Existential Threats to the good ol' US of A !!!

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Re: Existential Threats to the good ol' US of A !!!

Post by DaBurglar »

your statement says a lot about how you look at things. there was no big point being made, not advocating anything, not arguing at all. every statement does not have some deep hidden agenda, just my point of view that most are not informed voters.It does?   What does it say?I was really just confused, honestly......kinda why I segued into my own rant on the "MEDIA" as it pertains to TODAY's world.......I was hoping you'd choose to respond to that since I actually asked you to......

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Post by mymaggie »

olds442: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite. He has had substance abuse issues. He was doing lots of doctor shopping. According to his beliefs, he should have been convicted himself.

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Post by mymaggie »

Oh yeah, forgot to say I really can't stand the man.

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Post by DaBurglar »

olds442: Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite. He has had substance abuse issues. He was doing lots of doctor shopping. According to his beliefs, he should have been convicted himself.You don't know the half of it.....remember when he was fired from ESPN for his Donovan McNabb Racist comments?   That was just before he was "busted" for his gargantuan oxycontin problem, so its likely he was totally blitzed when he made those absurdly ignorant and (typical for "conservatives" today) Hateful comments.He is however, a bigger example of something most white americans do not want to accept:   That people, ALL people, are essentially the same, and that when subjected to the SAME trials, tribulations, temptations and strife, humans of all races/creeds/colors  behave in amazingly similar fashion....in other words, the whole theory and basis for ANY type of racist thinking and philosophy is total 100% BULLSH*T.....its just hate masquerading as something else.....my point:  Drug addiction is not a BLACK or Hispanic "issue".....it can and does manifest itself in all races, albeit with slight differences in specific substances and dynamics of how the addiction first start, etc.Limbaugh was a precursor to the current drug epidemic (Heroin/Opiates) that has by FAR impacted white americans more than any other "group", and specifically, white males aged 25-50......!     A lot of effort has been made to tie in Abuse with prescription opiates to the current Heroin scourge (where RECORD amounts of the drug are pouring into the country in RECORD levels of purity, and at a resulting LOWER cost than other less deadly drugs...)   This is Partially true, since the USA absurdly (ABSURDLY) consumes 80% of ALL the prescription opiates in the world yet with only 3-4% of the worlds population!    That statistic alone says a lot of troubling things about the country......among them is the fact that our broken healthcare "System" is obviously contributing to this ridiculous situation (i.e.  it is easier and CHEAPER for doctors to just write a script than it is to actually find out what is wrong and treat it;  tests, procedures etc cost lots of money, whereas writing a script is cheap, easy and allows doctors to see LOTS more patients  etc.)But where this ties in to Rush Limbaugh and racism is the following:   It is now an established FACT that minorities do NOT receive the same level of treatment for pain that white people do......the evidence for this is in the staggering drug abuse / overdose stats of the past 10-15 years:  If you are Black or Hispanic and have some type of injury, the type and amount of pain medication/treatment you receive is NOT at all the same as if you are white, reflecting a level and type of bias that is shocking to say the least.   And it explains WHY the current heroin/Opiate "epidemic" has impacted white americans far more than non-whites.FYI--  I do NOT subscribe, or believe the current "LIBERAL" theory that the economic problems of the last 10 plus years, where middle class WHITE people who have lost their jobs, houses etc have turned to drugs out of hopelessness and desperation.....this is just a typical LIBERAL spiel excusing or explaining away bad behavior.

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Post by olds442jetaway »

Bad behavior is all about choices. It is much easier to choose bad over good in this society when the consequences are minimal or none at all. Unless a stable or even unstable family life early on reinforces right from wrong, wrong is often times the choice made. What bothers me is we are raising a worldwide a generation of humans that have no conscience thus the prevalence of heinous acts we see and or read about every day.

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Post by DaBurglar »

Bad behavior is all about choices. It is much easier to choose bad over good in this society when the consequences are minimal or none at all. Unless a stable or even unstable family life early on reinforces right from wrong, wrong is often times the choice made. What bothers me is we are raising a worldwide a generation of humans that have no conscience thus the prevalence of heinous acts we see and or read about every day.Spot on....... especially the part about  "No conscience".......this is truly the biggest reason today that problems never get solved and why people are as hateful and totally unreasonable as they have ever been in Human History......I attribute much of it to the loss of "GOD" (the individual who created the Universe and all in it, described in the judeo-christian scriptures) and the influence it used to exert in peoples' lives....now, increasingly, in societies like the USA and Europe, "GOD" no longer exists or is now reduced to nothing more than a "idea".....In Japan and CHina, he does not exist at all......and obviously in other parts of the world, "GOD" does indeed EXIST, so much so that unless you follow every little detail as dictated by a few egotistical clerics, you lose your life!     Oh, and let us not forget the Billion-plus people in India....Hinduism, not exactly a stellar track record.......

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Post by Tedlark »

Oh god..... Gigglesnort...

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