In fairness.....

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In fairness.....

Post by DaBurglar »

I would call it a DRAW in trying to determine which convention, the RNC  or  DNC,  was more full of complete horse manure (cannot say SH*T anymore......uh, oops)......We need.......NEED.........N  E  E  D....someone like Michael Bloomberg to formally organize and then RUN a third political party, a third OPtion,  that can allow the truly good, reasonable and SMART, uncorrupted and still-principled members of BOTH parties  to join and actually force some  much needed changes and reforms to a dysfunctional system.      A third party that will TARGET all members in either party  (Dem or Repub) of both houses (Representatives and Senate) who are obviously "Career" politicans, and COMPEL these bastards to start doing the JOB(s) they were elected to do, and to find a way to at least partially address the numerous serious issues festering out of control, before it is too late.    the last 12 to 16 years, through two consecutive 8 year administrations, all Congress has done is utilize the partisanship as an ready made EXCUSE to do absolutely nothing of substance about the problems facing us ..... no more..Seriously, there truly is no other possibility any longer!    Something must change, the existing "system" and mix is clearly Broken beyond repair;  both parties are so dogmatically entrenched with the SAME tired party lines and cliches, and compromised by extremist elements and constituents,  who insist that "THEIR issue" is the most important issue and trumps every other issue in the party's platform!     The only way to combat this is with what I am advocating, another NEW alternative that threatens to destroy the current parties' apparatus and, indeed, actual existence!

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