Ohio Casino Cheating

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Re: Ohio Casino Cheating

Post by notes1 »

i specifically stated 'DYING OF HUNGER', reading comprehension must not be taught at harvard.   did a quick google search, to see if i mispoke. according to what i was able to find, aprrox 100-120 people die in america from hunger, largely due to parental neglect. in a country with a population in excess of 300 million, it would not even register as a stat. feel sorry for those affected, but it was not due to lack of access to food. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

i specifically stated 'DYING OF HUNGER', reading comprehension must not be taught at harvard.   did a quick google search, to see if i mispoke. according to what i was able to find, aprrox 100-120 people die in america from hunger, largely due to parental neglect. in a country with a population in excess of 300 million, it would not even register as a stat. feel sorry for those affected, but it was not due to lack of access to food. if you want to take potshots at my reading comprehension, then you better be ready to take a few shots at whatever "google" search abilities you possess because clearly you have no clue.ONLY 120 people die per year from hunger in America????   I DEFY you to show me where you got that BS stat....seriously, do not post again until without including this evidence!!!  lol   Are you that desperate to make a point, get the last word in and defend a indefensible point?     "Dying of hunger", and "Starving" and "not getting sufficient food and nutrition"   ALL mean the same thing.....I am actually LAUGHING that you made the post you did above.....are you actually going to expect ANYONE to join your point of view by DENYING that there are MILLIONS in the USA ALONE (and BILLIONS worldwide) who do not get enough to eat????http://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in ... 2345797748 MILLION americans (about 15% of the population) do not eat sufficiently......largely due to inability to work because they cannot find sufficient employment;   because BY YOUR OWN previous posts you said yourself IF they were on the "dole" (i.e. WELFARE and food stamps) they'd be WELL FED....so obviously there is not enough welfare or food stamps.  You cant have it both ways genius.....Checkmate Mr Compassionate Conservatism

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Post by Carcounter »

"I want to live in a country where the poor people are fat"-Unmamed immigrant caught at the border.

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Post by notes1 »

the link you listed lists no data on 'death from hunger'. according to the CDC.gov, most recent stats as of 2013, there is actually NO statistics with cause of death from hunger or starvation. they do list a total of 3224 deaths in the USA from malnutrition. according to their stats, there were a total of eight (8) deaths from malnutrition for children aged birth to age 14.  of the grand total of 3324 deaths, 2746 were 65 and older. according to USA LIFE EXPECTANCY.com, their statistics are similar.  so, total deaths of 3324, out of 300+million people is equals .000011, and of those deaths, approx 82% are folks over age 65 and older. many of the deaths can be explained by mental illness, loss of appetite for the elderly, parental neglect, caregiver neglect. per merriam webster, hunger-severe lack of food. malnutrition-not eating enough healthy food. according to the CDC, almost 10 times as many people died from falling, than from malnutrition. 

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Post by DaBurglar »

"I want to live in a country where the poor people are fat"-Unmamed immigrant caught at the border. A known symptom of poverty is overweight population.....poor people cannot afford healthier food and instead are stuck eating crap like cheap fast food.    this in turn causes them to have increased health problems which costs society even more.....I do not even know wtf we are debating here.......and I do not care.AlL I do know is that the CASINO industry is bloated, over saturated and in general, NOT a friend to the average everyday American (both Rich or Poor!)    Most casinos that open up in the midst of the average American community NOT named Vegas end up sucking in and consuming far more wealth than they spit back out into the greater community at large.....this has been demonstrated over and over since the late 1990s.I am about to watch MGM open up a monstrosity right down the street from me, and I predict in 3 years people will be SAD SAD SAD they ever allowed it to happen......

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Post by Tedlark »

  How long before that MGM "monstrosity" opens DaBurglar? Is this time included in your 3 year plan of demise or does this 3 years start from date of opening? Just wondering.

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Post by DaBurglar »

  How long before that MGM "monstrosity" opens DaBurglar? Is this time included in your 3 year plan of demise or does this 3 years start from date of opening? Just wondering. It is set to open in 2017 so the death watch begins then......I suppose you disagree and think casinos are WONDERFUL for the communities they plop themselves after bribing their way in......???    I mean look how wonderfully Detroit and AC are doing, look how spectacular Philadelphia is chugging along, and of course, look at the numerous casino enclaves sprinkled all throughout the midwest along the mississippi and gulf coast......PROSPERITY as far as the eye can see!       NOT

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Post by notes1 »

during a discussion, i made the statement 'no one in america is dying of hunger'. you found fault and disputed my claim. you sent a link to a website that provided NO stats on this subject, death, hunger, america.  i did the legwork and provided stats from the governemnt supported CDC. this agency lists hundreds of causes of death in america, none from hunger. they do list malnutrition, as a broad alternative. i gave these stats, which clearly state that not only is death from malnutrition a statistical anamoly, it is largely due to reasons, other than lack of access to food. you have been proven wrong. what was that about being checkmated? the other day there was an article about a man in detroit who was walking 21 miles to work. i can not verify this, but it was widely reported. once that story hit, the man received a new car and a crowd funding effort raised over $300k for him. does anyone really believe that in america, someone could go without food, and an uproar would not occur. what also makes this particular story interesting is that in an interview about all he had received, via others generosity, he mentioned he had been to the casino, the night before. hmmm!   on a broader scope, hunger, access to clean water, healthcare, etc, are certainly problems in many other parts of the world. i have no idea how to solve this problem, other than to write checks to chartiable organizations, that are trying to help. i have doing this on a monthly basis, for most of my adult life.

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