AC casino "decontrolling"

Discussion about gambling in Atlantic City
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Re: AC casino "decontrolling"

Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar please just stop ramming your opinion about video poker in Atlantic City down this forum, you've more than amply made your point. No please go get a rope and skip it.

Edited to ask: DaBurglar I noticed that you still have not reached the 100,000 hands played plateau here on this site. Most people are on this site to improve their video poker play but taking into account the number of years that you have been here it would appear that you may be the exception to this, can you explain why you are here?Ok well at least you DO acknowledge above that I am expressing my Opinion, so gotcha made the absurd assertion in the previously overheated post that because I "never said" or did not begin my post with :THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION:  that I was trying something else.    I always enjoy when you contradict yourself and trip over your own posts, especially when I get you so worked up.   Ted have you noticed that ONLY YOU are the one blathering on and on and on about what I am posting?   See, the truth is YOU are the only one who sees me "Ramming" anything.....ONLY you are the one that is bothered by my "opinion" on AC.     And you do not even go there.......YOU DO NOT GET TO DICTATE OR SAY A Flipping thing about who posts what and why and how often,   mmmkay?I dont care what you think about how many hands I have played, that is none of your concern, and as to "why I am here?"     What is it to you?Do you have ANY concept of how foolish, how pathetic you have just made yourself look NOW?   DO YOU??!?!?!WTF is your problem?    I HAVE NEVER EVER DONE a G*D D*MN thing to you to merit this BS level of harassment and hostility......I simply have not.Since you NOW refuse to just stop this childish and pathetic and TOTALLY POINTLESS behavior, I have no choice at all now but to inform the forum management YET AGAIN and ask them to formally step in and get you to just LEAVE ME ALONE.Come to AC.....otherwise, just ignore everything I post and I guarantee you I will extend the same courtesy.

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar in my opinion your main purpose here is for the forum and you are not here for the games.

P.S. In my opinion, 90% you write about Atlantic City is only YOUR OPINION and not fact or true.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DaBurglar in my opinion your main purpose here is for the forum and you are not here for the games.

P.S. In my opinion, 90% you write about Atlantic City is only YOUR OPINION and not fact or true.Actually  100% of what I write is 100% my opinion, based 100% on my actual FACT based experiences (meaning when i say I went somewhere and did something and ate something or played something or saw something or heard something, it really actually happened, not something I dreamed up or IMAGINED I saw or heard or did)      Again the ONLY person here who has interpreted ANYTHING I have said about AC as anything other than my own perception based on my own you.   

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Post by DaBurglar »

[QUOTE=ko king]DaBurglar, my advice would be to not push to hard and far, these people don't play games when they get serious. Thanks for the concern, but what exactly do you mean or are talking about?[/QUOTE]

   { As I related my continued problems with AC video poker, I was encouraged (nay, IMPLORED) to write up a complaint and submit it....."couldn't hurt" said one employee.....I said I would think about it. }

The words "couldn't hurt" might not be true, I've been down that road before. [/QUOTE]Ko King, can you elaborate on this.....I am afraid I do not know to what you are referring.    Did you actually file a formal complaint with the NJ Gaming commish (or what is left of it?)

ko king
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Post by ko king »

[QUOTE=ko king] [QUOTE=DaBurglar]
[QUOTE=ko king]DaBurglar, my advice would be to not push to hard and far, these people don't play games when they get serious. Thanks for the concern, but what exactly do you mean or are talking about?[/QUOTE]

   { As I related my continued problems with AC video poker, I was encouraged (nay, IMPLORED) to write up a complaint and submit it....."couldn't hurt" said one employee.....I said I would think about it. }

The words "couldn't hurt" might not be true, I've been down that road before. [/QUOTE]Ko King, can you elaborate on this.....I am afraid I do not know to what you are referring.    Did you actually file a formal complaint with the NJ Gaming commish (or what is left of it?)[/QUOTE]

No, I don't play in NJ and know nothing about the NJGC. I have gone a few rounds elsewhere and it didn't go very well.

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Post by FAA »

ONLY you are the one that is bothered by my "opinion" on AC. And you do not even go there.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Such an esoteric section of the entire forum. Why non AC patrons even bother with it is baffling. TL gave me a rather lukewarm explanation at some point.

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Post by Tedlark »

I have played in the Atlantic City market FAA,it has been several years but I have been there.

DaBurglar has been making the same posts criticizing Atlantic City for several years now and the posts haven't changed. He offers NO evidence or indiputable truth that there is something amiss with video poker in Atlantic City yet he continues to play video poker there?

This is an open forum but he keeps bringing it up. Why? What purpose is he trying to serve by doing so? To rally people behind him to say that he is right? For every person here who thinks DaBurglar is right, there are two people who think he is wrong. As Bob Dancer, an expert in vieeo poker has stated: video poker is a long term commitment and DaBurglar doesn't look at it that way.

Why is it that people who think something is wrong with video poker DONT'T think there is something wrong when they are winning more than what the averages may be? In theory a royal is supposed to hit about every 40,000 hands but if this person gets lucky and hits multiple royals in a session do they THEN think that something is wrong?

Again, DaBurglar has been singing the same tune with the same tired lyrics too long.

Edited to add: Do you ever wonder why DaBurglar makes an arguement personal here? It's because he has no other avenue to go because he cannot stand on his arguement alone. How many times has he called people names, purposely mis-spelled their names, made derogatory comments or just plain been rude and nasty?

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Post by FAA »

DB has to his credit been wisely weaning himself off VP and into LP. I hit a RF at CET and somehow broke even there, so I'm satisfied. But if I missed that hand, I'd be mad as hell now. I should have finished way ahead at Borgata. But I was slowly toying with a fiver when the RF decided to appear. From DB's recent post I rationalized that AC VP is fine under certain conditions. Stick to progressives. They actually do have to pay out a jackpot despite the casino's objections. Hit Borgata, which runs a tight enough ship that jackpots are just business as usual.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I have played in the Atlantic City market FAA,it has been several years but I have been there.

When exactly was the past time you played there Ted?   How long did you stay and where did you play?    Simple straightforward questions involving innocuous info any REASONABLE person should be able to answer
DaBurglar has been making the same posts criticizing Atlantic City for several years now and the posts haven't changed. He offers NO evidence or indiputable truth that there is something amiss with video poker in Atlantic City yet he continues to play video poker there?

This is your opinion and perception, and IT has not changed either....another thing that has not changed is the tone of abject hostility and hatred you express, which is NOT at limited to my posts concerning My own personal experiences and trips to AC.....your ridiculous, absurd attempts to justify your personal feelings of animosity that color ALL OF YOUR posts in ALL of MY threads is nothing short of preposterous.      Whatever question you want to throw at me springs right back at you......WHY does my posting what I want to bother you to the degree that it does????      The undeniable truth is that all of my threads on this topic (i.e. MY own personal experiences in AC) always start out with me addressing and sharing with the community at large, and then you, almost WITHOUT fail, immediately swoop in and obliterate any possible chance that any reasonable discussion can ensue.   Do not even TRY to deny that......I offer NO evidence?    Well gee, that's too bad.....what I do offer is my own testimony and experiences, and I share that with the forum and people can then take it for what it is worth and add to it, expand upon it, or (respectfully) disagree with it and offer up alternative interpretations.    In other words, everything that YOU do NOT do or offer!  
This is an open forum but he keeps bringing it up. Why? What purpose is he trying to serve by doing so? To rally people behind him to say that he is right? For every person here who thinks DaBurglar is right, there are two people who think he is wrong. As Bob Dancer, an expert in vieeo poker has stated: video poker is a long term commitment and DaBurglar doesn't look at it that way.

Again, what on earth is the reason you are so ridiculously bent out of shape over what I myself choose to post, and say, and conclude?    If you honestly spent time offering a reasonable series of posts with cogent points backed up by your own experience and observations, I would have no objections (how could i?)   But that is NOT what you do, not even close.      And I have no idea where you came up with this 2 to 1 ratio of people who are against me.....seriously, where did those numbers come from?  DO NOT dodge the question......if this is the truth then it should be VERY easy to show me where you got the data.       PLUS,  you actually just implied, and apparently gave me, a HUGE your own statement, there (apparently) exists a "pool" of people who really truly DO agree with my perception and conclusions regarding Atlantic City's video poker, although this "pool" has escaped my notice until this very moment!   Thanks Ted, who are these people exactly???? You trot out Bob Dancer  whenever you find it convenient to do so in order to bludgeon me with some video poker "fact"......quite obviously, I am fully aware video poker is a "long term" game in respect to the averages involved, and anyone who has read ALL of my posts the past 5 years knows what my views and understanding are of video poker,.........I have repeatedly stated that my problem with Atlantic City is that the overall average results that  I myself (and many players I have spoken to, along with at least a FEW people here on this forum) have witnessed the last 4-5 years  are exceedingly outside of the normal ranges of EXPECTED statistical results, assuming a TRULY random hand distribution.   It is that simple. Why is it that people who think something is wrong with video poker DONT'T think there is something wrong when they are winning more than what the averages may be? In theory a royal is supposed to hit about every 40,000 hands but if this person gets lucky and hits multiple royals in a session do they THEN think that something is wrong?

I have no idea who or what you are referring to here.......what "people"?    Who or what examples are you speaking of?   Obviously when you speak of PEOPLE in the plural sense you are speaking far  far in excess of a single individual (i.e. "me"  lol )   So WHO are these people?     Your "people"?   Pharoah, "let my people goooooo!"    <hahaha har har gigglesnort>     [now i'm having fun, I must admit....]
Again, DaBurglar has been singing the same tune with the same tired lyrics too long.

Thank you Casey Kasem.....but here again, WHO are you to say that I am singing a song with "tired" lyrics "TOO LONG"????     Meaning what, I am no longer allowed to sing it/???The truth us there are indeed subtle differences between what I have "Sung" in the past  and what I am now "singing"in the present.....subtle yet significant differences.

Edited to add: Do you ever wonder why DaBurglar makes an arguement personal here? It's because he has no other avenue to go because he cannot stand on his arguement alone. How many times has he called people names, purposely mis-spelled their names, made derogatory comments or just plain been rude and nasty?Ted, I have demonstrated with more than ample evidence that YOU are the one who takes, and then MAKES, all of this stuff PERSONAL.    You have.....go back to the beginning of almost every single "exchange" and you will see a pattern emerge with these posts......ALL of my threads begin with addressing the forum at large and then almost IMMEDIATELY, YOU BEGIN  your systematic hijack/sabotage attempt and then i respond to that and then off we go, and the main victim in all of that is the FORUM and its audience at large itself!         Your griping and complaining about "name calling" and whatever derogatory comments you perceive is totally overblown ..... But giving the benefit of the doubt, I have apologized before and JUST to prevent this TINY issue from possibly crowding out the MAIN IMPORTANT issues addressed above, I WILL OFFER AN APOLOGY TO ANYONE HERE ( WHI MIGHT HAVE BEEN TRULY OFFENDED BY MY USE OF words like "Stupid" or "Moronic"  TO DESCRIBE posts or comments I felt were deserving of such monikers.   In cases where certain individuals interpreted my use of words like "stupid" to actually mean I was calling THEM personally.....I also apologized and do so again, showing that in ALL such cases, I do NOT mean the person is stupid but that like myself, really smart people can sometimes say or do really stupid things.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DB has to his credit been wisely weaning himself off VP and into LP. I hit a RF at CET and somehow broke even there, so I'm satisfied. But if I missed that hand, I'd be mad as hell now. I should have finished way ahead at Borgata. But I was slowly toying with a fiver when the RF decided to appear. From DB's recent post I rationalized that AC VP is fine under certain conditions. Stick to progressives. They actually do have to pay out a jackpot despite the casino's objections. Hit Borgata, which runs a tight enough ship that jackpots are just business as usual. FAA, again, I appreciate your kind not feel you have to "Stick up for me" .........I am not at all harmed or even mildly upset by what Ted continues to post......I am simply sad that he chooses to waste his time and the forums with this stuff.....I feel bad for him on many levels. but ultimately he chooses his own fate and much like ELMO from Sesame Street, he lives in his own little world.    I'd just like him to remain in his own little world and I will stay in my corner of the REAL world......that's it!!!!But one thing to clairify if I can I have repeated MANY MANY TIMES, I do believe that in other Video Poker markets, most definitely in NEVADA (Vegas/Reno etc)   as well as others, the games are apparently still "Normal" in the statistical distribution of results (i.e.  None of this "Outside of 3 standard deviations" crap you see in AC)......even though other players report or complain about video poker in general being no where near what it used to be even in places like Vegas, these are easily attributed to reductions in Paytables and stingier comps, to name just a couple reasons.   

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