Video Poker is a Beatable Game

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Re: Video Poker is a Beatable Game

Post by BobDancer »

. . . I think most pros are smart enough that they would do better in another profession,  Richard and I debated this point on the October 20 GWAE show --- although the discussion was about all stripes of advantage gamblers, not just video poker players. Richard generally agreed with Carcounter. I didn't. "Smart" is just one attribute of successful players.In my own case, I'm 68 years old now. Not too many good jobs out there for Medicare-eligible potential employees. Still, I wasn't always this old when I was playing professionally, obviously. Although I have an advanced degree and certain skills, I didn't enjoy "marching to the beat" of somebody else's drum. Many other successful players have "unremarkable" work histories.So for me, I'm sure i have higher EV trying to beat casinos than I have going to work everyday. Obviously your mileage may vary.Fortunately, video poker is a game that can be beaten on a full time or a part time basis --- assuming you're willing to put in the work. Carcounter is apparently able to hold down a well-paying job, and play profitable video poker on the side. Good for him! (or good for her! --- I don't know who is behind that name). Not for me. As I've mentioned earlier, every successful player does it slightly differently.But even though we each do it differently, the basics include identifying good games, slot clubs, promotions, etc. it never includes such things as playing bad games just because that's all there is in the neighborhood.If you want to play bad games and not take advantage of the available opportunities, be my guest. In that case, you will not find that video poker is a beatable game for you. If you don't mind spending your children's inheritance doing that and that is still fun for you, again, good for you, but that wouldn't be for me. 

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Post by Carcounter »

I respect your position Bob, and unlike some others, I do believe you are net positive on your VP play. I just couldn't bring myself to spending all my time in a casino doing what the pros do. My time in the casino is meant to be enjoyable and it is. You also mentioned health issues being common to many pros. I have seen this and it isn't pretty. I wish you continued success and good health. It's 70 degrees here at the Jersey Shore and I am going to get 9 holes of golf in today. Casino can wait till the bad weather sets in.

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Post by Tedlark »

Straight and long Carcounter, straight and long...

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Post by FAA »

70 degrees here at the Jersey Shore and I golf. Casino can wait till the bad weather sets in.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeah. Wish I felt the same on Sunday before a two hr losing session! Anything would have been preferable.  I think I'll pull the plug on CET now, while I can still give thanks. If my 2015 statement still comes in negative, I will bid the Roman emperor farewell in a self-imposed ban.

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:02 pm

Post by Carcounter »

Damn, another 70 degree day and an afternoon off. Have a Planning Board meeting tonight 1/2 hr from AC though. What to do?

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