T.I.T.O. Peeves and issues!

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T.I.T.O. Peeves and issues!

Post by DaBurglar »

The TITO machines that proliferate all modern day casinos are a huge blessing from the days of yore (prior to the early/mid  1990s) when you had to visit a Cashier Cage or Booth......but they do come with a few issues that can, in the right circumstances, ruin your day (or part of it anyway!)START with this one:   The TITO machine itself malfunctions........depending on where the machine is in proximity to "help", and depending on how many people are in line behind you (or if you happen to be in line behind the victim of the malfunction), this can take QUITE a while to resolve!    Personally, only once have I actually had a TITO machine malfunction and had to wait for a Tech to help.....it was at Resots AC and I sat there for almost 10 minutes until it was resolved (turns out, some butthead had inserted a piece of paper (not a tix) into the receiver and it caused my subsequent Tix to jam!   10 minutes might not seem a long time to us now as we read this thread, but trust me.....sitting there in the middle of a BUSY casino, having to deal with all the people coming by to cash out and having to explain to them the situation while you wait for "HELP" to arrive, time tends to DRAG like you cannot imagine!Secondly:    People who seemingly end up doing their "BANKING" at the TITO Tix machines!     You all have encountered, I am sure,  people who somehow manage to spend 5, 10 minutes or longer at the TITO machine doing the most absurd things:   Some simply cannot read or do not know how the thing works, so they end up waiting the whole time for their money because they did not hit the "FINISH" or <dispense> prompt on the screen!     Some people get there with 7, 8, 10 or MORE actual tickets to cash out (often in earth shattering amounts like $1.30, $3.50  etc!) and instead of inserting them ALL before hitting <dispense>, they actually do each ticket, one by one, individually!!!    Gahhhhh, that is a annoying thing when you are in a crowded busy casino!       Thirdly, and in the same vein, people who insist on COUNTING their money before stepping away, always seem to be the world's SLOWEST counters!    Now I will grudgingly concede that counting your money before stepping away is an acceptable thing to do and is not, in and of itself, cause for B*tching.....we all know that mistakes can happend, machines are NOT infallible, and thusly, if a person has been shorted or Gypped by a TITO machine, they are better off finding this out RIGHT THEN AND THERE at the machine before anyone or anything else subsequently transpires to muddy the waters,      Having conceded that  however, I maintain that if you are such a person, DO IT as quickly as possible, and do not sweat the small stuff.....in other words, make sure all you 100s  and all your 20s are in line with what you are due.....beyond that, finish counting off to the side;  if you are off by $1.50  or $2,  report it  but it is not worth causing a bottleneck, and you can still warn the people coming behind you "hey this machine shorted me a couple bucks"  and they can, in turn, see if their amounts come out correctly.   If they do, or do not, you thus have more info with which to proceed!And lastly, there are the people who LOVE utilizing the TITO machines as change makers.....again, I am sure many of you know of what I speak:  You are in line, you see a person insert one (1) Tix and get their money in timely fashion.......and then they proceed to take each bill received and insert them BACK into the TITO machine, one at a time obviously, and take the resulting change/smaller bills!    and THEN, they do it again!    I once saw a guy actually take a $100  bill and break it into five "20s"......THEN, he breaks each 20 down into four "5s"..........and THEN he breaks at least four of the "5s" into singles!!!   I mean COME ON!      Most are not that extreme but come close......point I am making:   If you need to make change, fine, but look behind you:   If you see a long line, act considerately and step aside and either wait before getting back up there to do your "Banking" or else go somewhere else or use another method to get your "Change"

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Post by Tedlark »

I don't sweat the small things in life and I KNOW there is more than one LONE TITO machine in the casino I may be patronizing. Let's all remember that some of these new machines are multi-function machines and handle ATM and credit card transactions as well. I don't mind the occasional wait in the machine line and I will ALWAYS count my money at the machine before walking away from it.

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Post by jetermacaw »

DB, I break my bills down for tip money every trip. Last time I went to my bank with a $20 to get 20 singles the girls all asked me if I was going to a strip club.

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Post by DaBurglar »

DB, I break my bills down for tip money every trip. Last time I went to my bank with a $20 to get 20 singles the girls all asked me if I was going to a strip club. lol   what did she look like?   Maybe she was a stripper and was going to invite you to her establishment......wouldn't surprise me a bit, these days everyone is THAT forward and shameless it seems!!!!  <this just conjured ANOTHER idea for a thread on ANOTHER pet peeve in casinos!   ha, I am on a roll, literally and metaphoricallyAs for counting ones money, yeah, I believe I said in my original post that is not a huge issue with me, but of course, there are ways to make it quick and painless as possible.....and some people are better at it than others.  Besides, in 99.9% of cases getting a tix cashed, the most SMALL bills a person could possible receive is 3 five dollar bills and 4 singles.......the only time this would NOT happen is when the cash machine is just about to run out of large bills and it starts subbing 20s for 100s, but that only lasts for a few tickets before they are shutting it down to refill (at least this is the norm these days in AC.)      Also, it is rare these days to see the older style machines that allow you to SPECIFY the exact denominations you want unless you choose default.....most casinos did away with this for the obvious reasons (it slows the process down a lot, and in any case, if a person wants a bunch of 10s instead of 20s  or 5s;   or 50s instead of 100s, they can go to the cage!)

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Post by Tedlark »

You won't find many people asking for $50.00 bills at a casino cage because both 10 and 50 dollar bills are considered bad luck in a casino.

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Post by MT1716 »

Another couple of suggestions for using TITO: If you have a large amount to cash out, go to the cashier. A teller should not make a mistake. But, if they do, you are able to get them to correct it while you are still at the cage. At the cage you can get some smaller denominations for tips, etc. At the cage you will not get $400+ in twenties--I have had this happen at the TITO kiosk once or twice.

If you have several tickets (machine hopping), consolidate them at your VP (or slot) machine. I hate standing there while someone feeds multiple tickets into TITO kiosk.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Another couple of suggestions for using TITO: If you have a large amount to cash out, go to the cashier. A teller should not make a mistake. But, if they do, you are able to get them to correct it while you are still at the cage. At the cage you can get some smaller denominations for tips, etc. At the cage you will not get $400+ in twenties--I have had this happen at the TITO kiosk once or twice.

If you have several tickets (machine hopping), consolidate them at your VP (or slot) machine. I hate standing there while someone feeds multiple tickets into TITO kiosk.+1   VERY True, consolidating all your tickets at the actual Video Poker or slot machine is the BEST way, unless it would result in a MASSIVE ticket value of over 2000 to 3000 dollars (which is the range of LIMITATION for most TITO dispensers in AC at least).....Also, I did mention in my original post that some people who DO have multiple tickets do NOT understand how to get the TITO dispenser to handle all the tickets at once (up to 5 at a time I think is the limit, right?)   Instead they actually feed them one at a time, wait for the machine to process and dispense the first tix, then the second.....then the third, etc etc!    They fail to realize that they can either select "MULTIPLE TICKETS" when they first get there, or they can just feed them in, one after the other, and then hit DISPENSE!

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Post by DaBurglar »

You won't find many people asking for $50.00 bills at a casino cage because both 10 and 50 dollar bills are considered bad luck in a casino.News to me.......especially the 50s, being "unlucky"......  where did this originate or come from??    Is this some sort of "ANCIENT CHINESE SECRET"  like the guy in the CALGON laundry commercials from the 70s ???  (eh, MARKETING, remember?)

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