vp simulator

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Re: vp simulator

Post by onemoretry »

If you seriously want to discuss how this is done, post a tread on the Recreational Forum and I will be happy to discuss this openly and in detail. I believe I have read enough of your posts to understand your point of view and methodology. Discussing them further in another thread would not likely be a productive use of our time, so I will decline the invitation.

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Post by FloridaPhil »

I encourage all forum members to think outside the box and to ask questions.  Video poker has changed greatly over the years.  Odds have been reduced, comps cut and negative games are becoming the norm.  Yesterday, I made my weekly trip to the Tampa Hard Rock.  I happen to walk into the area in front of the high limit room to play single coin on a trio of $5 VP machines I have been playing over the past year.   I have hit numerous jackpots on these three machines by playing single coin.  So much so that I was convinced playing single coin payed better at least on these three machines. To my surprise the coin buttons were removed requiring a mandatory 5 coin max bet of $25 on these machines.  Why would the casino do this if they weren't getting beat up by single coin players?  As a side note, there are numerous other $5 machines in the casino with their coin buttons intact.  It doesn't make sense, but there it is...I am not normally a big believer in conspiracy theories.  However, when I see stuff like this it does make me wonder.  Video poker is not the game it was back in 2000 when Bob Dancer had his great run.  New times call for new strategies.

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Post by Vman96 »

I'd be impressed if you did this with Excel and visual Basic. If I was going to do it, I think I would be brushing up on my C++.

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Post by asteroid »

That's like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer vman. J/K - that's a good idea. There's probably a plugin for Excel somewhere out in the web where you enter a paytable and cards are dealt - then it would just have to be modified a little.QUOTE=Vman96]I'd be impressed if you did this with Excel and visual Basic. If I was going to do it, I think I would be brushing up on my C++.[/QUOTE]

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