Isnt anyone else asking this same question?

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Isnt anyone else asking this same question?

Post by DaBurglar »

OK, please, stifle the ANGEr and the irrational hostility for just a few moments and redirect your attention to this question, I beg of you....Is anyone else besides me asking themselves, in all sincerity, HOW in the hell the USA has gotten down to where we have to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?!?!?Seriously, is this a nightmare or what?!?!?!I've already stated I am not voting, just as I did not vote the last three elections (THAT"s right i DID NOT vote for OBAMA.)      Who else out there is NOT going to vote???

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Post by billryan »

I've always felt that anyone who doesn't bother to vote doesn't have any right to complain.

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Post by notes1 »

I/m/o, trump is a blowhard from nyc with an ego the size of manhattan, likes money, loves fame, has many successes and failures. he is a self promoter. personally, from what I see, I do not care for him.

but, he is also not an ideologue, is more liberal than I care for, will compromise and negotiate. he is pro America, pro business and has little interest in sending usa troops to war. make a deal, is his motto.

right now, America needs a cheerleader. America needs business to grow, it will provide jobs and increase incomes. if jobs were more plentiful and incomes were rising, one would be surprised how many other problems we have, would go away.

he is beholden to no one, nobody owns him, including the rep party. he could have just as easily run as a dem.

as I said before, I will hold my nose and likely give him my vote. the country can not have a 3rd Obama term.

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Post by DaBurglar »

I've always felt that anyone who doesn't bother to vote doesn't have any right to complain. hmmm well that is one way to look at it but I do not agree, simply because if we live in a free society (which is more and more in doubt these days than ever), then ANYONE can complain at anytime regardless of what they have or have not done at the ballot box.I look at it more like this:   By NOT voting, I have even MORE right to gripe because I did not technically contribute to the current "sh*tty" other words, if someone votes for a candidate (call him candidate A) and Candidate A does win, then that person is not entitled to gripe later on when things go south and the urge to blame Candidate A takes root....too bad, you voted for him now live with it!    On the other hand, if Candidate A does not win then you you have no cause to gripe because you voted and you LOST, such is the pitfall of so-called "DEMOCRACY"I will say this, a few, precious few of the things Trump has said are true....the system is rigged (in several directions), politicians in ALL parties are beholden and interested ONLY in themselves and not the people or the country as a whole (hole), most politicans "LIE", etc.But Trump is all over the map and obviously unhinged except in regards to his own ego.....he does not possess the nuanced temperament needed to act on the world stage.

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Post by DaBurglar »

  as I said before, I will hold my nose and likely give him my vote. the country can not have a 3rd Obama term.Great....I give you props for honesty.....I submit, when the situation becomes totally unbearable, when he bungles and screws up so royally on the international relations aspect of being President (arguably the MOST important job of the EXECUTIVE), people like you (and there obviously are now a LOT of you so you are not alone)  are going to be wringing your hands and dealing with UNREAL levels of criticism and disdain, as the world descends into total anarchy and the missles start flying.I'm not joking, I can clearly see it as the screen in front of "THE GUNS OF AUGUST" and see what a unhinged, impulsive, egotistical world leader of a super power can bring about.   Not being a smart arse, I am imploring you, read it.......or at least get the Cliff notes.Hint:  Trump = Kaiser Wilhelm

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