Well I guess Golden Nugget AC must be doing AWESOM

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Re: Well I guess Golden Nugget AC must be doing AWESOM

Post by DaBurglar »

You're 100% right DaBurglar.Instead of me commenting (which you encouraged in your kick off post) about you trying to scare people away from Golden Nugget (which you admitted to doing) I could have instead posted that I'm up to 64 daily top score achievements. It seems you've got some catching up to do pal. I admitted no such thing (read it again and maybe you can see what I am actually saying...)  You are HORRIBLE at reading comprehension, HORRIBLE....And even so, IF I was trying to......lol...... "Scare" people, I would be actually performing a service because NO one in their right mind should book a room for 2 grand that is no bigger or better than most motel rooms.I care about your 64 .....lmao......"Achievements"  as much as you care about trying to catch up with my 22 Chess Trophies and awards.....and it is an inherent truth that Chess is a infinitely superior game in terms of gauging a person's intellect, strategic abilitiies, problem solving skills and math skills.     Even still, I am pretty sure I am also a superior video poker player than you, your 80% luck rate not withstanding (more like not existing, but ahem....we've beaten that mule into glue already...)Give up Ted, you keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself, and ALL you have to do is simply......NOT post in response to me anymore.

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Post by Tedlark »

I'd also have more chess trophies than you.

Did you ever think that maybe Golden Nugget quoted that rate just to YOU?

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Post by DaBurglar »

No BS....and no emotions....just answer this:Do you actually, truthfully, know how to play chess?If so, let's cut out this idiotic banter because no one is in fact going to WIN  and because it is only causing the forum community at large to suffer.      Instead, I am more than willing to set up a meeting/match with you somewhere that is neutral and mutually convenient (or at least equally INCONVENIENT) for both of us....somewhere like Pittsburgh (i.e.  a place or point in betwixt  your supposed location somewhere in Illinois  and my confirmed location(s) in New England,  i.e.  Massachusetts and Connecticut.....)     Obviously I AM NOT simply going to look for a equidistant point because that might plop us somewhere in the middle of no where, so I looked for a LARGE city with an airport or even a significant Train/Bus Depot, located on a LARGE "highway-byway" in case  YOU wish to drive .....   PITTSBURGH sticks out like a sort thumb, or your neck, depending on how recently you dropped a barbell on your head or something......I challenge you to a CHESS MATCH..... 3 games, one where each of us plays one game as white, one as Black, and then the third game (if necessary) we flip a coin to determine color .....  SIMPLE, no fuss no muss.Yes or no Ted, do not launch a diatribe or explain why this solves "nothing" etc etc.    You claim in your post above  you would have "More chess trophies than me"  (that is, IF....IF you had spent a decent portion of your life playing chess instead of 10 line Dreamcard.)     Well Now you have a golden opportunity, or chance, to prove it......and in the process, demonstrate to the forum, and the world, just how SUPERIOR to me you actually are.....Please respond ASAP so we can go about setting the event up and take care of logistics.      Note:    I am willing to consider other cities or locations if you cannot make it (or do not like) Pittsburgh.       Obviously, I would LOVE it if you could galvanize yourself to make it to AC, but I doubt you would make such an effort  even if you were a decent chess player and had a real chance of beating me.......CHOOSE a city/site if Pittsburgh does not work......but obviously allow a  decent amount of time for both of us to make arrangements, as well as for any other forum members to make the trip.....I am sure at least a few would enjoy watching this spectacle of myself destroying you on the chessboard.edited to add:    If after the chess deconstruction of yourself (again, assuming you know how to play in the first place),  I would be willing to consider a Video Poker challenge that is specific and balanced enough to actually PROVE something other than who is luckier........Chess is a far superior measure, game and/or METHOD of determining if one person  is superior to the other because there is NO luck or chance involved!

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Post by Tedlark »

  Well seeing that I learned how to play chess in like the first grade, I'd say; yes I think I know the game fairly well.    As for the rest: GPS.

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Post by DaBurglar »

  Well seeing that I learned how to play chess in like the first grade, I'd say; yes I think I know the game fairly well.    As for the rest: GPS.GPS?   "Go play someone else?"    "Got Pain in Sinus" (and therefore can't play?)     "guilty PARTY surrenders"? (in which case, I gladly accept....)What's the probleM?    this is a golden opportunity for you to put me out of your misery......GPS?    Oh wait maybe it is "God, Pittsburgh Sucks"  implying you refuse to play there.....ok fine, choose a different locale.....Otherwise I win by default and thus reign as the chess champion of Video Poker dot com,  and you must find a way to live with that fact......

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Post by notes1 »

the point was the hotel really did not want to rent the room at all. they wanted to give it away, to someone who would likely lose a bunch of money. but, if someone wanted to pay for it, the casino was going to get enough to not only cover the room, but the expected loss from a player.  the value of anything is based on what the market will bear. that same room on a tuesday in the middle of february, probably goes for a hundred bucks. nobody wants it, so the price goes down.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

And if the chess match goes too long or one of you gets bored, the Rockem Sockem Robot game will settle things...at least for that day... ....Oh, I forgot...I will buy the game as long as the match can be held up at Mohegan or I could always buy it on line at Walmart, use Pay Pal, and ship it out to somewhere. I would rather be there myself though with some of the rest of the gang. Still have to stay close to home for the immediate future.

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Post by Tedlark »

the point was the hotel really did not want to rent the room at all. they wanted to give it away, to someone who would likely lose a bunch of money. but, if someone wanted to pay for it, the casino was going to get enough to not only cover the room, but the expected loss from a player.  the value of anything is based on what the market will bear. that same room on a tuesday in the middle of february, probably goes for a hundred bucks. nobody wants it, so the price goes down.

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Post by Vman96 »

the point was the hotel really did not want to rent the room at all. they wanted to give it away, to someone who would likely lose a bunch of money. but, if someone wanted to pay for it, the casino was going to get enough to not only cover the room, but the expected loss from a player.  the value of anything is based on what the market will bear. that same room on a tuesday in the middle of february, probably goes for a hundred bucks. nobody wants it, so the price goes down.

That may be true. Last time I had a comp room at my local, Non-smoking was "sold out" on the web. But I called to use my offer, and they got me a non-smoking room. Mistake on their part as I won $400...

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