody was hurt. I can't wait to see how someone spins this???
Only $150k out of a casino that size? More of a "Duh" Burglary.

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Post by Tedlark »

DuhBurglars then?

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Post by BillyJoe »

DuhBurglars then?
Not sure that I would risk getting my butt shot by security while robbing an AC casino, and THEN, have to worry about being mugged when I left.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I have not posted (or even visited the site the last 6 days) due to pressing concerns in other areas of my life, but its nice to see nothing (and no one) has changed, including tedlark's latest attempt to "spin" his original display of ignorance and aloof petulance about Detroit.   this "newer" info about their disposition of the city's Artistic inventory had nothing to do with his original comment, nor is it relevant to the theme of this thread......he obviously thinks everyone (not just me) here is stupid....as in "duh".....That being said, what this latest caesars-AC fiasco involves is something about which I have absolutely no knowledge or awareness....therefore I will now go and look this up somewhere to see what has transpired and will vent my comments later.

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