Why the Republican party is HORRIBLY WRONG

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Why the Republican party is HORRIBLY WRONG

Post by DaBurglar »

https://www.yahoo.com/news/pastor-mark- ... 5.htmlthis is the primary reason WHY I will never ever support or vote Republican AGAIN (I used to support them full tilt until the mid 1990s when they were HIJACKED, I mean TOTALLY Hijacked, by the ridiculous, absurd and spiritually BENT  "Religious RIGHT")This pastor, Mark Burns, crossed so many lines I don't know where to start.....and I refuse to allow anyone to simply "blow this off" as no big deal,,,,,it is a HUGE deal, 100% wrong and bodes very poorly for the future.   The hypocrisy of the Republican party is now so ingrained, so sickening, they will never ever recover.You have Trump who is about as religious and spiritual as Madonna;  his daughter converts to Judaism so she can marry another "Filthy Rich" real estate developer (i.e. a speculator in land and buildings just like dear old dad)) and add 30-40% to her own personal net worth;   and, to open the convention with a prayer invoking god's blessing and condemning other Americans (i.e. Hillary and the democrats) as the modern equivalent of SATAN,  you CHOOSE a BLACK  "PROSPERITY Preacher" (i.e. one of those charlatan preachers who rationalizes Greed so that the Republican party can conveniently ignore the Christian Commandment that condemns materialism, greed and exhorts caring for the poor and needy and Condemns being JUDGEMENTAL towards others.)There is NOTHING christian at all about the Republican party as a WHOLE, and this blatant and IMMORAL hypocrisy is why I (and MANY like me) have said, no way, not anymore.    If your really do believe in God and his Son Jesus Christ, you should want NOTHING to do with the Republican Party......because I am quite sure God and his Son Jesus do NOT appreciate being co-opted by such arrogant, clueless and immoral people.   And......To be fair, if you are a Christian you should also want NOTHING to do with the DEMOCRATIC party.....as I have said many times now, a third alternative is desperately needed......a party that has decency and compassion but also common sense and COMPLETELY separates itself from religion.    The separation of church and state is paramount to the US system of constitutional government working, and the Republicans have totally blurred and crossed out all those lines.      Sick.......

Video Poker Master
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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:11 pm

Post by DaBurglar »

*crickets*Obviously I presented a argument that any person with a modicum of intellect, as well as a conscience, cannot in their right mind argue the opposite or counter point of view.....The Republican Party presenting itself all these years as the "christian party"  is OVER.....now they are reaping (or WILL reap) what they have sown.......

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