Anyone heading to Vegas....

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Re: Anyone heading to Vegas....

Post by pokerforme »

wow Ted now you are moving on to attacking others in your attempt to get Da not to post here? Lets try to focus and keep it classy

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Post by Tedlark »

  Actually pokerforme I only responded to someone calling me stupid. I have had very little interaction with this other poster and if they did not want a response from me then they should not have posted what they posted. If you can dish it out then you better be able to take it. My focus rarely gets clouded.

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Post by DaBurglar »

lmaoIs everyone getting all this???   tedlark is in FULL meltdown mode.    The dude totally needs help......Do you see how completely full of crap he is??"not going to ease up on me???"   Oh ok Ted.......but you really ought to ease up on yourself.  You've just done it pal.....totally shot to ribbons all your posturing about how you DONT stalk me, how you are NOT a bully, how your only intention is to "Save" this forum (and any "innocent" readers/posters here) from my so-called "misinformation" and "flip-flopping.   Your treatment of these other two posters who are simply pointing out your childish, petty, ridiculous behavior is the best evidence yet of just how much of a bully you try to be, but we all know Bullys are just cowards.   You have NOTHING to contribute here except criticizing my posts, no matter WHAT I choose to post about or topics......everyone can see this.   Your irrational hatred of me I guess makes for good theater so that is why Webman allows us to continue like this.....if he wants to kick me out simply because...(lol  I cant actually believe you typed this as a legit gripe) "I took the lord's name in vain", that's his right as the admin......I'll just move on with my life.   But I doubt that's going to happen.   He's allowed you to persist all this time with your ridiculous pursuit of me and your constant distraction and's hilarious....I'm a liar because I changed my mind????  lol  Um called me a liar long ago because you are just a spiteful person, insisting you do not hate me when if fact that is all you display.    You will never get rid of me here Ted......just like you claim to have a "right" to post whatever you want in response to me, I have a right to post what I want ....and if people dont like what I write about my experiences in such places as AC, or whatever, then they can simply choose NOT to read what i write.    but  I'm never going to cave in to your bullying, I am always going to post what I want, and until or unless I DECIDE I am tired of posting here and have nothing left to contribute or share, you are just going to have keep beating your head against your keyboard in your pointless, fruitless attempt to one-up me or whatever perverse goal you have in your mind.Or you can just quietly stop this nonsense, this childish behavior, and resume normal posting and discourse and what not. ....  seriously, I made this particular thread about heading to vegas as a LEGITIMATE thread, I really wanted input and dialogue with others, and once again you just sabotaged and derailed and distracted the whole thing......and for what???    Where was the "misinformation here ted?"       What were you "Saving the forum from here"????      You are completely hypocritical......and if you want to drag religion into this, read your bible and see what "the lord" has to say about hypocrites.

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Post by Tedlark »

  And I made a post inquiring why someone would pay for a room in Las Vegas when they are so easy to get for free, how is that "sabotage"?   As for being in "Full meltdown mode", um, huh?   Because this is an open forum everyone has a right to post here. But there are rules that govern the forum and they include things such as: no vulgarity (which you violated) and no name calling (which yoou have also repeatedly violtaed). You also have a history of posting misinformation, half truths, and fibs. You have also bullied people on the forum as well.   I have made my position clear as crystal and it remains the same: post ACCURATE information which doesn't include supposition, misinformation, half truths or fibs; stop the NAME CALLING, this meeds no explanation; don't use VULGARITY in your posts, don't make snide comments about other poster's family.   If you manage to abide by these, who knows; you and I might just end up getting along. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

  And I made a post inquiring why someone would pay for a room in Las Vegas when they are so easy to get for free, how is that "sabotage"?   As for being in "Full meltdown mode", um, huh?   Because this is an open forum everyone has a right to post here. But there are rules that govern the forum and they include things such as: no vulgarity (which you violated) and no name calling (which yoou have also repeatedly violtaed). You also have a history of posting misinformation, half truths, and fibs. You have also bullied people on the forum as well.   I have made my position clear as crystal and it remains the same: post ACCURATE information which doesn't include supposition, misinformation, half truths or fibs; stop the NAME CALLING, this meeds no explanation; don't use VULGARITY in your posts, don't make snide comments about other poster's family.   If you manage to abide by these, who knows; you and I might just end up getting along. 
where are the "misinformation, half truths and fibs" in this thread??   What is not accurate?You are full of are not interested in all these "noble" pursuits, everyone knows this.   You are just a spiteful petulant cowardly bully who cannot get someone who you dislike to run away or give up or whatever......Its funny how you are the only one who makes these (false) claims about me, how you are the only one whom it seems to exaggerate everything, and if you really are that "offended" because I wrote "goddamn" then dont read my posts anymore.   Whatever "names" and snide remarks who apparently are whining about PALE in relation to you repeatedly calling me a liar with NO BASIS or PROOF or anything.  Get a clue already....I'm NEVER going to do what you want.....I will post exactly what I want, how I want and in the manner I are NOT in charge here (thank "the lord")YOU are the dishonest one here, not me.   Your phoniness is palpable.As I said, if Webman has a problem with anything I say or write, he knows he can tell me and I will gladly abide by what he wishes.   You are not part of that equation.It just is not possible for you to simply leave me alone here huh?  You just cannot do've made it known you essentially disagree with everything I say or write, you are sick of what I have to say, etc.   Fine, we all get it.......point taken.   Now move along.....

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Post by Tedlark »

  I'm not the one who said I wasn't going to post in the forum anymore, you did. That lasted all of about 4 days and you then started up new threads. So that was a lie.  I enjoy picking your posts apart but they really aren't challenging to me at all. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

  I'm not the one who said I wasn't going to post in the forum anymore, you did. That lasted all of about 4 days and you then started up new threads. So that was a lie.  I enjoy picking your posts apart but they really aren't challenging to me at all. Which of course, is why you keep doing it and NEVER miss a chance to, right?   Man do you even REALIZE just how IDIOTIC you sound????   I'm serious, do you even THINK before you type or are you just so "MAD" at me and what you apparently think I represent that you cannot think straight?    And your definition of a "lie" is hilarious......I simply changed my mind    And why is that so friggin important to you anyway?   See, clearly....CLEARLY you are obsessed with me!  Your admission that you "Enjoy" your behavior also proves what I have said all are a mean spirited spiteful petulant bully.   The truly UNCHALLENGING part in this whole ridiculous litany of BS is making you look foolish.   All I have to do is post something normal and relevant and then watch you trip all over your hostility and irrationality.

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Post by Tedlark »


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Post by jeffro32 »

ok back to the original post, trust me you dont want to stay at circus circus, its a total circus with a million kids running around and its pretty far from everything and kind of run down,,, boulder station is nice but again its pretty far from everything,, the plaza is very descent, it is downtown, i just spent a week downtown and a week on the strip, to me downtown is loosing its edge, there was street gangs roaming thru it at anytime of day,, million tourists-its safe but a lot of homeless and begging everywhere on fremont,,,,cheapest on strip is harrahs or the flamingo-they both are very nice and in the heart of the action,, they say downtown has better odds, but i never saw one hand pay in a week downtown and it took me 3 minutes to see a hand pay on the strip,,,downtown was so tight it wasnt funny, spent maybe 2k downtown and best return on a 20.00 was 110.00,, on the strip i hit several 500.00 wins,, so thats my 2 cents peace

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