Visa Gift Card Refused For Payment

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True Destiny
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Visa Gift Card Refused For Payment

Post by True Destiny »

Anyone else had this problem?  I purchase a Visa Gift Card for my Gold Member subscription payment.  (I do not want to have my debit or credit card info stored.)  I do this for accounts such as newspaper, magazine, etc. that automatically charge your account.  This way if I want to cancel subscription, there is no problem stopping the charges.  (One magazine charged my account after I cancelled subscription and it took almost a year to get a refund.) emailed me that the card was declined this month.  The Visa Gift Card Customer Service told me that does not support Visa Gift Card payments.  I like being a Gold Member so I hope this issue gets resolved.

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Post by Webman »

We don't choose to accept or decline payment, that is up to the bank / card company that distributes the card.We've recommended this method of payment for people who don't want to use a credit card and this is the first I've heard of it being declined like this, so I'm surprised they told you that. Is this for a recurring payment? If so, you might wait until your Gold fully expires, then clicking to upgrade again and using the card. Of course, double-check the card number and expiration date.Did they mention that they saw the attempted charge in their system? If not, the card may not have been entered correctly. Since you spoke to them, I assume they verified that the card had been activated, which is the only issue we've experienced in the past that I know of... some people have the card but haven't followed the activation instructions before making an internet purchase. It doesn't sound like that's the case with you.Some banks may have restrictions on where the card may be used, but that isn't up to us. I do know that people have been using cash cards for payment successfully but I don't know if they were Visa or other companies.

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Post by Webman »

It looks like that card is not allowed to be run as a recurring payment. It was run again as a single payment and worked successfully. So you are all set for another month.What I would suggest doing is cancelling the subscription so that it expires next month, then just upgrade again. Otherwise it will almost certainly decline again when the next recurring payment comes up.Of course, upgrading to an annual membership would save this hassle and also save you money in the long run, but if you don't want to pay that much up front it's understandable.

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Post by Slate1964 »

Cancel please I dont have Adobe flash to install

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Post by BillyJoe »

Cancel please I dont have Adobe flash to install
Not sure what system you are running, Slate, but if it is Windows on a PC, Adobe Flash is a free program that is downloadable from the Adobe website.

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