Favorite Casino MOVIE

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Re: Favorite Casino MOVIE

Post by BillyJoe »

[QUOTE=Minn. Fatz]  Brian Molony was a bright young man who went into management training at Canada's Imperial Bank of Commerce right out of college. Floating through all the bank's operations he learned its weaknesses, which he used to embezzle over $10 million to feed his gambling jones, $4.7 million of it at Caesar's Atlantic City over 14 months in 1981-82. Attempting to recover the funds, the bank and NJ Gaming Enforcement argued Caesar's should have known Molony couldn't have been gambling with his own money on a yearly salary of $10k. As part of the gaming enforcement settlement, Caesar's went dark on Saturday, November 20, 1982, and six of its employees paid $36,500 in fines.

WOW! this brings to mind all types of issues and questions.Keeping in mind that this was 1981-82, back when the casino and gambling business was still considered "socially unacceptable in most circles" and that VEGAS was still under the control of the Mafia,  Atlantic City was operating with a different set of standards than Vegas.     AC was VERY clean by comparison, so it is little wonder that this gentleman embezzler attracted all this attention.If he had taken his ill gotten booty (or his ill booten gotty) to Las Vegas instead of AC, he might have gotten away with it. at least for a longer period of time before getting caught.    Back then, in Vegas, they rarely questioned where or how people got the money they wanted to wager.     The fact this guy chose Atlantic City is "Unlucky" for him, dont you think?
Another SUPPOSEDLY true story about old Vegas. Guy robbed a bank in a nearby town, and showed up at Caesars with the loot, still in the big, canvas bank bags. He sauntered up to a crap table, and started playing. The casino had heard about the bank robbery, but did nothing until the guy had lost his entire haul. Caesars then called police, and told them that they think the bank robber is in their casino. Police arrived, arrested the guy, and asked Caesars "Where is all the money?". Caesars said "Beats me - he must have stashed it somewhere before he came in".

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Post by onemoretry »

One more: Owning Mahowny, Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Hurt in a thinly-veiled version of the case that shut down Caesar's AC for a day.
Quite a coincidence! I watched that movie Friday evening, having recorded it a day or so previous.

My comment to my wife at the end of it was something like: "that wasn't much, was it?" She agreed.

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