Bloomberg Nailed It (and HIM)

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Re: Bloomberg Nailed It (and HIM)

Post by DaBurglar » spelled that incorrectly

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Post by notes1 »

DB is back, glad you are a history buff, your statements have offended so many, you are fighting battles on multiple fronts.

where do I begin? let's start with me being 'overly simplistic'. yes, I do believe that some people will build a structure too close to danger simply because the gov offers them insurance they could not get otherwise. the same way the gov offers to bailout 'too big to fail', it encourages bad behavior. offer folks free stuff, some will take advantage of it. often times, problems/solutions are simple.

now, find me a single reference made to myself as professing my intellect. as far as I can tell, only the 'ivy leaguers have done that.

as far as trump goes, how many times have I called him a nyc blowhard. he was smart enough to get out of AC long before it fell into ruins.

if one does not fight the enemy on their turf, you will eventually fight them on your own. I fear we will see more attacks on the homeland.

the debt has essentially doubled under O. more folks on gov assistance than ever before. worker participation at lowest rates in 50 years. incomes/home prices still not back to 2006 levels. GDP growth the first 6 months at 1%, never had a single year that it averaged over 3%, slowest recovery in our lifetimes. I could go on. but, yes, the stock market is higher, good for me. not so good for all those who did not invest in a FED induced rally.

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