Casino Hotel Check-in peeves

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Re: Casino Hotel Check-in peeves

Post by Lionqueen »

The scooters don't bother me, the groups of drunken, loud, foul mouth kids bother me.

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Post by Chicagoan »

Scooters have really enfranchised a large group of people who otherwise would be homebound or totally reliant on others. So in that way, I applaud their development.
On the other hand, as others wrote, they are also a crutch for some people whose medical problem is strictly of their own making: excess weight. Further, there have been numerous notable federal cases where scooter providers have aggressively sold these devices to individuals who may not have qualified, defrauding Medicare and Medicaid and, sometimes, commercial insurance.

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Post by mightwin »

Getting back to why it's takes certain people longer than usual to check in.

When my Mom and I used to travel together frequently, we always wondered why our check in took minutes and others seem to be there forever.

I heard the couple next to us asking for specific things - blue walls, windows facing east, near the elevator, away from the ice machine. I thought they had to be kidding, but obviously weren't.

In later years, I had asked for rooms close to the elevator for Mom - because she had problems walking miles to the room.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Getting back to why it's takes certain people longer than usual to check in.

When my Mom and I used to travel together frequently, we always wondered why our check in took minutes and others seem to be there forever.

I heard the couple next to us asking for specific things - blue walls, windows facing east, near the elevator, away from the ice machine. I thought they had to be kidding, but obviously weren't.

In later years, I had asked for rooms close to the elevator for Mom - because she had problems walking miles to the room.

excellent post  MIGHTWIN!       Your question is exactly the one I often ask while waiting in line, and as I already indicated, I sometimes even go so far as to ASK the clerk when I get up to the desk  "WHY"  were the previous people taking so long?    I get a veritable hodge podge of answers from the clerk, but the common denominator seems to be  the reasons for delays are entirely preventable and of the customers own making/doing.In fairness though, in this day and age, with the prevalence of credit card theft and Identify theft and fraud, it is becoming more and more common for people to experience delays checking in due to these has even happened to myself on two instances in the past 8 months during AC visits!     But the way I myself deal with it is different than a lot of other people......consider:You attempt to checkin but learn your card is "declined" this point you do one of several things:  whip out another card, or you leave the line/desk and attempt to go and call the card company and "fix" the problem,  OR you stand there while trying to call the company (or worse, ask the clerk to do it, which some do and some do not, but even the ones that "do" will only be able to determine a little more details as to WHY your card is declined;  YOU will still have to call personally to resolve the problem!)     Any person who "STANDS THERE" and selfishly/inconsiderately tries to resolve the problem (or worse, berates or haggles or otherwise "carries on" with the clerk & staff) while holding up the rest of the line is exactly the type of culprit this thread is addressing.     You need to STEP Out of line and fix the problem YOURSELF!      Of course, as I previously mentioned, the BEST thing to do in such a situation is just use another card, but these days, many people have greatly reduced the number of cards they have or carry, myself included, so it all depends.....bottom line, DO NOT MAKE YOUR PROBLEM OR INCONVENIENCE EVERYONE ELSE's!!!!!!What are some other "issues for delay" that any of you have heard of or encountered in your experience, issues that are more or less the 'fault' of the person checking in????

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Post by Tedlark »

Patience is a virtue and I usually won't ask why the person ahead of me took so long because I know the person behind me may ask the same question. Everyone has their individual challenges or needs and nobody is without fault in one form or another.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Patience is a virtue and I usually won't ask why the person ahead of me took so long because I know the person behind me may ask the same question. Everyone has their individual challenges or needs and nobody is without fault in one form or another.true enough.....patience is indeed a nice thing, even a GOOD thing. to have in many cases (but......I do not go so far as to say it is a "VIRTUE".....that's too much of a blanket statement with too many exceptions and examples to the contrary.)   To further add & clarify,  I  do not ALWAYS ask this question when I arrive at the check in counter.....the only time I actually do is when there has been some EXCEPTIONALLY long and egregious delay or wait, and when there is a "LOT" of people waiting in the lobby behind me....nor do I concern myself with the person behind me asking "the same" question when they get to the counter, because I am 100% certain that in the cases I am talking about, any person behind me will be already peeved enough waiting for the person in front of me that seemingly caused the delay in the first place! could  have been the PERSON before that, in which case the person directly ahead of me reaches the checkout line first, and THAT person gets to ask the question before ME....etc.     In other words I do not CARE a whit what the person behind me does or does NOT is irrelevant. And I usually do not pose the question in a 'leading' fashion that tries to immediately assign blame to the person who just checked in before can pose it in a seemingly innocuous, non-accusatory, general fashion like "Hey, things seem to be taking longer than usual....I stay here quite often, what is different about today?"   (this deflects  blame and allows for open, honest replies, and attributes any delay to non-specific, general "issues".)    There are many other ways / methods to do this.......this is one of the keys to being a good manager or leader too!Of course, if someone is NOT interested in preserving decor or peace, you can flat out just ask  "HEY!  Whats the deal?  why did that last person take <insert specific time frame here, like 10 minutes/15minutes  etc.> to check in???"     You'll get a direct response, more than likely, although it varies greatly what use or help that direct response will be from that point going forward.......!And, as far as "Everyone has their individual challenges & faults, etc......"    well, no kidding.    It is worth noting that just because someone (like me in this case but it could be anyone)  complains or points out problems or faults with a company or someone in that company, this does NOT mean I am condemning EVERYTHING or everyone associated with that  company, etc.      Likewise, I am grounded enough and realistic enough to know that if someone criticizes me regarding the length of my posts, they are NOT saying I am a no good, lousy SOB who deserves to to be in prison for STEALING readers' time!       If I tell someone they have something in their teeth, I am not calling them the ugliest, most hideous person in the history of the United States of America......!      You get my point here....?

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Post by Tedlark »

And maybe, just MAYBE, it isn't ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS why it may have taken someone ahead of you so long to have checked in.

No, I don't get your point.

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Post by DaBurglar »

And maybe, just MAYBE, it isn't ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS why it may have taken someone ahead of you so long to have checked in.

No, I don't get your point. Well that's a first huh?   Yes well it goes without saying.......NONE OF IT IS ANYONE's Business is it???   In fact you can apply THAT thinking and principle (its none of anyone's business) to a WHOLE CRAPLOAD of things or issues that people, nonetheless, end up discussing and talking about anyway, right?But see, i already ALLOWED for all this in previous posts and statements and qualifying remarks......and the point that you seem to not get, or refuse to, is that JUST BECAUSE I criticize one aspect or characteristic of a person, or a company, or a group, does NOT mean I reject or dislike the REST OF IT.   But now that I think about it, in the case of someone who is taking 20 minutes or more at a checkin counter when everyone else is somehow able to do it in 3-5 minutes.....YEAH that is at least PARTIALLY everyone's business.....there is a thing called SOCIAL responsibility, which falls under the umbrella of the concept of the SOCIAL CONTRACT (if you have graduated from college or taken even one philosophy course you know of what I write...)   We all do have an obligation to NOT be unreasonably inconsiderate or to cause inconvenience to others ......

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Post by DaBurglar »

Here's another way to look at it:    A person who is holding up the line (any line, it could be Anything really or anyplace where people have to wait their turn and do so in an orderly considerate manner)  is thus IMPACTING other peoples' LIVES!!!!     So therefore it is INDEED their business....That is OTHER peoples' TIME they are wasting!When I lived in Los Angeles, a common pitfall of life out there was the FREEWAYS....anyone who has resided in L.A. or the SAN FRAN Bay Area  Knows just how crazy and awful traffic can be out there, and how a person can literally see a 15-20 minute commute transformed into a 2-3 HOUR commute, often because of the STUPIDITY and negligence, and total disregard, that other people manifest.     I would often marvel at how a person who fails to keep their car well maintained, with good brakes and transmission etc,  can actually IMPACT the lives of MILLIONS of people in Los Angeles should that person's car actually CONK out on the freeway in the middle of the day!    it is true.....everyone stuck or delayed because of that person's laziness or stupidity is affected, and SO are all the people waiting on or needing the people stuck on the freeway because of that person's negligence.Think about it.....

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Post by Tedlark »

DaBurglar I did graduate from college and I understand the concept of the social contract. I even think they discussed it in an episode of "Frazier" once too.

If people were getting impatient in a hotel check in line because of one person then maybe the hotel front staff should be faulted for not calling for help to curb the growing frustration of all the impatient Harvard grads who's crimson undershorts may be in a wad.

As for your short story regarding traffic and how it could get impacted by a stalled vehicle, I offer this: I have not known one person in my life who has set out that day KNOWING their vehicle was going to break down in traffic. Has this ever happened to you? It has to me and changing a flat tire on the side of the road stinks. We are at the mercy of anything mechanical breaking down at anytime, anywhere. A timing belt on a vehicle can break at any point after 75,000 miles and there is absolutely NO WARNING when this may happen. Maybe a mother had to decide between buying a few dollars of gasoline or diapers for her child that day and she ran out of gas going to the bank to cash her paycheck at the end of the day.

I wish one day I can be as non-judgemental as you.

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